Graduate Council – Minutes
East Tennessee State University
February 26, 2007 1:15pm
President’s Conference Room – Dossett Hall
Attending: Dr. David Arnall, Dr. Scott Champney, Dr. Wallace Dixon, Dr. Mark Ellis, Dr. Helene Halvorson, Dr. Donald Hoover, Ms. Billie Lancaster, Dr. Jo-Ann Marrs, Dr. Cecilia McIntosh, Dr. Martha Pointer, Dr. Jeffrey Powers-Beck, Dr. Robert Sawyer, Dr. Philip Scheuerman, Dr. Marie Tedesco, Dr. Paul Trogen, Dr. Wayne Gillespie, Queen Brown
Absent: Ms. Keisha Brown, Ms. LaDonna Hutchins, Ms. Mary Ellen Musick, Dr. Jasmine Renner, Mr. Ben Rhoda, Dr. John Webb
Dr. Dixon advised the criteria to obtain Graduate Faculty status as follows:
Temporary status is requested each semester or a maximum of one year, interim is appointed for three-years, associate for four years, and full for six years. The appointment/reappointment of faculty is independently reviewed outside of the faculty member’s department by a committee. There are different levels of recommendation on the application in which the graduate coordinator, department chair, and dean may choose. However, the committee standards are difference from posted on the website. There are several items considered by the committee, such as, the level of experience, if professors are teaching classes, the number of publications or articles authored, and the level of activity. A graduate faculty member must have graduate status to teach graduate level classes and serve on committees for thesis or dissertations. After Dr. Dixon stated the criteria for graduate faculty membership, there was a lengthy discussion by council members along with pertinent questions fielded. For example, is there an accreditation standard, a set number of publications required, and what is the ETSU policy. The conclusion is the graduate faculty criteria will remain the same.
This course focuses on the theoretical knowledge needed to implement educational programs at all levels of nursing practice continuum. It provides a global foundation for additional coursework that will focus on the formative aspects of nursing education and individual learners. This course includes a critical examination of teaching-learning principles specific to nursing; assesses the nature of the learner; presents the principles supporting curriculum development; and introduces program evaluation. The student will be encouraged to develop a personal philosophy of teaching.
Approved with the following changes:
A. Correct the Prerequisites section.
B. Include the enrollment numbers in the Semester(s) previously offered experimentally and enrollment section.
C. Change Proposed Implementation Term.
D. On the Syllabus, add the 6037 component.
E. In the Major Assignments section add colons after the doctoral and master elements.
F. In the Grade Assignment section add a comment about the greater expectations for doctoral students.
G. Check on the spelling of “deyoung.”
Action Taken by Council: Approved with recommended changes
To provide students with opportunity to analyze the role and role expectations of the clinical nursing leader while concurrently examining the components of the organization to manage effectively a population of patients.
Approved with the following changes:
A. Correct “to manage effectively” in the Rationale for Proposal section.
B. List the names of the faculty who may teach the course in the Staffing section.
C. Correct Grading Scale to include a “C” and a “0” in the last line.
D. In Attendance Policy, state what happens when a student misses a class.
E. Add a textbook in the Required Textbook section.
F. Change the Proposed Implementation Term.
Action taken by Council: Approved with recommended changes
III. PMNU 5610, The Illness Experience – New course proposal
This course will offer the student a chance to examine the illness experience from the perspective of the patient.
Approved with the following changes:
A. Add enrollment numbers in the Semester(s) previously offered experimentally and enrollment section.
B. Change the Proposed Implementation Term.
C. Correct the sections Major Assignments and Grade Assignments so that they match.
D. Check for a newer edition of the textbook.
E. In Attendance Policy state what happens if a student misses a class.
F. Correct the “H” in the Starck section of the Bibliography.
Action taken by Council: Approved with recommended changes
The impetus for the proposal for a Clinical Nurse Leader (CNL) focus for the Master of Science in Nursing program comes from two compelling forces. These forces arise from both national and local interests. Initially, the American Association of Colleges of Nursing, representing baccalaureate and graduate schools of nursing, in collaboration with other health care organizations and disciplines, proposed a new Clinical Nurse Leader role to address the call for improving the quality of patient care and for providing nurses with the competencies they need to thrive in the current and future health care system…
Approved with the following changes:
