President Noland appointed the “Budget Redesign Committee” to follow-up on the recommendations of the Ad Hoc Budget Committee. Dr. Noland’s charge for the committee was:
The Ad-Hoc Budgeting Committee recommended that ETSU implement a revised budget process incorporating elements from Responsibility Centered Management (RCM) which focuses on budget decentralization. The Interim University Council (IUC) unanimously approved this recommendation on August 10, 2015. The Budget Redesign Committee is charged with recommending to the President the process and details to implement a decentralized budget for ETSU. Additionally, the committee should recommend an educational plan to assure transparency across the University related to the new model. Committee deliverables should include policies and procedures that promote incentives and accountability along with supporting responsible growth. This new model and implementation plan should be recommended to the President by the completion of the 2016 – 2017 academic year.
Members of the committee are:
- Gordon Anderson – Dean, College of Arts and Sciences
- James Batchelder – Assistant Dean, CHS
- Randy Byington – Associate Professor, Allied Health Sciences
- Larry Calhoun – Dean, Gatton College of Pharmacy
- David Collins – VP Finance and Administration
- Wally Dixon – Chair, Psychology
- Dennis Depew – Dean, College of Business and Technology
- Mira Gerard - Chair, Art and Design
- Kimberly Hale – Associate Dean, Clemmer College of Education and Human Development
- Wendy Nehring – Dean, College of Nursing
- Margaret Pate – Assoc. VP Budget and Financial Planning
- Joe Sherlin – VP Student Affairs
- Mike Smith – Chair, Social Work
- Katherine Weiss – Chair, Literature and Language
- Randy Wykoff – Dean, College of Public Health
Since beginning meetings in the fall semester (minutes provided), the committee has identified a list of questions that need to be addressed. A planning retreat is scheduled for Wednesday, June 22nd to begin the dialog to develop recommendations for presentation to the IUC, Senior Staff and President Noland. The questions to be addressed are posted.
We encourage members of the ETSU faculty and staff to provide input to anyone on the committee as we continue to move towards a new budgeting model for our University. In addition, if you would like to request members of the committee to meet with individual groups to discuss the budgeting model please feel free to contact any committee member to facilitate a meeting.
Budget Process Committee
Over the past two years, ETSU has been engaged in strategic visioning conversations as part of the 125 process. While the work of the Committee for 125 was focused on developing a long-range vision for the institution, multiple taskforces were engaged in efforts to support the work of the Committee for 125. Under the leadership of Dr. Linda Garceau, the Extramural Resources Taskforce examined a variety of policy items required to realize the goals of the 125 process. This taskforce worked closely with external consultants in their review of internal and external factors impacting the university's budget.
As higher education transitions to a funding paradigm personified by diminishing state support, it is imperative that ETSU develop a budget structure that engages all facets of the university. As the university works to develop a revised budgeting model, the following value propositions will guide these efforts:
- The emerging budget process must provide a clear and concise means to communicate the elements of the university that make ETSU distinctive within a competitive and crowded higher education market.
- The emerging budget process should provide a means to align core resources with strategic priorities, thereby creating shared ownership across colleges and departments.
- The development of a strategic budget process will yield demonstrable elements specific to a five-year growth agenda and will adhere to reasonable qualitative and quantitative standards.
The Ad Hoc Committee on Budgetary Process provides leadership for ETSU as we embark upon the development of a new budget process. The committee serves in an advisory capacity to the Office of the President, providing recommendations that will define the budget process for future budget cycles.
The committee membership is as follows:
Larry Calhoun, chair
Gordon Anderson
James Batchelder
Randy Byington
Wally Dixon
William Duncan
Amal Khoury
B.J. King
David Linville
Raven Moody
Wendy Nehring
Mike Smith
Randy Wykoff