2001 – 2002


Graduate Council Membership


Voting Members:

James Bitter, (Faculty Senate Representative)

Ben Caton, College of Arts & Sciences (at large)

William (Scott) Champney, College of Medicine (Chair)

Ron Green, College of Business

Mark Ellis, Sherrod Library

Don Hoover, College of Medicine

Hamid Kasmai, College of Arts & Sciences

Ron Lindahl, College of Education (at large)

Rick Osborn, Division of Cross-Disciplinary Studies

Kimberly Norris-Thompson (GPSA)

Lee Pike, College of Arts & Sciences

David Lane, (GPSA)

Phil Pfeiffer, College of Applied Science & Technology

Phillip Scheuerman, College of Public and Allied Health

Pat Smith, College of Nursing

John Taylor, College of Education


Non-Voting Members:

Henry Antkiewicz, International Programs

Wesley Brown, Dean, School of Graduate Studies

Roberta Herrin, Associate Dean, School of Graduate Studies

Jeff Greer, Registrar’s Office

Michael Woodruff, Research and Sponsored Programs

Linda Wyatt, School of Graduate Studies (Recorder)


Meeting Dates


September 24, 2001

October 29, 2001

November 26, 2001

January 28, 2002

March 25, 2002

April 29, 2002

June 17, 2002

Meetings were held in the East Tennessee Room - D. P. Culp Center at 1:15 p.m.



Summary of Actions Taken


The Graduate Council took the following actions:


45 New Graduate Faculty Appointments (Section 1, page 2)

79 Graduate Faculty Re-appointments (Section 1, page 2)

32 New Courses Approved (Section 2, page 7)

65 Courses Deleted (Section 3, page 8)

3 Course Changes (Section 4, page 10)

7 Curriculum Changes (Section 5, page 10)

75 Editorial Changes (Section 6, page 11)

11 Miscellaneous Graduate Council Actions (Section 7, page 13)


Approved curriculum actions not requiring TBR approval (new course proposals, cross-listed courses, course modifications, course deletions, and non-substantive changes) were sent directly to the Provost for approval.





September 24, 2001


New Appointments to Graduate Faculty:


Troy Burrow, Environmental Health, recommended for Interim.


Ting-Heng Chu, Economics, Finance & Urban Studies, recommended for Associate.


Steve Dennis, Economics, Finance & Urban Studies, recommended for Associate.


Steven Gross, English, recommended for Associate.


Tammy Hayes, Communication, recommended for Interim.


Richard Kortum, Philosophy & Humanities, recommended for Associate.


Leslie MacAvoy, Philosophy & Humanities, recommended for Associate.


Sekhar Pindiprolu, Human Development and Learning, recommended for Associate.


Kenneth Ralston, Human Development and Learning, recommended for Temporary.


Chakraborty Ranjahn, Health Sciences, recommended for Associate.


J. Michael Stoots, Public Health, recommended for Associate.


David Tarnoff, Computer and Information Sciences, recommended for Interim.


Re-appointments to Graduate Faculty:


Nancy Alley, Family and Community Nursing, Full expired 013, recommended for Full.


Fred Alsop III, Biological Sciences, Full expired 011, recommended for Full.


Michael Braswell, Criminal Justice & Criminology, Full expired 013, recommended for Full.


Martha Collins, Curriculum and Instruction, Full expired 011, recommended for Full.


Sidney Crumwell Jr., Curriculum and Instruction, Associate expired 013, recommended for Associate.


Michaela Driver, Management and Marketing, Associate expired 013, recommended for Associate.


Emmett Essin, History, Full expired 012, recommended for Full.


Susan Grover, Family and Community Nursing, Full expired 003, recommended for Full.


Karen Harrington, Foreign Languages, Associate expired 012, recommended for Associate.


Paul Hinman, Music, Interim expired 003, recommended for Interim.


Mark Holland, English, Associate expired 011, recommended for Associate.


Bill Kirkwood, Communication, Full expired 012, recommended for Full.


Elizabeth Lowe, Applied Human Sciences, Interim expired 012, recommended for Interim. 


W.F. Mackara, Economics Finance and Urban Studies, Full expired 011, recommended for Associate.


James Mills, Art and Design, Associate expired 011, recommended for Associate.


Judy McCook, Family and Community Nursing, Interim expired 013, recommended for Interim.


Owen Murnane, Communicative Disorders, Associate expired 013, recommended for Full.


Peter Pawlowicz, Art and Design, Full expired 011, recommended for Associate.


