The dental hygiene clinic in Lamb Hall on campus is open to the public with clinic hours scheduled to coincide with each academic semester. Initial appointments provide the patient with a thorough patient assessment (check-up) after which the patient will be assigned to a student for cleaning at a later time. Services include:
- Thorough Examination
- Oral Cancer Screening
- Dental Cleaning
- Dental Charting
- Periodontal Assessment and Therapy
- Preventive Oral Health Instructions
- Fluoride
- Occlusal Sealants
- Dental Radiographs
- Referral
Senior Citizens (55 and older) and ETSU students receive free treatment (there is
a charge to copy x-rays to be sent to your dentist). All others are charged $20.00
cash for cleaning. The cost for sealants is $15.00 each and the costs for reproducing
x-rays are as follows: $25.00 cash or check; we will also need the email address you
are requesting them to be sent to. All exams are free and there is only a charge for
x-rays when they must be reproduced. Current fees are subject to change.
Please remember that we are a teaching facility and you will receive excellent care
but it may not done as quickly as in a private dental office. Our students need time
to learn and to have their work evaluated. Thank you for your patience. Also, please
be advised that our services do not replace routine visits to your dentist.
Please phone (423) 439-4514 for an appointment. We are located in room 134 on the
Main floor in Lamb Hall, which is number 19 on the campus map or you can locate the building by choosing Main Campus and Lamb Hall. Parking on campus can be quite challenging. Please email to have a clinic parking permit emailed to you. You may also request a clinic parking
pass at 132 Stout Drive. Visitors should review the Visitor Parking Policy in order to know where they are allowed to park.
To assist the clinic, please complete the following forms and bring them with you
to your first appointment. You will need to print the forms and then fill them out
in pen.
Driving Directions to ETSU Dental Hygiene Clinic (in Johnson City, TN)
GPS device: ETSU Dental Hygiene Clinic address – 201 Ross Dr., Johnson City, TN 37614.
Driving Directions From Kingsport, Bristol, and Knoxville
1. Coming from the north, south, and west, use I-81
2. Exit onto I-26 toward Johnson City/ Asheville
3. Take exit 24 onto University Parkway and follow the signs to campus
4. When you see the parking garage, take the red light and turn (the red light
is located between the Parking garage and Knights Pizza).
5. Take the roundabout and continue straight, get in the left turn lane & turn.
6. At the stop sign, turn right. You will see Ross Drive and the construction
trailer. Clinic parking is located next to the trailer. If there is no parking, you
can park in student or faculty parking.
Driving Directions From Unicoi, Erwin, and Asheville, N.C.
1. Coming from the east, take I-26 from Asheville, NC, then 24 onto University
Parkway. Follow the signs to campus
2. When you see the parking garage, take the red light and turn (the red light
is located between the Parking garage and Knights Pizza).
3. Take the roundabout and continue straight, get in the left turn lane & turn.
4. At the stop sign, turn right. You will see Ross Drive and the construction
trailer. Clinic parking is located next to the trailer. If there is no parking, you
can park in student or faculty parking.
Once on ETSU Campus
To get to our clinic, from there, you will walk towards Lamb Hall and either take
the outside stairwell up to the glass enclosure and, enter there, and follow the sign
to the reception area. If you need to take the elevator, you will pass the outside
stairs and enter Lamb Hall through the glass doors near the construction fence. Once
inside, you walk down the hallway and turn right to get to the elevator; when you
get on the elevator, select level M and follow the signs to the reception area.