A. Add quotation marks before (p.3) and add a period to the end of the sentence in the Rationale For Proposal.
B. Remove the semi-colon after (2002) in the Rationale For Proposal.
C. Remove the comma after the next (2002) in the Rationale For Proposal.
D. Add a comma after participate in the last paragraph of the Rationale For Proposal.
E. Separate the courses listed in Summary of Actions with semi-colons.
F. Remove “existent” from the Insert existing approved curriculum as shown in catalog section.
Action taken by Council: Approved with recommended changes
V. CSCI 5905, Internship – New course proposal
According to Ms. Maria Costa, ETSU Director of International Programs, a recent determination by Ms. Brooke Chang, ETSU associate counsel, holds that co-operative courses and internships differ from the standpoint of international student eligibility for CPT (curricular practical training). In response to this determination, the department sees a need to add internship courses to its graduate programs, as a way of allowing international students who find their own employment opportunities--and are therefore eligible for internships but not co-ops, which require them to work through Career Services--to accept those internships, under the terms of CPT.
Approved with the following changes:
A. Edit to remove references to the undergraduate course in the Rationale For Proposal section.
B. Hyphenate co-op in Rationale For Proposal.
C. Add the letter “e” to therefore in Rationale For Proposal.
D. Remove the bracketed section of the Rationale For Proposal.
E. In the Staffing section, list the names of the faculty who may teach the course.
Action taken by Council: Approved with recommended changes
VI. CSCI 5927, Human Computer Interaction – New course proposal
Students in the IT concentration need a broad base of core knowledge. One of the major topics they should be exposed to is the interaction between users and computer hardware/software. Graduates should have a good understanding of how to make applications accessible to everyone. This course is required to satisfy a weakness area in accreditation and would also be appropriate for students in our CS and IS concentrations.
Approved with the following changes:
A. Change the Transcript Title.
B. In the Staffing section, name the faculty who may teach the course.
C. Add the phrase “or equivalent” to the Prerequisites.
D. Remove the first sentence of the Course Description.
E. Add the graduate course number to the Course ID on the Syllabus.
F. Remove the extra Special note for Graduate students in the Grade Assignment.
G. Add examples of the special projects in the Major Assignments section.
H. Check for an updated textbook.
I. Break down the grade assignment into graduate and undergraduate sections with the percentages for each.
Action taken by Council: Approved with recommended changes
VII. BADM 5150, Accounting Information for Decision Makers – New course proposal
The existing Master of Business Administration program does not have a course devoted to accounting information. Surveys of our constituents (Board of Advisors, students, faculty, employesr, and alumni) indicated that current coverage of uses of accounting information by managers is not adequate. This course proposal is intended to increase the students' understanding of accounting information and how it is used effectively by managers.
Action taken by Council: Approved
VIII. BADM 5180, Economics for Managers – New course proposal
This course presents applications of microeconomic and macroeconomic theory, tools, and principles as they relate to problems and decisions that confront managers of business and other organization. Microeconomics topics include demand and supply analysis, production decisions, market structure, and input employment decisions. Macroeconomic topics include measurement of economic activity and performance, macromodels, economic policy, and international economic dynamics.
Approved with the following change: Remove the first use of the word “analyze” from the Major Assignments.
Action taken by Council: Approved with recommended changes
IX. BADM 5220, Global Business – New course proposal
The Global Business course is an integral part of the revised Master of Business Administration program. Global business is one of the areas of coverage required by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), the accreditation body for business disciplines. Additionally, all business today has some international aspect, and students would not be adequately prepared for a managerial career without an exposure to global business opportunities and challenges.
Approved with the following changes:
A. Remove the word “is” from the Course Description.
B. Correct the spelling of “perspectives” in the Major Course Topics of the Syllabus.
C. Remove the last paragraph of the Major Assignments.
D. Remove the first paragraph of the Attendance Policy.
Action taken by Council: Approved with recommended changes
X. BADM 5230, Strategic Leadership – New course proposal
The Strategic Leadership course is an integral part of the revised Master of Business Administration program. The course focuses on ethics and organizational behavior, which are two areas of coverage required by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of business (AACSB), the accreditation body for business disciplines. In addition the strategic management perspective is consistent with the theme of the revised MBA program, and some form of leadership course is common among modern MBA programs.
Action taken by Council: Approved
XI. BADM 5140, Data Analysis and Modeling for Business – Substantial course modification
This course is being modified to reflect the changes indicated by a survey of the constituents (faculty, students, alumni, employers, and the board of advisors) of the Master of Business Administration program and to include changes brought about by the revision of the Master of Business Administration program.
Action taken by Council: Approved
XII. BADM 5320, Operations and Technology Strategies – Substantial course modification
The purpose of the data analysis and modeling course is to prepare students to understand the power of statistics in solving business research questions.
The goals of the course include the following:
Provide students with the ability to appropriately develop research questions.