Robert Riser, Computer and Information Sciences, full expired 012, recommended for Full.


Pearl Ume-Nwagbo, Family and Community Nursing, Interim expired 013, recommended for Interim.



October 29, 2001


New Appointments to Graduate Faculty:


Michael Cody, English, recommended for Associate.


Mark DiCicco, English, recommended for Associate.


Michaele Duncan, Computer and Information Sciences, recommended for Interim.


Michael Dunn, Public Health, recommended for Associate.


Wayne Gillespie, Criminal Justice and Criminology, recommended for Associate.


Ronald Hamdy, Quillen Chair of Geriatrics and Gerontology, recommended for Full.


David Holleran, Criminal Justice and Criminology, recommended for Associate.


Jay Jisha, Physical Education and Exercise Science, recommended for Associate.


Istvan (Steve) Karsai, Biological Sciences, recommended for Associate.


Maryann Kyle, Music, recommend for Associate.


Lorie Moffitt, Computer and Information Sciences, recommended for Interim.


Keith Nakoff, Technology, recommended for Interim.


Vernon Pine, Computer and Information Sciences, recommended for Interim.


Qing Yuan, Computer and Information Sciences, recommended Associate.


Re-Appointments to Graduate Faculty:


Gene Bailey, Computer and Information Sciences, Full expired 012, recommended for Associate.


Stephen Brown, Criminal Justice and Criminology, Full expired 013, recommended for Full.


Tom Coates, PEXS, Associate expired 013, recommended for Full.


Michael Everett, Economics Finance and Urban Studies, Full expired 011, recommended for Associate.


Stephen Fritz, History, full expired 021, recommended for Full. 


Judy Gouge, Technology, Interim expired 021, recommended for Interim.


Susan McCabe, Nursing, Associate expired 013, recommended for Full.


Ken Mijeski, Political Science, Associate expired 012, recommended for Associate. 


James Mooney, Communications, Full expired 012, recommended for Associate.


James Perry, Psychology, Full expired 011, recommended for Associate.


Larraine Powers, Health Sciences, Associate expired 012, recommended for Associate.


Dale Royalty, History, Full expired 012, recommended for Associate.


Uta Schambra, Anatomy and Cell Biology, Associate expired 013, recommended for Full.


Elaine Walker, Internal Medicine, Associate expired 013, recommended for Full. 


Carolyn Wetzel, Biological Sciences, Associate expired 021, recommended for Full.


Edwin Williams, English, Full expired 011, recommended for Full. 



November 26, 2001


New Appointments to Graduate Faculty:


Mian Jiang, Chemistry, recommended for Associate.


Allan D. Spritzer, Management and Marketing, recommended for Associate.


Steven Christopher Wallace, Geography Geology and Geomatics, recommended for Associate.


Clarissa A. Willis, Human Development and Learning, recommended for Full.


Jane Xuefeng Zhou, Environmental Health, recommended for Associate. 



Re-appointments to Graduate Faculty:


Edward A. Baryla Jr., Economics Finance & Urban Studies, Associate expired 011, recommend Associate.


Jimmy Dean Hahs, Technology, Associate expired 991, recommended for Associate.


Jan Kyzar, Technology, Associate expired 012, recommended for Interim.


Kurt Loess, Management and Marketing, Associate expired 013, recommended for Associate.


John D. Morefield, English, Interim expired 011, recommended for Interim.


Charles V. Roberts, communication, Full expired 012, recommended for Full.


L. Thomas Roberts, PEXS, Associate expired 012, recommended for Associate.


Edith Seier, Mathematics, Associate expired 013, recommended for Associate.


Donald J. Shemwell, Management and Marketing, Associate expired 012, recommended for Full.  



January 28, 2002


New Appointments to Graduate Faculty:


Raymond McClain, CASS, recommended for Associate.


Re-appointments to Graduate Faculty:


Murray S. Anthony, Accountancy, Associate expired 002, recommended for Associate.


Michelle M. Duffourc, Pharmacology, Associate expired 013, recommended for Associate.


Scott Koterbay, Art and Design, Associate expired 013, recommended for Associate.




March 25, 2002


New Appointments for Graduate Faculty:


Russell Brown, Psychology, recommended for Associate.


Weixing Chen, Political Science, recommended for Associate.


Diego de Hoyos, Physical Education, recommended for Associate.


Jack Tottle, Music, recommended for Associate.


Yuriy Razskazovskiy, Physics, recommended for Associate.


Beverly Smith, Physics and Astronomy, recommended for Associate.


