2002 – 2003


Graduate Council Membership


Voting Members:


Phil Pfeiffer, Ph.D. College of Applied Science and Technology

Hamid Kasmai, Ph.D., College of Arts and Sciences

Ron Green, Ph.D., College of Business

John M. Taylor, Ph.D., College of Education

William Scott Champney, Ph.D., College of Medicine

Patricia L. Smith, Ed.D., College of Nursing

Phillip Scheuerman, Ph.D., College of Medicine

Mark Ellis, M.S.L.S., Library

Kimberly Norris Thompson, Graduate Student, GPSA

David Michael Lane, Graduate Student, GPSA

Lee Pike, Ph.D., Member at Large

Rick Osborn, Ph.D., School of Continuing Studies

James Bitter, Ed.D., Faculty Senate

Ben Caton, Ph.D., Member  At Large

Don Hoover, Ph.D., College of Medicine


Non-Voting Members:

Henry Antkiewicz,  Ph.D., International Programs

Wesley Brown, Ph. D., Dean, School of Graduate Studies

Roberta Herrin, Ph.D., Associate Dean, School of Graduate Studies

Jeff Greer, Registrar’s Office

Mary Ellen Music, Registrar’s Office

Michael Woodruff, Ph.D., Research and Sponsored Programs

Linda Wyatt, School of Graduate Studies (Recorder)


Meeting Dates


September 30, 2002

October 28, 2002

November 25, 2002

January 27, 2003

March 31, 2003

April 28, 2003


Meetings were held in the East Tennessee Room - D. P. Culp Center at 1:15 p.m.






Summary of Actions Taken


The Graduate Council took the following actions:


33            New Graduate Faculty Appointments (Section 1, page 2)

87            Graduate Faculty Re-appointments (Section 1, page 2)

47            New Courses Approved (Section 2, page 6)

10            Courses Deleted (Section 3, page 7)

13            Course Changes (Section 4, page 8)

22            Curriculum Changes (Section 5, page 9)

46            Editorial Changes (Section 6, page 11)

18            Miscellaneous Graduate Council Actions (Section 7, page 13)






September 30, 2002


New Appointments to Graduate Faculty:


Dr. William Andrew Clark – Technology, Associate Membership

Dr. P. Edward French – Economics, Finance, & Urban Studies, Associate Membership

Ms. Tara Lee Maxwell – Technology, Interim Membership

Dr. Jonathan Patrick Moorman – Internal Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases, Associate Membership

Ms. Kellie Price – Computer and Information Sciences, Interim Membership

Ms. Judy Rice – Professional Roles/Mental Health Nursing, Interim Membership

Dr. Jennifer Schaller-Ayers – Family/Community Nursing, Full Membership

Ms. Alison Schaefer – Applied Human Sources,  Interim Membership

Dr. Michael Stephen Trent – Microbiology, Associate Membership

Dr. Tiejian Wu – Public Health, Associate Membership


Re-appointments to Graduate Faculty:


Mr. Bruce Behringer – Public Health, Interim Membership Expired Fall 01, Interim


Dr. Wesley Brown – Human Development and Learning, Full Membership Expired Fall 02, Full


Dr. Scott Champney – Biochemistry , Full Membership Expired Fall 02, Full Membership

Mr. Don R. Davis – Art and Design, Temporary Membership Expired Fall 02, Full  Membership

Dr. Nancy Dishner – Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis, Full Membership Expired Fall 02,

Full Membership

Dr. Kenneth Emil Ferslew – Pharmacology,     Full Membership Expired Fall 02, Full  Membership

Dr. Kenneth E. Hall – Foreign Languages, Associate Membership Expired Fall 02, Full  Membership

Dr. David A. Johnson – Biochemistry, Full Membership Expired Fall 02, Full Membership

Dr. Marjorie King – Professional Roles/Mental Health Nursing - Associate Membership Expired Fall 02.