Provide students with the ability to appropriately state research hypotheses.
Provide students with the ability to determine the appropriate statistical tests to analyze data.
Provide students with the ability to use statistical software packages to analyze data.
Provide students with the ability to prepare reports and recommendations based on the analysis of data.
Approved with the following changes:
A. Capitalize “administration” in the Rationale For Proposal.
B. Match the Major Assignments to the Grade Assignment.
C. Change “Excuses” to “Excused” in the Attendance Policy.
Action taken by Council: Approved with recommended changes
XIII, Master of Business Administration – Substantive curriculum modification
The current Master of Business Administration program is being revised in the following ways: To reduce the total credit hours from 39 to 36, To redesign core courses to reflect current business practices, and To include concentrations.
Approved with the following change: Remove the word “to” from the Narrative Description of Action.
Action taken by Council: Approved with recommended changes
XIV. Master of Business Administration – Add Accounting concentration
As part of the revision of the Master of Business Administration program, five concentrations are to be established. The first of these concentrations is in Accounting. The Accounting concentration consists of two courses (six credit hours) selected by the student and the Master of Business Administration advisor from an approved list of five courses.
Approved with the following change: Indicate the grade point average used in the admission formula is based on a 4.0 scale.
Action taken by Council: Approved with recommended changes
XV. Master of Business Administration – Add Entrepreneurial Leadership concentration
As part of the revision of the Master of Business Administration program, five concentrations are to be established. The fifth of these concentration is in Entrepreneurial Leadership. The Entrepreneurial Leadership concentration consists of two courses (six credit hours) selected by the student and the Master of Business Administration advisor from an approved list of three courses.
Approved with the following change: Indicate the grade point average used in the admission formula is based on a 4.0 scale.
Action taken by Council: Approved with recommended changes
XVI. Master of Business Administration – Add Finance concentration
As part of the revision of the Master of Business Administration program, five concentrations are to be established. The second of these concentrations is in Finance. The Finance concentration consists of two courses chosen by the student and the Master of Business Administration advisor from an approved list of four courses.
Approved with the following change: Indicate the grade point average used in the admission formula is based on a 4.0 scale.
Action taken by Council: Approved with recommended changes
XVII. Master of Business Administration – Add Health Care Management concentration
As part of the revision of the Master of Business Administration program, five concentrations are to be established. The third of these concentrations is in Health Care Management. The Health Care management concentration consists of two courses (six credit hours) selected by the student and the Master of Business Administration advisor from an approved list of four courses.
Approved with the following change: Indicate the grade point average used in the admission formula is based on a 4.0 scale.
Action taken by Council: Approved with recommended changes
XVIII. Master of Business Administration – Add Project Management concentration
As part of the revision of the Master of Business Administration program, five concentrations are to be established. The fourth of these concentration is in Project Management. The Project Management concentration consists of two courses (six credit hours) selected by the student and the Master of Business Administration advisor from an approved list of four courses.
Approved with the following change: Indicate the grade point average used in the admission formula is based on a 4.0 scale.
Action taken by Council: Approved with recommended changes
IXX. CUAI 5116, Elementary School Mathematics – New course proposal
Beginning September 1, 2007 the Tennessee State Department of Education will no longer issue K-8 teaching licenses and will begin issuing only K-6 licenses. Our existing graduate math methods course has a K-8 emphasis. We do not wish to delete that course since at some time we might need to offer it to teachers who already hold K-8 teaching licenses. Therefore, we are proposing this new course, which has a K-6 emphasis, be offered starting Fall, 2007.
Recommended changes at this time:
A. Remove the semi-colon after “licenses” in the Rationale For Proposal.
B. List the names of the faculty who may teach the course in the Staffing section.
C. In Other Information, correct the spelling of “conceptual.”
D. Remove the word “professional” before “colleagues” in the Other Information.
E. Correct the spelling of “expertise” in the Staffing section.
XX. READ 5750, Literacy Instruction in Linguistically Diverse Classrooms – New course proposal
Recommended changes at this time:
A. List the names of the faculty who may teach the course.
B. Check the date on the first Required Textbook.
The Advisory Committee (made up of area teachers) for the M.Ed. in Elementary Education Program strongly recommended we include in the program a course which would prepare classroom teachers to meet the needs of students in their classes for whom English is not their native language. We are modifying our program to allow for the inclusion of this newly-created course based on the committee's recommendation.