Re-appointments to Graduate Faculty:


James Bitter, Full expired 021, recommended for Full.


William Hugh Blanton, Technology, Interim expired 013, recommended for Associate.


Ronnie Day, History, Full expired 021, recommended for Full.


Allan Forsman, Health Science, Associate expired 013, recommended Associate.


Keith Johnson, Technology, Associate expired 011, recommended for Full.


Bert Lampson, Health Sciences, Associate expired 013, recommended for Associate.


Robert May II, Technology, Interim expired 011, recommended for Interim.


Diane Nelson, Biological Sciences, Full expired 011, recommended for Full.


Richard Osborn, Cross-Disciplinary Studies, Associate expired 013, recommended for Full.


Lynn Rice-See, Music, Associate expired 013, recommended for Full.


Gail Stenstad, Philosophy / Humanities, Associate expired 003, recommended for Associate.


Charles Story, Technology, Associate expired 011, recommended for Associate.


Sharon Trumbley, Family and Community Nursing, Interim expired 023, recommended for Interim.



April 29, 2002


New Appointments to Graduate Faculty:


Robert Sawyer, English, recommended for Associate.


Krishna Singh, Physiology, recommended for Associate.


Re-appointments to Graduate Faculty:


Carroll Hyder, Technology, Full expired 013, recommended for Full.



June 17, 2002


New Appointments to Graduate Faculty:


Sally Blowers, Adult Nursing, recommended for Associate.


Cheryl Cornett, Technology, recommended for Associate.


Pamela Evanshen, Human Development & Learning, recommended for Associate.


Lawrence Shotland, Communicative Disorders, recommended for Associate.


Re-appointments to Graduate Faculty:


David Chi, Internal Medicine, Full expired 023, recommended for Full


Jim Florence, Public Health, Associate expired 013, recommended for Full.


Michael Foley, Physical Therapy, Associate expired 021, recommended for Associate.


Dennis Hamm, Criminal Justice, Interim expired 023, recommended for Interim.


Thomas Holmes, English, Associate expired 021, recommended for Associate.


Vida Hull, Art and Design, Full expired 023, recommended for Associate.


Guha Krishnaswamy, Internal Medicine, Associate expired 013, recommended for Associate.


Thomas Kwasigroch, Anatomy and Cell Biology, Associate expired 011, recommended for Associate.


Theresa Lloyd, English, Associate expired 021, recommended for Associate.


Peggy McConnell, Adult Nursing, Interim expired 022, recommended for Interim.


Peter Panus, Physical Therapy, Associate expired 023, recommended for Full.


Michael Sinensky, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Full expired 021, recommended for Full.


Michael Smith, Art and Design, Full expired 023, recommended for full.


Kay Stewart, Nursing, Interim expired 021, recommended for Interim.


Jennie Walls, Family and Community Nursing, Interim expired 021, recommended for Interim.


Carla Warner, Cross Disciplinary Studies, Associate expired 023, recommended for Associate.


Katherine Willock, Family and Community Nursing, Associate expired 013, recommended for Associate.





September 24, 2001


MCOM 5030            Media & the First Amendment (3)

THEA 4867/5867     Summer Theatre Performance (3)

MICR 5362/6362      Molecular Virology


October 29, 2001


MCOM 5010            Comparative Mass media Systems (3)

MCOM 5020             Media and Cultural Diversities (3)

PCOM  5990             Readings and Research (1-3)

CSCI 5010/6010       User Interface Programming (4)



January 28, 2002


SPAN 4127/5127       Introduction to the Spanish-Speaking Community

SPAN 4137/5137       Translation and Community Outreach

SPAN 4147/5147        Interpretation and Community Outreach

FNCE 4697/5697        International Investments

PMGT 5750                Public Sector Financial Management

URBS 5020                Urban Planning Theory

URBS 4347/5347       Economic Development Planning

PUBR 5310                Media Management

PUBR 5320                Public Relations Case Studies

CUAI 4437/5437       ESL Assessment and Testing

CUAI 4447/5447       ESL Reading and Instruction

CUAI 4457/5457       ESL Methods and Techniques

CUAI 4467/5467       ESL Curriculum Development  


March 25, 2002


MCOM 5060              Seminar in Media Ethics (3)

MCOM 5960              Thesis (3-6)

THEA 5990                Readings and Research (1-3)

SPCH 5990                 Readings and Research (1-3)

ENTC 4327/5327       Telecommunications (4)



June 17, 2002


CDIS 5010           Neuron Bases of Communicative Disorders (3)