Full Membership

Dr. Richard A. Manahan – Accountancy, Full Membership Expired Fall 02,  Full  Membership

Dr. Judy Griffin McCook – Family/Community Nursing, Interim Membership Expired Fall 02,               Associate Membership

Dr. John G. Osborne – Health Sciences, Interim Membership Expired Fall 02, Associate Membership

Dr. Larry Prather – Economics, Finance, and Urban Studies, Associate Membership Expired Fall 02,

Full Membership

Dr. Phillip Scheuerman – Environmental Health, Full Membership Expired Fall 02, Full Membership

Dr. John S. Vaglia – Technology, Full Membership Expired Fall 02, Full Membership

Dr. Joanne Walker Shields – Public Health,    Associate Membership Expired Spring 02, Full Membership

Dr. Harold Warren – Economics, Finance, and Urban Studies,    Associate Membership Expired Fall 02,

Associate Membership

Dr. Carole A. Williams – Physiology, Full Membership Expired Fall 02, Full Membership


                                                                                October 28, 2002


New Appointments to Graduate Faculty:


Ms. Gigi Alandt – Technology,  Interim Membership

Dr. Wallace E. Dixon, Jr.  – Psychology , Associate Membership

Dr. Masoud Ghaffari – Adult Nursing , Associate Membership

Mr. Peter Hriso – Technology,  Associate Membership

Mr. Jeffrey Roach – Computer and Information Sciences, Interim Membership

Mr. James A. Wronecki – Technology, Interim Membership


Re-Appointments to Graduate Faculty:


Dr. M. Lou Ernst-Fonberg – Biochemistry, Full Membership Expired -  Fall 02, Full Membership

Dr. Donald B. Hoover – Pharmacology, Full Membership Expired - Fall 02, Full  Membership

Dr. Hamid S. Kasmai – Chemistry,     Full Membership Expired – Fall 02, Full Membership

Dr. Richard A. Wissell – Public Health, Associate Membership Expired – Fall 02 , Associate Membership


November 25, 2002


New Appointments to Graduate Faculty:


Dr. Jo Ann Marrs – Professional Roles/ Mental Health Nursing, Associate Membership

Dr. Craig Turner  – Management & Marketing,  Associate Membership


Re-appointments to Graduate Faculty:


Dr. Anthony Cavender – Sociology & Anthropology,                 Full Membership Expired -  Fall 02, Full Membership

Dr. Wendell Hester – Sociology & Anthropology, Full Membership Expired - Fall 02, Associate


Dr. Michael Pinner - Continuing Education, Interim Membership Expired – Fall 02, Interim Membership

Dr. Marie Tedesco – Division of Cross Disciplinary Studies, Full Membership Expired – Fall 02,                       

Full Membership


January 27, 2003


New Appointments to Graduate Faculty:


Dr. Alok Agrawal – Pharmacology,  Associate Membership

Ms. Carla Beswick – Family and Community Nursing, Interim Membership

Dr. Ida Lee Dell’Isola – Educational Leadership, Temporary Membership

Ms. Sandra Gilbert – Clinical Nutrition, Temporary Membership

Mr. Steven Jenkins – Computer & Information Science, Interim Membership

Dr. J.Chris Lefler – Educational Leadership, Temporary Membership

Ms. Susan Neveu – Family/Community Nursing, Interim Membership




Reappointments to Graduate Faculty:


Dr. Scott H. Beck – Sociology & Anthropology, Full Membership Expires Spring 03, Full Membership

Dr. Glenn Bettis – Educational Leadership, Associate Membership Expired Spring 03, Associate


Dr. Creg Steven Bishop – Environmental Health, Full Membership Expired Fall 02, Full Membership

Mr. Hugh Broome – Technology,  Interim Membership

Dr. James G. Frierson – Management & Marketing, Associate Membership Expires Spring 03,            Associate Membership

Dr. Gary D. Henson – Physics & Astronomy, Associate Membership Expires Spring 03,                      Associate Membership

Dr. Fred Hossler – Anatomy & Cell Biology, Full Membership Expires Spring 03, Full  Membership

Dr. Thomas Huang – Chemistry, Full Membership Expired Fall 02, Full Membership

Dr. Abdul Salam Jarrah – Mathematics, Temporary Membership Expires Spring 03, Associate Membership

Dr. Mary Ann Littleton – Public Health, Temporary Membership Expired Fall 02, Associate Membership

Dr. David G. Logan – Art and Design, Full Membership Expired Fall 02, Full Membership

