MINUTES: Graduate Council ‑ January 31, 2000 ‑ 1:15 p.m., East Tennessee Room
ATTENDEES: Champney, Honaker, Pike, Pfeiffer, Green, Hoover, Scheuerman, Lindahl, Antkiewicz, Kasmai, Ellis, Taylor, Norris, Osborn, Alavi
AGENDA: Graduate Council - January 31, 2000 - 1:15 p.m., East Tennessee Room _______________________________________________________________________
I. MINUTES OF November 29 and December 13, 1999 COUNCIL MEETING (already Distributed)
Action Taken by Council: Approved
A. LIBERAL STUDIES - MALS 5900 - Independent Study - Research that is directed
by MALS faculty members, but not covered by thesis or special project titles, are part of
most programs as Independent Study, a title that was not included when the MALS program was established.
Action Taken by Council: Approved
B. ENGLISH - ENGL 4107/5107 - History of the English Language - Request course deletion as a result of relocation of this course to the junior level (ENGL 3200), with the same title; the course will no longer be available at the graduate level.
Action Taken by Council: Approved deletion of one graduate class and
forwarded to Undergraduate Curriculum
Committee for action on undergradute course.
C. ENGLISH - ENGL 4137/5137 - Dialectology - New offering in the linguistics area in order to offer a course that is well recognized as a branch of linguistics.
Action Taken by Council: Approved with the addition of updated library
reference list and fowarded to Undergraduate
Curriculum Committee for action on
undergraduate course.
A. Applicants for New Appointment:
1. Bettis, Glen, PhD, Senior Affiliate Faculty in ELPA, recommended for Associate.
2. Campbell, Andrew B., MA +30, Adjunct Professor in Technology, recommenced
for Interim (lack of terminal degree).
3. Dietz, Linda T., PhD, Assistant Professor Human Development/Learning,
recommended for Associate.
4. Pinner, Michael, PhD, Adjunct in Philosophy, recommended for Interim.
5. Schweitzer, John B., MD, Professor in Pathology, recommended for Full.
6. Stewart, Kay A., MS, Instructor in Family/Community Nursing, recommended for
Interim (lack of terminal degree).
Action Taken by Council: Approved
B. Applicants for Reappointment:
1. Ecay, Tom W., PhD, Assistant Professor in Physiology, Associate expired 993,
recommended for Full.
2. McGowan, K. Ramsey, PhD., Associate Professor in Psychiatry and Behavioral
Sciences, Full expired in 961, recommended for Associate.
3. McIntosh, Cecilia, PhD, Associate Professor in Biological Sciences, Associate expires 001, recommended for Full.
4. Sabatino, David, PhD, Professor in Human Development/Learning, Full expired
993, recommended for Full.
5. Wondergem, Robert, PhD, Professor in Physiology, Full expired 993, recommended
for Full.
Action Taken by Council: Approved
1. Required format for course syllabus - Steve Honaker, spokesperson
Mr. Honaker distributed copies of the approved undergraduate required format for course syllabus to be included as part of all proposals submitted. Dr. Doran asked whether or not the Graduate Council would like to add their support to this format and have graduate
curriculum follow these same guidelines. Graduate curriculum proposals would then be included in this process as well.
Action Taken by Council: Approved
2. Editorial Course Description Changes for 2000-2001 Catalogs was distributed for approval.
Action Taken by Council: Approved
3. New GPSA Representative - Introduction of Kimberly Norris Thompson as the new
Graduate and Professional Student Association member replacing Ben Parker.
4. Thesis Workshop will be conducted by Dr. Brown on Wednesday, February 9, 2000 from 1:30-3:30 p.m. in the Forum Room of the DP Culp center. Flyers will be distributed
to departments, chairs, and coordinators for posting 2/1/00.
5. The new graduate application package and brochure was shared with council members.
The meeting was adjourned at 2:00 p.m.
Scott Champney, Chair