CDIS 5275            Dysphagia Lab (1)

CDIS 5285           Voice Lab (1)

CDIS 5295           Counseling in Communicative Disorders (3)

ELPA 6874          Distance Education (3)

HDAL 5721         Trends and Issues in Higher Education (3)

HDAL 5722         Student Development and the college Environment (3)






September 24, 2001


CJCR 5980              Research Practicum (1)


             November 26, 2001



CSCI 5357          CIM Applications

CSCI 5420             Topics in Networking

CSCI 5750                Principles Artificial Intelligence

CSCI 5800              Principles Graph/Image

CSCI 5817               Program Language Compilation

ARTA  5320         Elementary School Art

ARTA  5450           Art Mental Retardation

BIOL   5040            Nutritional Biochemistry

BIOL   5041            Nutritional Biochemistry Lab

BIOL   5967            Morpho/Taxon of Insects

MUSC 5071           Seminar Orff-Schulwk

MUSC 5072           Seminar Kodaly Cncpt

MUSC 5073           Seminar Jaques-Dlcrz

MUSC 5837           Admin Suzuki Programs

PHIL    5030           Modern Philosophy

PHYS   5010             Classical Mechanics

PHYS   5020           Classical Mechanics

PHYS   5450           Solid State Physics

PHYS   5460            Solid State Physics

PHYS   5610            Quantum Mechanics

PHYS   5620          Quantum Mechanics

PHYS   5650          Math Methods

PHYS   5660         Math Methods

PHYS   5710          Electromagnetic Theory

PHYS   5720          Electromagnetic Theory

PHYS   5860          Contemporary Physics

PHYS   5960          Research/Thesis

PSYC   5930          Intern Mental Health

SOAA  5220          Advanced Research

SOAA  5407          Sociology of Corrections

SOAA  5600          Seminar Med Soc

ACCT  5020         Seminar Financial Acct II

ACCT  5707         Financial Acct Standards

ECON  5230         Applied Microeconomics Theory

ECON  5905          Workshop in Economic Education

MKTG 5510          Seminar in Marketing

MKTG 5957          Topics in Marketing

CUAI   5200         Middle School/Junior High Curriculum

CUAI   5403          Elementary Meth Soc St

CUAI   5404          Elementary Language Art/Reading

CUAI   5418          Creative Drama/Movement

CUAI   5960          Thesis

READ  5007          Workshop Reading

READ  5019          Supervised Teaching

SCED  5107           National Study Teachers

SCED  5113           Science Workshops

SCED  5300           Elementary Science Cur Dev

SCED  5517           Energy Resources

SCED  5950           Seminar Science Education

SCED  5960           Thesis

SCED  5990           Readings

HDAL 5720           Student Personnel Services

ELPA  6850           Integrating Public Agencies

PEXS  5097           Pharmacology & Substance Abuse

PEXS  5500           Computer Applications

PEXS  5707           Seminar in Sports Med

PEXS  5999           Co-Op

PUBH  5001          Independent Study

PUBH  5300          School Hlth Ed

PUBH  5320          Healthful School Environment

PUBH  5800           Patient Ed Practice



January 28, 2002


URBS 5130               Seminar in Urban Geography an Planning
ENGL 5837               American Nonfiction



March 25, 2002


MCOM 4047            Public Opinion






October 29, 2001


College of Medicine – Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology – Reduce credit hours for BIOC 5010/6010 Biochemistry from 8 credit hours to 7 credit hours.



June 17, 2002

CDIS 5030     Fluency Disorders reduced from 3 to 1 credit hour.


HDAL 5010 Principles and Administration of School Counseling and Consultation Services , 3 credits.







September 24, 2001


Minutes 2/19/01 - Addition of Information Technology to Format C of the curriculum proposal from the Department of Computer and Information Sciences in order to document official records.  The proposed program has two concentrations:  Applied computer Science (consolidation of existing thee majors) and Information Technology (new concentration).  This information was omitted form the 2/19/01 Graduate Council Minutes.


College of Arts & Sciences / Department of History – Format C Non Thesis Option in existing MA in History – Curriculum revision to include a Non-Thesis Option in existing MA Degree Program in History.

1.                    The non-thesis option will allow the Department of History to be competitive with other

Universities in the region which offer opportunities for advanced study to secondary school teachers and other professionals who are not planning to pursue work towards the Ph.D.

2.                    The non-thesis option will allow students who wish to do so to concentrate on expanding

their knowledge in subject areas.  The non-thesis option will still require students to demonstrate proficiency in modern research techniques, but the addition al coursework will allow them the opportunity to achieve greater breadth of knowledge. 

