Graduate Council Minutes 

March 28, 2005 

President’s Conference Room, Burgin-Dossett Hall 

1:15 p.m. 

Attending: Wes Brown, Jeff Powers-Beck, Martha Pointer, Bonny Stanley, Marty Barrett, Wallace Dixon, Jo-Ann Marrs, Scott Champney, Mary Ellen Musick, Philip Scheuerman, Helene Halvorson, Mark Ellis. 

Guests: Roberta Herrin, Peter Rice, Jay Franklin. 

I.                    Minutes of the February meeting were approved without revision.

II.                 Curriculum: Course Approvals

A.     SOOA 5007: Archaeology of the Southeastern United States.

B.     SOOA 5037: Old World Archaeology. Dr. Franklin explained the rationale for these courses, and how he had revised the courses to differentiate the undergraduate and graduate sections of the courses. Both courses were approved as revised.

C.     BLUE 5147: Bluegrass and America’s Music. Attached.

D.     BLUE 5167: Bluegrass—The First Generation. Attached. Dr. Herrin explained the rationale for these graduate courses and the new BLUE prefix. The courses were approved as submitted.

E.      APST/SOAA 5907: Foodways of Appalachia. Attached. Dr. Herrin explained the rationale for this course and it was approved as attached.

III.               Graduate Faculty Subcommittee. Dr. Dixon reported the recommendations of the subcommittee, which were approved as follows:

A.     New Applicants for Graduate Faculty Status:

1.      Amy Barnum, Temporary.

2.      William Hemphill, Interim.

3.      Mindy Herrin, Associate.

4.      Mary Hurd, Interim. 

B.     Re-Applicants for Graduate Faculty Status:

1.      Mason Gene Bailey, Associate.

2.      Russell Brown, Full.

3.      Steven Dennis, Full

4.      Jan Dunham-Taylor, Associate.

5.      Mike Everett, Associate.

6.      Allan Forsman, Associate.

7.      Race Kao, Full.

8.      Kenneth Mijeski, Associate.

9.      Robert Sawyer, Full.

10.  Nancy Scherer, Full.

11.  Beverly Smith, Full.

12.  Gail Stenstad, Full.

13.  Dawn Taylor, Interim.

14.  Steven Wallace, Full.

C.     Dr. Dixon reported that the subcommittee recommended that the application of Lindsey King, a three-year lecture appointment, be discussed by the Graduate Council. It was discussed and she approved by the council at Associate status. 

IV. Doctor of Pharmacy: Peter Rice presented information about the new School of Pharmacy proposal and answered questions. The Graduate Council approved the proposal for a Doctor of Pharmacy degree with the understanding at a later point the curriculum and individual courses will be submitted for approval.