Graduate Council – Minutes

East Tennessee State University

September 29, 2014 1:15pm

President’s Conference Room – Dossett Hall 206


Present:  Dr. Karin Bartoszuk, Dr. Stacy D. Brown, Queen Brown,

Dr. William R. Duncan, Dr. Wendy Doucette, Dr. Karen King, Ms. Billie Lancaster,

Dr. Lori Marks, Dr. Brian Maxson, Dr. Cecilia A. McIntosh, Dr. Robert Pack,

Dr. Martha M. Pointer, Dr. Nicole Prior, Dr. Evelyn Roach, Dr. Mitchell Robinson,

Dr. Janna Scarborough, Dr. Marie Tedesco, Dr. Paul Trogen, Dr. Brittany Wilkins,

Ms. Jennifer Barber, Mr. Wendolin Elrod


Absent:  Ms. Maria D. Costa, Dr. Phillip Musich, Dr. Kathleen M. Rayman, Dr. Michelle Lee, Dr. Florence M. Weierbach


Guests: None


Approval of June 2014 Minutes:


The motion was made, seconded, and approved to accept the June 30, 2014 minutes.


Approval of August Minutes:


The motion was made, seconded, and approved to accept the August 25, 2014 minutes with corrections.  The correction made to add Dr. Nicole Prior to the curriculum subcommittee.


Curriculum Subcommittee report – Dr. Marie Tedesco for Dr. Kathleen Rayman 


Each of the proposals below was considered using the following characteristics as an element of the appropriateness of the proposal:

Appropriate credit hour assignment

Appropriate discipline-specific best practices

Appropriate purpose and goals of the proposal

Appropriate intellectual/learning outcomes

Appropriate content and topics

Appropriate major assignments

Appropriate class level

Appropriate course type

Appropriate course delivery method

Conflict with other courses or programs

Articulation and transferability of credit to other institutions


I.  Substantive Curriculum Revision for Archival Studies concentration in the MALS program.  The revision is to align the program with new recommendations of the Society of American Archivists.


The subcommittee recommends approval with the following changes:

1.    On the cover page of the TBR proposal: insert East Tennessee State University as the sponsoring institution.

2.    Under degree designation, delete “Master of Arts in” before “Liberal Studies.”

3.    Under anticipated delivery site, indicate “campus,” instead of East Tennessee State University.”

4.    Correct Dr. Bach’s phone number: it should be 423-439-4219.

5.    On page two of the TBR form, under Executive Summary, Purpose. Text should read as follows: "The purpose of the proposal is to update the curriculum to meet the updated standards prescribed by the Society of American Archivists (SAA), the only national organization for professional archivists.  Updating the curriculum will help MALS graduates of the Archival Studies Concentration to remain competitive in the archival job market."

6.    On page two of the TBR form, under Executive Summary, Need. Text should read as follows: "The curriculum of the Archival Studies Concentration in MALS needs to be updated, as noted, to meet new standards set forth by SAA, especially in the areas of creation and management of electronic documents, communication, and information culture. The courses added to the directed electives’ categories cover topics in computer and information science, public management, and communications.  In addition, the renaming of the elective categories reflects the updating of the SAA guidelines."

7.    On page two of the TBR form, under Executive Summary, Impact: fourth line, end sentence after “program.” Delete the text that follows.

8.    On page three of the TBR form, under Type of Program Change, remove “X” in front of “Termination of an existing program or concentration.” Delete “See Appendix B” that follows “Termination of an existing program or concentration.”

9.    On page four of the TBR form, under #4, “Attach a copy . . . “ include the title of Appendix A. [Title is: Substantive Revision, MALS, Archives Concentration.]

10. On page five of the TBR form, under #6, “For terminations . . . .” delete “See Appendix B.”

11. On page five of the TBR form, under #8, Describe the anticipated impact . . . .” first paragraph, fifth line, after previously, it was, delete “it was.”  In sixth line, after “required to,” insert “earn.”

12. On page five of the TBR form, under #8, Describe the anticipated impact . . . .” second paragraph, line two, change “will require,” to “will necessitate.”  Line three: end sentence after museums. Then begin a new sentence: “Included in Northeast Tennessee are the City of Kingsport Archives, Tipton-Haynes Historic Site, the Washington County Archives, and the Heritage Alliance of Northeast Tennessee and Southeast Virginia. “

13. Start the old and new curriculum grid on a new page.

14. On the grid: when carrying over to another page, be sure to insert an extra row and two columns at the top of the grid to indicate "Present Curriculum" and "Proposed Curriculum."

15. On the grid, proposed curriculum: under "Guided Electives, Archives Core Knowledge," leave first two rows blank.

16. On the grid, present curriculum, switch the management and information science blocks for guided electives, so that the information science block lines up with the IT block, guided electives, proposed curriculum.

17.  On the grid, proposed curriculum, "Electives, Complementary Knowledge, Allied Professions,” cap "One."

18. Page seven, Appendix B: start on new page. Text for Appendix B needs to modified to read: Students entering the Archival Studies Concentration fall semester 2015 will enter under the new curriculum.  Students entering spring or summer 2015 will enter under the 2014-15 catalogs that prescribe the present curriculum, but will be notified of impending changes and will have the choice to remain with the present curriculum or switch to the new one.  Students in the program at present will be notified of the curriculum change have the choice of remaining with the present curriculum or switching to the new one.  Students that are more than 50% through the prior curriculum by fall of 2015 may request substitutions of guided electives to take advantage of the new options with the approval of the MALS Graduate Coordinator and the School of Graduate Studies."