Dr. William R. Mayberry– Microbiology – COM, Full Membership Expires Spring 03, Associate


Dr. Phillip E. Miller – Management and Marketing, Associate Membership Expires, Spring 03, Associate


Dr. Clifton Mitchell – Human Development & Learning , Full Membership Expires, Spring 03, Full


Ms. Catherine Murray – Art & Design, Associate Membership Expired Fall 02, Full  Membership

Dr. Maria Niederberger – Music, Associate Membership Expired Fall 02, Associate Membership

Dr. Sankhavaram R. Panini – Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Associate Membership Expires Spring

03, Full Membership

Dr. George Poole – Mathematics, Full Membership Expires Spring 03, Associate Membership

Dr. Peter J. Rice – Pharmacology, Full Membership Expired Fall 02, Full Membership

Dr. Barbara B. Turner – Physiology, Full Membership Expired Fall 02, Full Membership

Dr. Frederick O. Waage – English, , Full Membership Expired Fall 02, Full Membership

Dr. Joy E. Wachs – Family/Community Nursing, Associate Membership Expires Spring 03, Associate



March 31, 2003


New Appointments to Graduate Faculty:


Dr. James L. Anderson – Public Health, Associate Membership

Dr. Russell Hayman – Microbiology, Associate Membership

Dr. Blake Snider – Human Development and Learning, Associate Membership

Dr. Rosalind Gann – Curriculum & Instruction, Associate Membership

Dr. Kevin O’Donnell  – English, Associate Membership


Re-appointments to Graduate Faculty:


Dr. Cynthia Burnley – Sociology & Anthropology, Full Membership Expires Spring 03, Associate


Dr. Brent Morrow – Human Development and Learning, Full Membership Expires Spring 03, Full


Dr. Phillip Musich – Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Full Membership Expired Fall 02, Full


Dr. George A. Youngberg – Pathology, Associate Membership Expired Fall 02, Associate Membership

Mr. Robert Barnhart – Physical Therapy, Interim Membership Expires Spring 03, Interim Membership

Dr. Jay Boland – Mathematics, Full Membership Expired Fall 02, Full Membership

Dr. D. L. Drinkard – History, Associate Membership Expired Fall 02, Associate Membership

Dr. Katie Driskell – Curriculum & Instruction, Full Membership Expired Fall 02, Associate Membership

Dr. Robert Gardner – Mathematics, Associate Membership Expired Spring 03, Full Membership

Dr. Dennis Hamm, Jr. – Criminal Justice. Interim Membership Expires Summer 04, Interim Membership

Dr. Patricia Hayes – Adult Nursing, Associate Membership Expired Fall 02, Full Membership

Dr. Donald G. Luttermoser – Physics, Associate Membership Expires – Spring 03, Associate Membership

Dr. Kathleen Rayman – Professional Roles/ Mental Health Nursing, Associate Membership Expires Spring 03, Full Membership

Dr. Catherine Sherrill – English, Full Membership Expires Spring 03, Recommend – Associate


Dr. Russell F. West – Educational Leadership & Policy Analysis, Full Membership Expires Spring 03

       Full Membership

Dr. Otto Zinser –Psychology, Full Membership Expires Spring 03,  Full Membership


April 28, 2003


New Appointments to Graduate Faculty:


Ms. Mira S. Gerard – Art & Design, Associate Membership

Dr. Andrew L. Slap – History, Associate Membership

Ms. Kerry Proctor-Williams – Communicative Disorders, Interim Membership


Re-appointments to Graduate Faculty:


Dr. Leila S. Al-Imad – History, Associate Membership Expired – Fall 02, Associate Membership

Dr. Ronald H. Baisden – Anatomy & Cell Biology, Full Membership Expired – Spring 03, Associate


Ms. Ute H. Breese – Physical Therapy, Interim Membership Expired - Spring 03,  Interim Membership

Dr. Kevin Breuel – Obstetrics/Gynecology, Full Membership Expired - Spring 03, Full Membership

Ms. Mary Jo Davenport – Physical Therapy, Interim Membership Expired – Spring 03,  Interim


Mr. M. Wayne Dyer – Art & Design, Full Membership Expired – Spring 03, Recommend – Full


