Graduate Council – Minutes
East Tennessee State University
October 27, 2008 1:15pm
Biology Conference Room – Brown Hall
Attendees: Dr. David A. Arnall, Ms. Amy Arnold, Dr. Jeff Beck, Ms. Queen Brown, Dr. Stacy D. Brown, Dr. Wallace E. Dixon, Dr. Donald B. Hoover, Dr. Martha M. Pointer, Dr. Jasmine Renner,
Dr. Phillip R. Scheuerman, Dr. Marie Tedesco, Dr. Jon Webb, Dr. Ester Verhovsek
Absent: Dr. Judith R. Anderson, Dr. Scott Champney, Ms. Maria D. Costa, Dr. F. Wayne Gillespie, Dr. Helene K. Halvorson, Ms. LaDonna Hutchins, Ms. Jessica King, Ms. Billie Lancaster, Ms. Mary Ellen Musick, Dr. Cecilia McIntosh
Guests: Dr. Jo Lobertini, Mr. Rick Osborn, Dr. Andy Clark
The meeting was chaired by Dr. Donald B. Hoover in the absence of Dr. Scott Champney.
Approval of September minutes (called meeting and regular meeting) – The minutes were approved with no corrections.
Curriculum Subcommittee report and recommendations – Dr. Martha Pointer
I. Proposal to Establish a New Concentration in the Master of Professional Studies (RODP) – Training and Development
The new concentration has two areas of focus, distance training and on-site training. The training and development concentration prepares individuals to teach adults in the corporate and non-formal educational environment. The concentration would provide the student with an option for specialization in onsite training or distance training. The onsite training focus will prepare individuals to develop, manage and assess onsite training programs. The distance training focus will address the needs of professionals who are increasingly relying on technology to deliver workforce education. In addition to current and former RODP undergraduate students who have expressed interest, the new concentration responds to a need expressed by consultants working with the military for the development of individuals who have the skills to manage training programs for adult populations.
Action taken by council after discussion: approved with recommended changes
This course is part of the new RODP Master of Professional Studies (MPS) degree concentration, training and development. There are two specializations in this new concentration, (!) distance training and (2) Onsite training. The major function of this concentration is to assist employees who find themselves either formally or informally training adults in the workplace or community organization. This course provides an overview to organizational needs analysis for these trainers, the majority of who will not be human resource professionals. This course is not required; however, it is one of four courses that students in the concentration must choose three to complete. The other three courses are PRST 5410 Evaluation of Learning PRST 5770 Computer-Based Decision Modeling PRST 5600 Statistical Analysis.
Action taken by council after discussion: approved with recommended changes
The purpose of this proposal is the growing recognition of the importance of entrepreneurship education; its implications for the development for small and medium businesses and its relationship to developments in international business have important implications for ETSU and the region. ETSU has been a leader in entrepreneurship education within the region. Prospective students for the concentration will be individuals who have a desire to start their own business or who have new business development responsibilities within existing businesses, industry or the professional community. A strong linage with our College of Medicine will be fostered. The concentration builds upon our Graduate Certificate in Entrepreneurial Leadership and supports the university’s mission of collaborating with regional business, industry and the professional community to promote economic development.
Action taken by council after discussion: approved with recommended changes
The Graduate Faculty Subcommittee reports and recommendations – Dr. Tedesco
The Graduate Faculty Subcommittee of Graduate Council recommends the following appointments and reappointments:
New applicants
Applicant Department Recommendation
1. Ayres, Christopher KLSS Interim
2. Champouillon, David MUSC Full
3.. Kruppa, Michael Microbiology Associate
4. Lakey, Chad E. PSYC Full
5. MacMorran, Jane APST/CASS Interim
6. Meir, Lori CUAI Associate
7. Vasiliev, Aleksey CHEM returned*
Action taken by council: Approved
Applicant Dept. Present status Recommendation
1. Beck, Scott SOAA Full Full
2. Dosser, Marcia CUAI Interim Interim
3. Hossler, Fred Anat. & Cell Bio. Full Full
4. Pearson, Tamera ALNU Associate Associate
5. Rice, Judith PMNU Interim Interim
Action taken by council: Approved
*Returned to department for additional information
Old Business - none
New Business:
1. Dr. Tedesco stated a Task Force subcommittee was been formed some time ago and was charged with reviewing current the levels of graduate faculty status. The committee will meet and report back to the council at the first January Graduate Council meeting.
2. There was some discussion regarding terminal degrees and the graduate faculty review process. Dr. Dixon made a suggestion to contact the chairperson to clarify the reason for her/his decision if recommending someone with a degree that may not be an obvious terminal degree for the discipline.
3. Dr. Dixon recommended placing the approval process of the IRB department on the agenda as an informational item.
4. Other – Dr. Beck made an announcement regarding the Graduate Studies office hiring
of a new graduate program specialist. The new program specialist will process a mélange
of current programs that will be acquire from the other program specialists. This will
affect graduate coordinators; therefore, it will be phased in gradually. Each program
and it process will be taken into account to alleviate any imbalance in the process. The
process will begin with migrating programs reassigned from Mary Duncan, followed by
Robin O’Dell, Gail Powers, and Judy Lawson.
Adjournment – There was no further business to discuss, therefore, the meeting was adjourned at 2:10 p.m.