This page contains the specific academic requirements for admission as a transfer student at ETSU. If you have any questions or problems, don't hesitate to ask an admissions counselor or contact our office.

See how courses taken at other institutions will transfer to ETSU. Transfer Equivalencies
If you are under age 21, and applying as a freshman, you must have completed, or be in the process of completing, the following high school courses. Note: Requirements may vary for GED students, non-degree students, and international students. If you graduated high school prior to 1989, you are not subject to the required high school units.
Higher Education (College) Transfer Credit* | Admission Requirements | ||||||||||
1-29 attempted hours |
*Appropriate freshmen admission requirements and a minimum grade point average on transferable hours.
*Remedial and developmental courses are not used in determining eligibility for transfer admission.
Individual Review
If you do not meet the grade point average requirement to transfer and you have not been enrolled in any institution of higher education for at least three years, you may receive individual review by the Vice Provost for Enrollment Services.
One Term of Enrollment
If you enrolled for one term only at any other college or university and did not achieve the required grade point average for transfer, and you meet regular ETSU requirements for freshman admission or admission as an exception, you may be admitted on appropriate academic probation. Students admitted on probation are subject to ETSU regulations regarding removal of probationary status.
No Transferable Hours of Credit
If you have attended any college and you have no attempted transferable hours, your admission may be determined by a review of your high school credentials, standardized test scores, and/or course work completed at any degree granting institution of higher education.
Can I Get Non-Traditional Credit For Things Like Service in the Armed Forces, Advanced Placement or CLEP?
Undergraduate, degree-seeking students enrolled at ETSU may establish advanced standing credit through a number of non-traditional means. Read more about our non-tradition credit options.