Dr. Methlee R. Ennis – Communicative Disorders, Associate Membership Expired – Spring 03

Associate Membership

 Mr. Charles R. Gunter, Jr. – Geography & Geology, Interim Membership Expires - Summer 03

Interim Membership

Dr. Judith A. Hammond – Sociology & Anthropology, Full Membership Expired - Spring 03

                Associate Membership

Mr. Thomas F.  Headley – Communication, Interim Membership Expired - Fall 02, Interim Membership

Dr. Roberta T. Herrin – English, Full Membership Expired - Spring 03, Full Membership

Dr. Dan M. Johnson – Biological Science, Full Membership Expired - Spring 03, Associate Membership

Dr. John M. King – Communication, Associate Membership Expired - Spring 03, Full Membership

Dr. Barbara May – Professional Roles/Mental Health Nursing, Associate Membership Expires - Summer

03, Full Membership

Dr. Hugh A. Miller, III – Biological Science, Full Membership Expired - Spring 03, Associate


Dr. Paul J. Monaco – Anatomy& Cell Biology, Full Membership Expires - Spring 03, Associate


Dr. Darrell J. Moore – Biological Science, Full Membership Expired - Spring 03, Full Membership

Dr. Nancy Gruel Nehring – Applied Human Science, Associate Membership Expired  - Spring 03,

Associate Membership

Dr. Patricia E. Robertson – Human Development & Learning, Associate Membership Expired – Spring 03

Full Membership

Dr. Niall Shanks – Philosophy, Associate Membership Expired – Fall 02,  Full membership

Dr. Richard G. Skalko – Anatomy & Cell Biology, Full Membership Expired – Spring 03 

Associate Membership

Dr. Jeffrey G. Wardeska – Chemistry, Full Membership Expired – Spring 03, Associate Membership

Mr. Duane A. Williams – Physical Therapy, Interim Membership Expired – Spring 03, Interim






September 30, 2002


SALM 5232                          Sport Communication and Media Relations

FCNU 4037/5037   Community Concepts for Public Health Nurses

FCNU 4507/5507                   Social Concerns and Women’s Health



October 28, 2002




November 25, 2002


MCOM 5070                         Seminar in History of Mass Communication

ENGL 5160             Second Language Acquisition

ENGL 5170                             Teaching English as a Second Language

ENGL 5180                            Internship in Teaching English as a Second


BIOL 5910                              Research in Biology

PMNU                                    6100 Philosophy of Nursing Science



January 27, 2003


HIST 4847/5847    20th Century American Sports

FREN 4017/5017   Advanced French Grammar

PHYS 4007/5007   Computational Physics

GEOL 4587/5587   Engineering Geology

GEOL 4617/5617   Structural Geology

GEOG 5320                            Geographic Information Systems Projects

SURV 4517/5517   Photogrammetry

SURV 4537/5537                  Land Boundary Location

SURV 4547/5547   Land Subdivision and Platting

SURV 4567/5567   Positioning with GPS

SURV 4617/5617   Digital Imagery Processing

SURV 5110                            Physical Geodesy



March 31,  2003


MATH 4347/5347 Introduction to Graph Theory

HDAL 5220                           Advanced Adolescent Psychology

MKTG 4111                           E-Marketing       

MGMT 5112                          Supply Chain Management

PHYT 6663                            Human Research for Physical Therapy

PHYT 7764                            Case Study in Physical Therapy

PHYT 7706                            Pharmacology II for Physical Therapy

PHYT 7882                            Teaching and Learning for Physical Therapy

PHYT 7855                            Lifespan Development for Physical Therapy

PHYT 7883                            Management and Leadership in Physical Therapy

PHYT 7856                            Health and Wellness Strategies for Physical Therapy

PHYT 7857                            Differential Diagnosis for Physical Therapy

PHYT 7807                            Imaging Studies for Physical Therapy

PHYT 7976                            Internship III


April 28, 2003


PSYC 5407                             Psychopharmacology

PSYC 5807                             Forensic Psychology

PSYC 5410                             Correlation and Multiple Regression

PSYC 5610                             Topical Seminar in Developmental Psychology

