Medical Library

Renovations to Begin in Medical Library

The Medical Library basement will be renovated in the coming months to add new furniture, rolling whiteboards, and technology features such as wall-mounted displays for group work.

One phase of work to create a new study room door will begin May 31st. This will affect the two study rooms furthest back in the smaller wing of the basement. This work will correct the issue where you have to go through one study room to reach the back study room. 

We're excited about the upcoming changes, which will better enable instruction and group work, improve the comfort of seating and allow seating to be rearranged more easily, increase the number of whiteboards and add rolling whiteboards, and allow for library events such as gaming nights using large wall-mounted displays.  We appreciate Quillen administration in their support of this project. 

We will post notices to our website and social media and notify class officers when future disruptions will occur. 
