Graduate Council – Minutes

East Tennessee State University

November 20, 2006 1:15pm

President’s Conference Room – Dossett Hall


1. Rural Health Graduate Certificate – New Certificate

Action: Tabled until rural health courses are submitted along with the revised certificate proposal.


Leadership theories and concepts are explored, analyzed, and evaluated. The course focuses on personal leadership philosophy and how it impacts organizational members.


Action: Approved with the following revisions:

1. Expand the Course Description to better explain the content of the course.

2. Correct the spelling of “philosophy” in the Purpose and Goals section of the Course Syllabus.

3. Correct the spelling of “it” in the Purpose and Goals section of the Course Syllabus.

4. Correct the spelling of “self-evaluation” in the Major Course Topics section of the Course Syllabus.

5. Delete the “]” before the A- in the Grading Scale section of the Course Syllabus.

6. Revise the Grading Scale section of the Course Syllabus to include the missing letter grades.


Action taken by Council: Approved with recommended changes


3. PMNU 5561 – New Course - Application in Nursing Administration I


This first capstone course provides information on negotiation strategies as well as in-depth practicum experiences with approved preceptors in nursing administrative roles similar to those in which students will practice following program completion.


Action: Approved with the following revisions:


Action taken by Council: Approved with recommended changes


This second capstone course provides in-depth practicum experiences with approved preceptors in nurse administrator roles similar to those in which students will practice following program completion. Students will complete a project and will analyze nursing administration and leadership roles.


Action: Approved with the following revisions:

1. Change the Prerequisites section of the Proposal to include “or permission of the instructor.”

2. Delete the material under the Corequisites section of the Proposal.

3. Eliminate the word “and” at the end of the first line of Learning Outcomes in the Course Syllabus.

4. Revise the wording of the Project portion of the Major Assignments section of the Course Syllabus to read something similar to “This project will be determined by the student and the professor, and the project will contribute to the preceptor’s administrative responsibilities.”


Action taken by Council: approved with recommended changes


This course prepares health care leaders with knowledge to guide complex health care delivery systems and focuses on improvement of systems and outcomes in order to provide safe, effective and efficient care to clients.


Action: Approved with the following revisions:

1. Capitalize the letter “K” in the name of the instructor in the Staffing section of the Proposal.

2. Correct the spelling of “professional” in the Staffing section of the Proposal.

3. Add some explanation that the stated instructor has been granted Temporary Graduate Faculty Status for this course and the stated instructor is completing her doctoral work.

4. Revise the letter grades in the Grading Scale section of the Course Syllabus.

5. Eliminate the “Faculty presentations” in the Major Assignments section of the Course Syllabus.

6. Revise the Attendance Policy in the Course Syllabus to eliminate the section “When class is online.”


Action taken by Council: approved with recommended changes


Fundamental procedures for handling, collecting, and analyzing questioned or fraudulent documents are presented. Topics include ethical conduct, terminology, investigative principles, case law and legal precedents, expert witness testimony, current research, notable cases and ASTM standards.


Action: Approved with the following revisions:

1. In the Rationale for Proposal, add “(non-academic)” after “correspondence courses.”

2. Add a sentence at the end of the Rationale for Proposal that states the course may be used as an elective in the Master of Arts in Criminal Justice program.

3. In the Staffing section of the Proposal, add the specific faculty member who will be teaching the course and how he or she is qualified to teach the course.

4. Change the comma between “terminology” and “ASTM” in the Major Course Topics section of the Course Syllabus to a semicolon.

5. Revise the Major Assignments section of the Course Syllabus to include a definition of the “Participation” grade in the Grade Assignment section so that the use of the discussion board is addressed.

6. Revise the Grading Scale in the Course Syllabus to indicate the ranges for each letter grade.


Action taken by Council: approved with recommended changes


Fundamental procedures for examining and comparing questioned handwriting for purposes of identification. Topics include handwriting characteristic elements, theoretical principles, simulation, handwriting physiology, methodological procedures, internal and external handwriting factors, and collecting specimens for comparison.


Action: Approved with the following revisions:

1. Eliminate the reference to the certificate program in the Rationale for Proposal.

2. Add a sentence at the end of the Rationale for Proposal that states the course may be used as an elective in the Master of Arts in Criminal Justice program.

3. In the Staffing section of the Proposal, add the specific faculty member who will be teaching the course and how he or she is qualified to teach the course.

4. Revise the Major Assignments section of the Course Syllabus to include a definition of the “Attendance and online participation” grade in the Grade Assignment section so that the use of the discussion board is addressed.

5. Revise the Grading Scale in the Course Syllabus to indicate the ranges for each letter grade.


Action taken by Council: approved with recommended changes


Fundamental procedures for document analysis and examination of ink, paper and print process. Topics include ink identification and comparison, paper, watermarks, machine-generated documents, print process, alterations, counterfeit documents, and instrumental analysis.