PSYC 5620                             Topical Seminar in Social Psychology

PSYC 5630                             Topical Seminar in Cognitive Psychology

PSYC 5640                             Topical Seminar in Behavioral Neuroscience

PSYC 5650                             Topical Seminar in Applied Psychology

PSYC 5660                             Topical Seminar in Clinical Psychology

PSYC 5800                             Teaching in Psychological Sciences

BADM 5370                          Entrepreneurial Finance

BADM 5670                          Strategic Management of Technology and Innovation





September 30, 2002


PEXS 5510             Data Analysis and Interpretation

PEXS 5630             Biomechanics

PEXS 5680             Promoting Wellness for Professionals

PEXS 5961             Capstone Written Project


October 28, 2002




November 25, 2002




January 27, 2003




March 31, 2003


PHYT 5583            Clinical Correlates Seminar III


April 28, 2003


PSYC 5337             Social Psychology

PSYC 5507             Ethics and Professional Practice

PSYC 5557             Introduction to Behavioral Medicine

PSYC 5860             Theories of Learning

PSYC 5875             Intervention Strategies in Clinical Psychology






September 30, 2002


HSCI 4607/5607    Bacterial Physiology, 4 credits (increased from 3 credit hours)


October 28, 2002




November 25, 2002


ENVH 4727/5727  Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency

PMNU 5002    Health Care Delivery Systems


January 27, 2003




March 31, 2003


PHYT6102             Pathophysiology (4) from PHYT 5102 (3 CH)


PHYT 6221            Musculoskeletal I: Upper Quarter (cervical  spine, TMJ and upper extremity) (4)

from PHYT 5221 (3 CH)


PHYT 6213            Physical Therapy Basic Skills III Introduction to Gait Transfers (4) from PHYT

5213 (3 CH)


PHYT 6331            Neurotherapeutic Principles I (4) from PHYT 5331(3 CH)


PHYT 6322            Musculoskeletal II: Lower Quarter (Thoracic,  lumbar, pelvis/sacral spine, and lower

extremity (4) from  PHYT 5322 (3 CH)


PHYT 6674            Internship I (12) from PHYT 5674 (8 CH)


PHYT 7775            Internship II (10) from PHYT 5775 (8 CH)


PHYT 5304            Neuroscience (6) from PHYT 5204 (3 CH)



April 28, 2003


PSYC 5830             Psychological Assessment I:  Adults (3)

PSYC 5850             Psychological Assessment II: Child (3)






September 30, 2002


A.             College of Education – Curriculum and Instruction

1.                  Format C. Substantive Curriculum Modification in an Existing Major.  Add non-thesis option to two concentrations:

a. MA in Reading with a Concentration in Reading Education

b. MA in Reading with a Concentration in Storytelling

             2.         Format E. Termination of a Degree Program.  Terminated M.Ed. Reading with

                  concentrations in Reading Education and Reading Storytelling.


             3.         Format E. Modification of a Title of a Concentration.

Current Title: M.A. in Reading with a Concentration in Reading & Storytelling. 

Proposed Title: M.A. in reading with a Concentration in Storytelling.


B.            College of Education – Physical Education, Exercise and Sports Sciences

1. Modification in an Existing Academic Major.


A. Format C. Revision of the Sport Management Concentration in the M.A. in Physical Education.  Reduction of required credits in the program for 42 to 36 credit hours.


B. Re-designation of the M.Ed. in Physical Education as a      

   Concentration in the M.A. in Physical Education.


C.       Consolidation of the Concentration in Exercise

Physiology and the Concentration in Sport Science in the M.A. in Physical Education to form a Concentration Exercise Physiology and Performance in the M.A. in Physical Education.


                        2. Format E.  Modification of a Title of a Concentration –

                                Current Title: M.A. in Physical Education with a

                                Concentration in Exercise Physiology.  Proposed Title: M.A.

                                in Physical Education with a Concentration in Exercise

                                Physiology and Performance.


