Graduate Council – Minutes

East Tennessee State University

April 27, 2015 1:15 p.m.

President’s Conference Room – Dossett Hall 206



Present: Ms. Jennifer Barber, Dr. Karin Bartoszuk, Dr. Stacy D. Brown, Dr. Wendy Doucette, Dr. William R. Duncan, Dr. Marsh Grube, Ms. LaDonna Hutchins, Dr. Lori Marks, Ms. Sierra Maxwell, Dr. Robert Pack, Dr. Martha M. Pointer, Dr. Nicole Prior, Dr. Kathleen M. Rayman, Dr. Evelyn Roach, Dr. Janna Scarborough, Dr. Paul Trogen, Dr. Brittany Wilkins


Guests: Mr. Chris Ayres, Dr. Cynthia Chambers, Dr. Amanda Greene, Dr. Karin Keith,


Absent: Ms. Maria D. Costa, Dr. Karen King, Ms. Billie Lancaster, Dr. Michelle Lee, Dr. Brian Maxson, Dr. Celia McIntosh, Dr. Phillip Musich, Dr. Mitch Robinson, Dr. Marie Tedesco, Dr. Florence M Weierbach


A.    Approval of March 30, 2015 Minutes

a.     The motion was made, seconded, and approved to accept the March 2015 minutes with no changes


B.    Curriculum Subcommittee Report – Dr. Rayman

a.     Non-Substantive Curriculum Change Proposal: Ed. Leadership

                      i.     Tabled until June meeting

b.     TBR Proposal: Substantive Curriculum Modification: Kinesiology, Sport and Recreation Management

                      i.     Tabled until June meeting


c.      New Course Proposal: SALM 5670 Sport Management Research: Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation Management

                      i.     Motion made to accept with following changes:

1.      Suggest transcript title “Sport Mgmt Research”

2.      Catalog description, omit “this course will”. Begin with “Emphasizes the design, analysis, and interpretation of research in the field of sport management by comparing…”

3.      Rationale for proposal does not address why the new course is needed. Please address.

4.      Syllabus purpose and goals: add goals

5.      Learning outcomes: bullet 1, begin with “Explain”

6.      Learning outcomes: last bullet, suggest “Apply the fundamental principles of research …”

7.      Discussion Rubrics: suggest clarifying word limit or page length; insert space between number and points for all categories of very good, good, etc.

8.      Article Critique Rubric: very good/ excellent, change points from 5 to 10; unsatisfactory change “points” to “point”. Suggest rewording “suggestions are based on no cited sources” to “Lack of cited sources for the proposed suggestions”.

9.      Case Studies: please add “each” after 5 points; Suggest rewording “suggestions are based on no cited sources” to “Lack of cited sources for the proposed suggestions”.

10.   Research Outline: first sentence, insert “do” after “you”. Change “on” to “in”.

11.   Research Proposal: #3 hypenate peer-reviewed

12.   Reference List: If all 5 items add up to 100 points, this would be worth 30 points

13.   Class attendance: clarify attendance policy to coincide with online distance ed policy

14.   Omit FERPA on p. 9

15.   Final exam, add “comprehensive” and include a short description      

                    ii.     Motion to accept with changes listed was seconded and carried with 9 ayes and 1 abstention.


d.     TBR Proposal: Establish a New Certificate Program in Special Education High Incidence Disabilities: COE Teaching and Learning

                      i.     Motion made to accept with following changes:

1.      P. 2 Explain in purpose high incidence population

2.      P. 3, bullet at top of page, end sentence after “course of study” and omit rest of sentence

3.      P. 3, 4th sentence, change ”this” to “the proposed certificate program”

4.      State in proposal courses for one certificate could be transferred to another certificate.

                    ii.     Motion to accept with changes listed was seconded and carried with 9 ayes and 1 abstention.


e.     TBR Proposal: Establish a New Certificate Program in Special Education Low Incidence Disabilities: COE Teaching and Learning

                      i.     Motion made to accept with following changes:

1.      P. 2 Explain in purpose low incidence population

2.      P. 3, bullet at top of page, end sentence after “course of study” and omit rest of sentence

3.      P. 3, 4th sentence, change ”this” to “the proposed certificate program”

4.      State in proposal courses for one certificate could be transferred to another certificate.

                    ii.     Motion to accept with changes listed was seconded and carried with 9 ayes and 1 abstention.




f.      TBR Proposal: Establish a New Certificate Program in Special Education Early Childhood:  COE Teaching and Learning

                      i.     Motion made to accept with following changes:

1.      P. 2 Explain in purpose early childhood population

2.      P. 3, bullet at top of page, end sentence after “course of study” and omit rest of sentence

3.      P. 3, 4th sentence, change ”this” to “the proposed certificate program”

4.      State in proposal courses for one certificate could be transferred to another certificate.

                    ii.     Motion to accept with changes listed was seconded and carried with 9 ayes and 1 abstention.


g.     TBR Proposal: Terminate a the Concentration in Storytelling from the M.A. Reading and Change a Degree Designation of M.A. Reading to M.Ed.: COE Curriculum & Instruction

                      i.     Motion made to accept with following changes:

1.      Change delivery site to online and on-campus

2.      Appendix A: please date and label as Minutes; Highlight or bold last 2 paragraphs 

                    ii.     Motion to accept with changes listed was seconded and carried with 9 ayes and 1 abstention.


C.    Graduate Faculty Subcommittee report and recommendations – Dr. Trogen.

                      i.     Motion made to accept the following appointments and reappointments:







Present Status


1.      William L Joyner

Biomedical Sciences COM



2.      Vanessa Mayoraz

Art and Design



3.      Brooks Barnes Pond

Pharmaceutical Sciences



4.      Mahipal Singh

Biomedical Sciences COM



5.      Aleksey N Vasiliev








6.      Charles C Collins

Pharmaceutical Sciences



7.      Marcia Edgeworth Dosser

Curriculum & Instruction



8.      Joyce D Duncan

Counseling and Human




9.      David L Hurley

Pharmaceutical Sciences



10.   Elizabeth Welch Ralston

Curriculum & Instruction



11.   David S Roane

Pharmaceutical Sciences



12.   Cynthia S Smith

Educational Leadership & Policy Analysis



13.   Carol M Trivette

Teaching and Learning







14.   Ruth Facun-Granadozo

Teaching and Learning



15.   Martin Richard Fitzgerald

Engineering Technology, Surveying & Digital Media



16.   Octavia Lynne Flanagan

Nursing Graduate




17.   Saeidreza "Sam" Harirforoosh

Pharmaceutical Sciences



18.   Gregory B Marlow

Engineering Technology,

Surveying & Digital Media



19.   Mary C Myron

Teaching and Learning



20.   Sharon G Trumbley

Nursing Graduate





                    ii.     Motion to accept was seconded and carried.


D.    Report from Academic Council – Dr. Marks

a.     One proposal from Graduate Council passed by Academic Council

                      i.     Joint Doctor of Nursing Practice with Tennessee Technical University


E.    Old Business

a.     No meeting in May, next meeting will be June 8. Graduate Council Subcommittee and Graduate Faculty Subcommittee meetings will be held June 1.


F.     New Business

a.     Accelerated (FastTrack) Bachelor’s to Master’s policy

                      i.     Approved by Academic Counsel, and has been sent to President Noland for final approval.

                    ii.     Dr. Bartoszuk solicited suggestions on how programs should be informed about this policy

1.      Suggestions included:

a.      Department chairs and coordinators

b.     Deans and Associate Deans

c.       Curriculum Committee members

d.     College Curriculum Committee chairs


G.   Other

a.     Dr. Rayman will be retiring May 15, 2015. Marsh Grube will chair the June Curriculum Subcommittee Meeting. At this meeting, the Subcommittee members will discuss a replacement for chair. Their nomination will then be discussed at the June Graduate Council meeting.


H.    Adjournment: 1:50 p.m.