Action: Approved with the following revisions:

1. Eliminate the reference to the certificate program in the Rationale for Proposal.

2. Add a sentence at the end of the Rationale for Proposal that states the course may be used as an elective in the Master of Arts in Criminal Justice program.

3. In the Staffing section of the Proposal, add the specific faculty member who will be teaching the course and how he or she is qualified to teach the course.

4. Revise the Major Assignments section of the Course Syllabus to include a definition of the “Attendance and online participation” grade in the Grade Assignment section so that the use of the discussion board is addressed.

5. Revise the Grading Scale in the Course Syllabus to indicate the ranges for each letter grade.


Action taken by Council: Approved with recommended changes


Practical application of comprehensive document examination theory involving cases on handwriting identification and document analysis of ink, paper and print processes. Appropriate use of instrumental analysis, application of document examination standards, report writing, expert opinion terminology and ASTM standards.


Action: Approved with the following revisions:

1. Eliminate the reference to the certificate program in the Rationale for Proposal.

2. Add a sentence at the end of the Rationale for Proposal that states the course may be used as an elective in the Master of Arts in Criminal Justice program.

3. In the Staffing section of the Proposal, add the specific faculty member who will be teaching the course and how he or she is qualified to teach the course.

4. Revise the Major Assignments section of the Course Syllabus to include a definition of the “Attendance and online participation” grade in the Grade Assignment section so that the use of the discussion board is addressed.

5. Revise the Grading Scale in the Course Syllabus to indicate the ranges for each letter grade.

6. Eliminate the extra “s” in “standards” in the Catalog Description of the Course Syllabus.


Action taken by Council: Approved with recommended changes


An advanced level drawing class with the human figure as subject matter. (spring)


Action: Approved with the following revisions:

1. In the Staffing section of the Proposal, add the specific faculty who will be teaching the course and how he or she is qualified to be graduate faculty.

2. Revise the Grading Scale in the Course Syllabus to eliminate the grade of “C-.”

3. Under Major Assignments, in the Final Portfolio add the word “additional” in the number of items to be included in the portfolio.


Action taken by Council: Approved with recommended changes


An introductory drawing class for non-art majors with the human figure as subject matter. (fall, spring)


Action: Approved with the following revisions:

1. In the Staffing section of the Proposal, add the specific faculty who will be teaching the course and how he or she is qualified to be graduate faculty.

2. Revise the Grading Scale in the Course Syllabus to eliminate the grade of “C-.”

3. Under Major Assignments, in the Final Portfolio add the word “additional” in the number of items to be included in the portfolio.


Action taken by Council: approved with recommended changes


To allow all students in the Sport Management concentration the opportunity to take the newly approved Motorsport Operations courses as approved electives.


Action: Approved with the following revisions:


Action taken by Council: Approved with recommended changes


The improved curriculum will provide our programs with a competitive and comparative advantage with our peer and other institutions.


Action: Approved with the following revisions:

1. Fix the proposal by including the proposed programs that are missing on page four and following.

2. Expand the Purpose section of the Summary to explain all of the changes being made to the curriculum.

3. Eliminate the “coaching setting” on page 9.

4. Capitalize “Prescription” on page 9.

5. Eliminate “instrumentation” on page 9.

6. Eliminate the “-“ following PEXS 5656 on page 9.

Action taken by Council: Approved with recommended changes


I. New Applicants for Graduate Faculty Status

Name Current Recommended Remarks

Ahmad, Zulfiqar New Full

Crofts, Thomas New Full

Drane, John New Full

Edde-Adams, Martha New Wrong form used

Granberry, Nancy New Associate

Jenrette, Thomas New Associate

Jiang, Yu-Lin New Full

Johnson Don New Full

Jones, Thomas New Associate

Keeler, Linda New Interim

Le-Roy,Frazier, Jill New Associate

Lowe, Stacy New Interim

Merriman, Carolyn New Interim

Moore, Teah New Associate

Oh, Sun-Joo New Associate

Parker, Herbert New Associate

Price, Kelly New Associate

Weiss, Katherine New Full

Williams, Stacey New Full


Action taken by Council: Approved with recommended changes



II. Re-applications for Graduate Faculty Status

Name Current Recommended Remarks

Antkiewicz, Henry Full Associate

Clark, William Andrew Associate Associate

Dixon, Wallace E. Associate Full

Evanshen, Pamela Associate Associate

Hossler, Susan Interim Interim

Hriso, Peter Associate Associate

Knisley, Debra Full Full

Lloyd, Theresa Associate Associate

Masoud, Ghaffari Associate Associate

Perry, Leslie Anne Full Full

Wu, Tiejian Associate Associate

Wyrick, Priscilla Full Returned for signature


Action taken by Council: Approved with recommended changes



The committee recommends the following language be used on the graduate faculty application form: "Does applicant possess appropriate terminal credentials for professional teaching assignments?