                        3. Format E.  Termination of a Concentration:

                                M.A. In Physical Education with a Concentration in Sport



                        4. Format E.  Termination of A Concentration:

                                M.A. in Physical Education with a Concentration in Fitness



October 28, 2002




November 25, 2002




January 27, 2003
A.  Department of Technology – Digital Media Concentration – Admission Requirements -  Applications will be ranked by the following criteria. Applicants will be selected according to available space and their potential for unique contribution to this highly selective program. Due to the interdisciplinary nature of the digital media field, successful applicants may come from a variety of academic backgrounds—such as art, communication, music, theatre, computer science, technology, curriculum design, architecture, or industrial design—or may have considerable experience in the design and production of digital media products. A student applying for admission must:


1.  Provide a portfolio or other evidence of professional competence in one or more elements of digital media such as web production, interactive CD or DVD ROM development, 3-D modeling/visualization, animation, graphic design, computer art, computer programming, instructional design (distance learning and/or interactive instructional software of on-line instruction), video/film, writing, photography, or audio production.


2.  Demonstrate competency in multiple softwares as evidenced by work included in the portfolio and as documented in application materials.


3.  Have an undergraduate GPA of at least 3.0 on a 4.0 scale.


4.  Provide a written Statement of Purpose (1000-1500 words) describing reasons for wishing to enter the program, goals for his/her career in the field of digital media, and ideas and topics for research in the digital medias that the applicant may wish to pursue.


5.  Have a TOEFL of at least 570 (paper score) or 230 (computer score), or an IELTS score of 6.5 (international students).


6.  Include with the application any applicable professional and academic accomplishments such as awards and honors.


Students whose preparation is lacking in certain areas may be required to take additional undergraduate courses that will not be counted towards the M.A. degree.



March 31, 2003


A.  College of Public and Allied Health - Department of Physical Therapy – Establish a new degree –

      Doctor of Physical Therapy.


B.   Revised Master of Physical Therapy Curriculum modification from 85 to 87 hours.


C.  Master of Physical Therapy Termination upon approve of DPT with phase-out in December 2005.



April 28, 2003


A.  College of Arts & Sciences -   Department of Psychology – Revision of graduate curriculum - General

      and Clinical Psychology.


B.  College of Education


1.Department of Human Development -

a. Non-substantive Changes in the School Counseling


b. Non-substantive Changes in the Community Agency


c. Non-substantive Changes in the Marriage and Family Therapy Concentration


2.  New Master of Education proposal for a joint Regents Online Degree Program –

APSA/ETSU/MTSU/TSU/TTU/UOM proposal to offer an on-line degree (MOE) Master of

Education.  Total credits required for graduation will be 33.  There will be 18 credits required in

the major field course and 15 credits required in the concentration, Literacy.


There was much discussion regarding course numbering system as ETSU will not allow the on-line courses to have a rubric/number ending in seven.  ASTL 5707 and ASTL 5727 are planning to be moved to ASTL 5708 and ASTL 5728, respectively.  University of Memphis uses numbering levels beginning with 7xxx.  The 5000 levels numbering of courses for APSU/ETSU/MTSU/TSU/TTU will be cross-listed with the (7000) levels numbering of courses at UOM.


Several Council members expressed concerned over what, if anything, this RODP graduate program would do for ETSU including FTE, which site would issue diploma, and the Degree itself.


C.  College of Business


1.            New graduate certificate in Entrepreneurial Leadership.  The proposal was recommended to include revised course numbering and that transfer courses were limited to ETSU courses.





