Current Weather at ETSU Valleybrook Campus (Kingsport, TN)

Current Conditions
Temperature: 76.8�F
Humidity: 61%
Dewpoint: 62.3�F
Wind: ENE at 0.0 mph
Barometer: 1010.1 mb & steady
Today's Rain: 0.00 in
Rain Rate:0.00 in/hr
Storm Total:0.04 in
Monthly Rain: 0.53 in
Yearly Rain: 0.53 in
Wind Chill: 76.8 �F
THW Index: 77.7 �F
Heat Index: 77.7 �F
Today's Highs and Lows
High Temperature: 76.8 �F at 11:16a
Low Temperature:62.7 �F at 4:23a
High Humidity: 98% at 1:12a
Low Humidity:61% at 11:12a
High Dewpoint:66.0 �F at 8:22a
Low Dewpoint: 62.0 �F at 3:12a
High Barometer: 1010.7 mb at 8:02a
Low Barometer: 1009.1 mb at 4:01a
High Rain Rate: 0.00 in/hr at ---
Low Wind Chill: 63.0 �F at 3:07a
High Heat Index: 78.0 �F at 11:08a

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Current Outside Humidity Current Outside Dewpoint Current Heat Index Current Wind Chill

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Current Barometer    Barometer History

Today's Rain    Rain History

Storm Rain Total Current Rain Rate Monthly Rain Total Yearly Rain Total