3.                    In the past several years the History Department’s experience has been that many capable

Students have not been able to complete their degrees.  With the non-thesis option there will be added flexibility, especially to those students with heavy work of family obligations. 


College of Arts and Sciences / Criminal Justice and Criminology

1.        Format C – Non-Thesis Option in Existing MA in Criminal Justice and Criminology.   Curriculum revision to include a Non-Thesis Option in Existing MA Degree Program in Criminal Justice.


A.      A Non-Thesis Option will allow students another option to complete their degree. 

Although a thesis is an excellent tool to promote expertise in one area, a non-thesis option would allow students to take additional courses in one or more areas.  These additional courses would allow students to specialize or to achieve greater breadth of knowledge.

B.       A Non-Thesis Option allows the department to be competitive with other graduate

Programs offering such an option.   



 October 29, 2001


College of Arts and Sciences / Department of Mathematics – Format F – Modify admission requirement to include:

1.                    Submission of the general GRE scores, and

2.                    Submission of three letters of recommendation from individuals familiar with the applicant’s academic performance and likelihood of success in graduate school.


November 26, 2001


College of Arts & Sciences / Department of English – Format F – Modify admission requirement to include a five to ten page writing sample in addition to the current program admission requirements.  The Council asked for clarification of whether the writing sample would be used for admission decisions or graduate assistant assignments.  Dr. Herrin was asked to follow up on the language and intent of the proposal.


January 28, 2002


Revisions in the Master of Public Management Degree

A.                  change degree designation from MPM to MPA, retain MCM

B.                   Modify core MPA requirements (reducing hours)

C.                   Consolidate two concentrations (Urban & Regional Planning and Urban & Regional Economics) into one (Planning and Development)

D.                  Establish new concentration (Public Financial Management)

E.                   Terminate three concentrations Community development, General Administration, and Municipal Services Management




June 17, 2002


College of Public and Allied Health – Communicative Disorders

1.             Modifications in admission and graduation requirements for the M.S. in Communicative Disorders (minor changes, Format F) to include requiring The GRE and eliminating the PRAXIS.