September 30, 2002


FNCE 5597             Course Prerequisite Change

HDAL 5010           Course Title Change

HDAL 5422           Course Prerequisite Deletion and Description Change

HDAL 5561           Course Title Change

HDAL 5562           Course Title Change

SPAN 5xxx             Course Prerequisite Addition



October 28, 2002




November 25, 2002




January 27, 2003


CSCI 5460              Course Prerequisite Change

CSCI 5920              Course Title Change

ENVH 5357            Course Prerequisite Change

GEOG 5310            Course Title Change

PUBH 5957            Course Description Change


March 31, 2003


MGMT 5667          Course Prerequisite Change

PHYT 5291            Course Number Change

PHYT 5101            Course Number Change to PHYT 6101

PHYT 5102            Course Number Change to PHYT 6102

PHYT 5103            Course Number Change to PHYT 6103

PHYT 5111            Course Number Change to PHYT 6111

PHYT 5204            Course Number Change to PHYT 6304

PHYT 5213            Course Number Change to PHYT 6213

PHYT 5221            Course Number Change to PHYT 6221

PHYT 5314            Course Number Change to PHYT 6314

PHYT 5315            Course Number Change to PHYT 6315

PHYT 5322            Course Number Change to PHYT 6322

PHYT 5331            Course Number Change to PHYT 6331

PHYT 5371            Course Number Change to PHYT 6271

PHYT 5381            Course Description and Number Change

PHYT 5404            Course Number and Title Change to PHYT 6405

PHYT 5416            Course Number Change to PHYT 6416

PHYT 5432            Course Number Change to PHYT 6432

PHYT 5433            Course Number Change to PHYT 6433

PHYT 5472            Course Number Change to PHYT 6472

PHYT 5482            Course Description and Number Change to PHYT 6452

PHYT 5492            Course Number Change to PHYT 6462

PHYT 5517            Course Number Change to PHYT 7717

PHYT 5523            Course Number Change to PHYT 6523

PHYT 5541            Course Number Change to PHYT 6541

PHYT 5552            Course Number Change to PHYT 6553

PHYT 5573            Course Number Change to PHYT 6573

PHYT 5583            Course Number Change to PHYT 6554

PHYT 5653            Course Number Change to PHYT 6681

PHYT 5674            Course Number Change to PHYT 6674

PHYT 5775            Course Number Change to PHYT 7775


April 28, 2003


HDAL 5420           Course Title and Description Change

HDAL 5421           Course Title and Description Change

HDAL 5550           Course Title and Description Change

HDAL 5562           Course Title and Description Change






September 30, 2002


A.  Election of new Graduate Council Chair – Dr. Scott Champney was unanimously re-elected as Chair.


B.  Sub-Committee Appointments – Dr. Brown encouraged members that were not already on sub-

committees to consider becoming a member of one of the Graduate Council sub-committees if they

had particular interests in a particular area.  The current sub-committees of the Graduate Council include: Graduate Curriculum, Graduate Faculty, and Student Affairs Sub-Committees.


October 28, 2002


A.  Curriculum Process System  -      Dr. Brown briefly described the new electronic curriculum process for preparation and submission of course and non-substantive curriculum proposals.  Format A-F will still need to go to TBR for approval after December 2002.  Only new degree programs will be routed through TBR.  One of the most important aspects of the process is that the electronic document can be completed in one step and submitted through the process or the creator has the option to save it and finish at a later date and time.  Dr. Brown stated that links to the site and security ID(s) will be provided at a later date.  He further stated that approvals throughout the process are password based and he doesn’t perceive any problems at the front-end of the process.  There was some concern expressed from the Council regarding identification of revisions and how individuals would be able to recognize or verify that revisions and/or changes had been authorized.  Dr. Brown said that this would be addressed with the committee before the process is finalized and ready for implementation.



B.  Graduate Academic Review Board - Dr. Herrin distributed a handout detailing the report of the sub-committee to establish a Graduate Academic Review Board.  She further requested approval from the Graduate Council for a change in the membership of the proposed Graduate Academic Review Board from five (5) to six (6) members.  The six voting members would be recommended by the Graduate Dean and approved by the Graduate Council.   The Graduate Council endorsed establishment of a Graduate Review Board based on the proposal submitted by Dr. Herrin suggesting that she continue to refine and develop a final policy to bring back to the Council for review and approval.


November 25, 2002


A.  Graduate Academic Review Board - Dr. Herrin distributed a handout detailing the report of the sub-committee to establish a Graduate Academic Review Board.  She further requested approval from the Graduate Council for a change in the membership of the proposed Graduate Academic Review Board from five (5) to six (6) members.  The six voting members would be recommended by the Graduate Dean and approved by the Graduate Council.   The Graduate Council endorsed establishment of a Graduate Review Board based on the proposal submitted by Dr. Herrin suggesting that she continue to refine and develop a final policy to bring back to the Council for review and approval.


B.  Revision to Second Master’s Degree Catalog Text


Dr. Herrin requested approval to add “from a regionally accredited U.S. institution” to the text in the Graduate catalog for graduate students wishing to seek a second master’s degree at ETSU.