XXI. CUAI 5118, Elementary School Social Studies – New course proposal
Beginning September 1, 2007 the Tennessee State Department of Education will no longer issue K-8 teaching licenses and will begin issuing only K-6 licenses. Our existing graduate social studies methods course has a K-8 emphasis. We do not want to modify or delete that course since, at some time, we might need to offer it to teachers who already hold K-8 licensure. Therefore, we are proposing this new course, which has a K-6 emphasis, be offered starting Fall, 2007.
Recommended changes at this time:
A. Re-word the Staffing section to reflect an on-going search for faculty members in this area.
B. Remove the comma after “licenses: and before “and” in the Rationale For Proposal.
XXII. Master of Education in Elementary Education – Substantive curriculum modification
The M.Ed. in Elementary Education Program needs to be changed from a K-8 program to a K-6 program since, after September 1, 2007, the Tennessee State Department of Education will no longer issue K-8 teaching licenses.
Recommended changes at this time:
A. Add a statement about Plans for Accreditation regarding NCATE.
B. Change the number of new courses to four.
C. Move the discussion of question 4 to the correct area of the form.
D. Change the course number from 5117 to 5119.
E. Add the credit hours to the list of courses in part 4.
F. Answer all parts of question 7.
G. Remove the section dealing with course deletions.
XXIII. SCED 5456, Science for Middle Grades 4-8 – New course proposal
This course provides a comprehensive integrated science content perspective for initial teacher certification in Middle School Science in the areas of physical, life, earth, and space science. Conceptual understanding, content, skills, and dispositions in science including understanding of the nature of science are explored with an emphasis on integration with mathematics and other appropriate subject areas.
Recommended changes at this time:
A. Need to re-number CUAI 5458 in the Corequisites section.
B. List the Major Course Topics in the major course topics section.
C. Re-word the Staffing section to indicate search for new faculty member.
D. Change the Grading Scale.
E. Locate a textbook.
F. Match Grade Assignments to Major Assignments and address the grade for attendance.
G. Correct the number of the course.
XXIV. CUAI 5438, Secondary Clinical Field Experience – New course proposal
Provides additional field experience for secondary pre-service MATs, which was missing from previous program
Recommended changes at this time:
A. Re-word the Staffing section to reflect who will teach the course and to align with the curriculum proposal.
B. Correct the Grading Scale to include percentages.
C. Check to see if the textbook is current.
XXV. READ 5441, Reading/Communications: Block I k-6 – New course proposal
meets new state K-6 licensure requirements
Recommended changes at this time:
A. Correct the Staffing section and name the faculty who may teach the course.
B. Match the Major Assignments with the Grade Assignment.
XXVI. CUAI 5443, Reasoning Block II K-6 – New course proposal
To bring the elementary MAT content into alignment with the new state licensure standards for K-6
Recommended changes at this time:
A. Correct Transcript Title to reflect the II in the title of the course.
B. Add the names of the faculty who may teach the course in the Staffing section.
C. Investigate textbooks for the course.
XXVII. CUAI 5454, Teaching Middle Grades (4-8) Mathematics – New course proposal
meets requirements for middle grades licensure
Recommended changes at this time:
A. Correct the Staffing section to reflect the on-going search for a new faculty member.
B. Correct the Contact Information spelling.
C. In the Learning Outcomes, remove the redundant “to” at the beginning of each outcome.
D. Fix the Grading Scale to remove C-, D+, and D; and include a grade of F.
E. Correct the spelling of orange in the Cuisenaire Rod Assignments.
XXVIII. READ 5452, Guided Middle Grades Clinical Field Experience I 4-8 – New course proposal
meets middle grades licensure requirements
Recommended changes at this time:
A. Re-do the Staffing section to name the faculty who may teach the course.
B. Include the points for all of the major assignments in the Major Assignments section.
C. Check on newer edition of the textbook.
XXIX. CUAI 5458, Guided Middle Grades Field Experience II – New course proposal
Meets middle school licensure requirements
Recommended changes at this time:
A. Capitalize fourth word in the Transcript Title.
B. Re-do the Staffing section to name the faculty who may teach the course.
C. In the Catalog Description, hyphenate “Evaluative-level.”
D. In the Grading Scale, include the grade of “F.”
E. Delete the undergraduate section of the Grading Scale.
F. Correct the Grade Assignment section and tie it to the Major Assignments section.
XXX. MAT Program Changes – Establish a new concentration
May be wrong approach.
XXXI. MAT Program Revision – Substantive curriculum modification
May be wrong approach.
I. New Applicants for Graduate Faculty Status
Name Current Recommended Remarks
II. Re-applications for Graduate Faculty Status
Name Current Recommended Remarks
The Graduate Faculty Sub-Committee did not meet, therefore, pending applications tabled under next meeting.