September 24, 2001


BADM 5320      Prerequisite Change

MGMT 5667       Prerequisite & Course Description Change

MGMT 5617       Prerequisite Change

MKTG 5617            Prerequisite Change

HDAL 5210         Prefix Change

HDAL 5217              Prefix Number, & Title Change

HDAL 5257       Prefix Change

HDAL 5317      Prefix Number, & Title Change

HDAL 5330      Prefix Number, & Title Change

HDAL 5331      Prefix Change

HDAL 5332      Prefix Change

HDAL 5333      Prefix Number, & Title Change

HDAL 5334      Prefix Change

HDAL 5335      Prefix Number, & Title Change

HDAL 5344      Prefix Number, & Title Change

HDAL 5345      Prefix Change

HDAL 5352      Prefix Change

HDAL 5355      Prefix Number, & Title Change

HDAL 5356      Prefix Number, & Title Change

HDAL 5590      Prefix, Title & Number Change

HDAL 5617      Prefix Number, & Title Change


November 26, 2001


ENTC 5297   Title Change & Prerequisite Change

ENTC 5347    Title Change

ENTC 5337   Title Change


January 28, 2002


SPED  5750    Title Change

SPED 5487    Prerequisite & Course

SPED 5497    Prerequisite Change

SPED 5757    Prerequisite Change

SPED 5445    Prerequisite Change

SPED 5700     Prerequisite Change

SPED 5725     Prerequisite Change

SPED 5825     Prerequisite Change

CHEM 5447   Title & Description Change

CHEM 5220   Description Change

CHEM 5142   Description Change

CHEM 5210   Description Change

CJCR   5850   Add Prerequisites

CJCR   5950   Add Prerequisites

DIGM  5830   Prerequisite Change

DIGM  5831   Prerequisite Change

DIGM  5840   Prerequisite Change

DIGM  5842   Title Change

DIGM  5841   Prerequisite Change

ENTC  5337   Title Change

ENTC  5347   Title Change

PUBH  5310   Description Change

PUBH  5990   Description Change

PUBH  5950   Description Change

PUBH  5900   Description Change

PUBH   5850 Description Change

PUBH   5401 Description Change

PUBH   5400 Description Change

PUBH   5200 Description Change

PUBH   5020 Description Change

PUBH   5957 Description Change

PUBH   5707 Description Change

PUBH   5007 Description Change

PHYT   5517 Number Change

MCOM 5040 Number & Description Change

MCOM 5047 Number & Description Change

CSCI    5417   Title, Prerequisite & Description Change

FCNU  5024   Core requisite & Title Change

FCNU  5022   Core requisite Change

ALNU   5032 Core requisite Change

ALNU   5014 Core requisite Change

ALNU   5012 Core requisite Change

ENTC    5327 Title Change




March 25, 2002


ENTC   5237   Course Title Change

ENTC   5640   Addition to Course Description

MGMT 5640   Addition to Course Description

CDIS    5957   Course Number Change

ECED   5617  Course Number Change

EDFN   5400   Core requisite Added

ELPA    7812   Prerequisite

HDAL   5517  Course Prefix Change






September 24, 2001



1.  New Graduate Council Members:  James Bitter and Michael David Lane.



2.  Dr. Herrin explained that none of the Graduate School material related to the ETSU Graduate School          makes any reference to diversity in programs, students, or faculty.  In order to correct this omission, it is recommended that the Graduate Council approve the following revisions/additions (identified in bold) to the current mission statement:


The mission of the School of Graduate Studies is to foster post-baccalaureate programs of scholarship that are recognized for their excellence and contributions to society.  The School of Graduate Studies will provide an environment that stimulates:


Advanced understanding of the concepts, issues and practice of

a discipline; Independent thought and the ability to generate new knowledge;

                        The ability to contribute significantly to the academic community, professions,

                         and society; and Diversity among ideas, programs, and people.





November 26, 2001


1.  Memorandum – CSCI 5857, User Interface Programming – Dr. Green provided a memorandum of support stating that the CSCI 5857 course may serve as an elective to graduate studies in the Master of Business Administration of Master of Accountancy programs in the College of Business.  This letter of support was requested by Council members at the 10/29/01 meeting in order for the CSCI 5847 course to be approved.



January 28, 2002


1.  The Council recommended that a statement be added to the catalog narrative in English for a writing sample of 5 to 10 pages to include the phrase “for all students receiving departmental financial aid.”


2.  Revision to the Second Master’s Degree policy was approved as follows and will be included in the 2002-2003 Graduate Catalog.


A student holding an earned master’s degree may qualify for a second master’s degree by completing a minimum of 21 semester hours of ETSU graduate work for thesis programs, or 24 hours of ETSU graduate work for non-thesis programs, approved by the student’s advisory committee.  All specific program requirements, with the possible exception of electives or duplicative courses, must be met for the second degree.  Such requirements include the comprehensive exam or culminating experience, such as thesis, strategic experience, or project. In warranted circumstances, credit used to satisfy graduate certificate requirements may be applied toward the second degree.



March 25, 2002


1.  Dr. Herrin submitted a document outlining ETSU procedures for evaluating and accepting transfer credit.  She requested input from Council members as to the policy itself, how to advise students, and how and where the procedures would be published.  There were some minor changes requested by the Council with the suggestion that this policy be reviewed with graduate coordinators. It was the consensus of the Council that the ETSU Graduate School web site would be an appropriate place for this document as well as departmental web sites.  There was discussion by the group of the possible inclusion in the Graduate School Catalog.  Dr. Green suggested placing a statement in the catalog leading to the web site.  Dr. Brown stated that the Graduate School could look at other graduate catalogs to see if they had similar policies in their catalog before deciding whether the policy should be placed in the catalog.



April 29, 2002


1. Revision to existing language regarding Evaluating Coursework for Transfer into ETSU for graduate credit was approved for inclusion into the 2003-2004 Graduate Catalog.



2.   Suggested Revision of Probation Policy and creation of a Graduate Academic Review Board was

submitted to Council for approval.  The Council approved Herrin’s recommended membership of a subcommittee to analyze and perhaps establish a Graduate Academic Review Board.  If created, the Board will need to look at revising the existing probation policy, which was not approved at this time.


3.  Approved revision of the Revalidation policy based upon research findings regarding revalidation of non-institutional transfer credit at other universities.  Of ten universities surveyed, five responded.  Only one, Virginia Tech, revalidates non-institutional transfer credit


4.  Implementing “Defining Our Future” Requirement on the Review of  Academic Programs – Informational Handout.


June 17, 2002



1.  The revised Guidelines for Graduate Faculty Appointment/Reappointment and related form was approved with additional language added to the policy under temporary appointment section to accommodate the creation of the new Temporary Graduate Faculty Appointment/Reappointment form.