C.  International Students – IELTS Issues - Additional information on TOEFL score data and 

Diversity issues if the TOEFL score for admission of international students was increased resulted in

the Council approving no change in TOEFL scores required by the Graduate School  .   If the IELTS

score is taken, a minimum score of 6.5 will be required for Graduate School admission.


D.  GRE Scores – Dr. Brown reviewed the new method of recording GRE scores on SIS with Council members.  He suggested that coordinators look at screens 210 and 211 to see how scores are reported.  Screen 210 shows scores with and without Analytical portion.  If you look at screen 221 it shows the GREWA score. He also informed Council members that at some point in the near future ETS would eliminate the paper test copies sent to institutions and only send scores electronically.  Currently, ETSU receives both the paper and electronic version of GRE scores for students.


 E.  Petition for Second Master’s Degree – Dr. Brown distributed copies of the new form for Petitioning a Second Master’s Degree emphasizing that this new form seeks to insure that graduate students meet the requirements for a second master’s degree.


January 27, 2003


A.  Graduate Faculty Appointment/Re-Appointment Form Changes:  The following suggestions were requested to be incorporated into the new  Graduate Faculty Appointment/Re-Appointment form in order to improve the clarity of instructions:


(1)     footnote on page 1 be repeated at the bottom of page 2;

(2)     words “scholarship and”  to follow the word “ your” in the second line of the footnote; and

(3)     asterisk is removed from item X.


B.  Admission to Accelerated Bachelor’s/Master’s (ABM) Degree program –  Dr. Brown provided a handout of the North Carolina State University and the University of Louisville’s ABM Degree Program providing an overview regarding the objectives of the accelerated degree program and what it is intended to provide for exceptional undergraduate students.  He opened the floor for discussion and inquired as to the interest in doing such a program at ETSU.  After discussion from the Council regarding issues such as financial aid, non-degree students, time-frame for acquiring the degree, and transfer credit hours it was agreed that there was no objection to the School of Graduate Studies continuing to evaluate a possible policy for such a program at ETSU.  The Council approved for School of Graduate Studies to continue planning related to a policy for the Council to review.


3.  Curriculum Proposals – Format Cover – Dr. Brown discussed the new  form for substantial

Curriculum changes and provided an information handout to Council members detailing how to develop

proposals and the requirements for TBR and THEC approval.



A. GRADSCHOOL.COM web site information provided to Council members with instructions on how to access specific information on their respective disciplines. 


B. A one-half day Graduate Coordinator Retreat scheduled for April 6, 2001 at the Adelphi Center was announced to the Council. 


C.  Council members approved the electronic submission of curriculum proposals.  The Graduate School would still be responsible for maintaining copies of the approved curriculum actions.


D. Electronic Thesis and Dissertation (ETD) workshop scheduled 2/14/01 was well attended and a huge success with graduate students.  A separate workshop for the ELPA cohort in Sevierville scheduled on March 8, 2001.


March 31, 2003




April 28, 2003


A.  Graduate Advisory Committees – Dr. Herrin reviewed the background, issues, recommendations, and assumptions for the requested revision of the ETSU School of Graduate Studies policy governing Graduate Committees.  The only change requested was in Section III, paragraph B, first sentence which was changed to include the statement, “Students in non-thesis and non-dissertation programs must have on file in the Graduate Office an advisor of record holding a full or associate graduate faculty status…”


The following proposal was approved by the Council:




                The School of Graduate Studies recommends the following revision of ETSU policy governing Graduate Committees, effective upon approval:


A.      Students writing a thesis or dissertation must file with the School of Graduate Studies a committee of appropriate graduate faculty, approved by the Graduate Dean.  Any change in this committee requires submission of a change-of-committee form and the Graduate Dean’s approval.


B.       Students in non-thesis and non-dissertation programs must have on file in the Graduate Office an advisor of record, holding full or associate graduate faculty status, which is responsible for advising the student and for oversight of the student’s program of study, candidacy, and culminating experience.  This individual is the signatory for all materials relating to the student’s matriculation.


C.       Graduate non-thesis and non-dissertation programs may elect to eliminate or retain committee structures. 


D.       At the time a curriculum is proposed or significantly modified, the department/program must indicate its intent regarding committees and advisors of record.