19.  Number pages of proposal.

Action taken by council:  approved with the recommendations


Graduate Faculty Subcommittee report and recommendations – Dr. Trogen. 









1.      Balada, Ronald



2.      Beatty, Kate

Health Services Management & Policy


3.      Bidwell, Joseph

Biological Sciences


4.      Boynewicz, Kara

Physical Therapy


5.      Cloud, Janice

Curriculum & Instruction


6.      Doucette. Wendy

Sherrod Library


7.      Frye, Stephanie



8.      Howard, Jeff

Student Affairs


9.      Khoury, Amal

Health Services Mgmt & Policy


10.  King, Patricia

Physical Therapy


11.  Maisonet, Mildred

Biostatistics and Epidemiology


12.  Mwinyelle, Jerome

Literature and Language


13.  O’Neil, Kason

Kinesiology, Sort & Recreation Management


14.  Shilabin. Abbas



15.  Smith, Danny

Physical Therapy



Action taken by council:  Approved









Present Status


1.      Bartoszuk, Karin

Teaching and Learning



2.      Burgin, David




3.      Cress, Eileen

Allied Health Sci - Nutrition



4.      Dixon, David

Art and Design



5.      Fehskins, Matthew

Language and Literature



6.      Gardner, Robert

Mathematics and Statistics



7.      Girard, Mira

Art and Design



8.      Mwinyelle, Jerome

Literature and Language



9.      Pack, Robert

Community and Behavioral Health



10.  Powers, Leigh

Col or Nursing- Grad Programs



11.  Silver, Kenneth

Environmental Health



12.  Tarnoff, David




13.  Yao, Zhi Q

Internal Medicine – Infectious Diseases



14.  Zhu, Meng Yang

Biomedical Sciences




The council reviewed the paper copy of the graduate faculty online forms for Dr. Phillip Robert Scheuerman, Dr. Maria Tedesco, and Dr. Ramona Adele Williams.  The motion made, seconded, and approved the senior member status for Dr. Scheuerman and Dr. Tedesco.  The motion made, seconded, and approved the affiliate status for Dr. Williams.


Action taken by council:  Approved


Report from Academic Council – Dr. Marks (curricular items, Graduate Academic Fresh Start Policy)


Dr. Marks reported the Academic Council submitted the following proposals from the last two meetings.  The academic proposals were Substantive Revision of Graduate certificate in Archival Studies, Articulation agreement for Archival Studies certificate and Archival Studies concentration in MALS, Revision of MSW admission policy, Substantive revision of Merchandising Minor, Articulation agreement for Epidemiology Graduate certificate applied to MPH concentration, and proposed Graduate Academic Fresh Start policy.


In regards to the Academic Fresh Start policy, the fifth paragraph first sentence should state up to 6 previous graduate credits for a person seeking admission into a graduate certificate program or up to 9 previous credits for a degree program….  The previous language has been added to the catalog by Ms. Billie Lancaster.  The announcement will be sent to all faculty and staff with the subject line Fresh Start.


Old Business:


Dr. McIntosh informed the council on plans for disseminating information regarding the discontinuation of the thesis/dissertation reader position.  ETSU is among the last that offers the free thesis/dissertation reader service.  Therefore, an email has been sent to all faculty, staff, and graduate coordinators regarding the discontinuation of this service.   Also, a committee has been appointed by Dr. Bach to assemble alternatives costs and funding.  The committee members appointed are Dr. McIntosh (chair), Dr. Rob Pack, Dr. Susan Epps, and Dr. Jim Lampley.  Presently, the committee members have set up a meeting with Mr. Rob Russell, CFAA, to discuss providing a service with a fee to cover thesis/dissertation editorial.  Additionally, Dr. Bill Kirkwood and Dr. Jim Lampley are exploring other programs to participate in coverage in the spring semester beginning with next fiscal year.  The council suggested that a member from each college, perhaps members of the council, should meet and further address this issue with their colleagues.  Everyone should be made aware of the importance of releasing thesis and/or dissertations that will honor the university.


Furthermore, Ms. Emily Redd, Editorial Assistant, attended the ETD conference as a presenter and reported it was successful.  Also, Ms. Redd will continue in her capacity to check format and be a part of the final review process. 


New Business:


Dr. McIntosh requested ideas for future presentations on policies or processes the council members would like presented in the coming year.  Some of the suggestions are Turn-it-in as guidance in accessing the report with emphasize on quotations and bibliographies especially in light of the change in etd review, the D2L website usage, browser issues, data ideas working within the university, marketing ideas, graduate educational policy, equity/diversity, Title 9, and grade appeals.  Dr. McIntosh will work on scheduling as many of the above suggestions as time will permit, focusing on those under the purview of the Graduate Council as a policy and process oversight council.


Dr. McIntosh informed new council members of Dr. Noland’s commitment to increase the graduate assistantship stipend last year before the budgetary issues hit the university.  A draft letter to Dr. Noland was discussed to remind him of this commitment.  The council agreed to respond electronically with comments/edits and to send Dr. Noland a letter to Dr. Noland regarding the stipend increase commitment.  The feedback should be sent to Dr. Maxson to assemble and compose final version of the letter.  When the final version of letter is agreed by council, then it will be sent to Dr. Noland.








There was no further business to discuss; therefore, the meeting was adjourned at 2:29 p.m.