Students enrolled in the PharmD program at ETSU without having a bachelor's degree have the opportunity to pursue a Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy Studies. This degree completion opportunity allows students to transfer credits from another college or university to ETSU and apply those credits towards a bachelor's degree. The first professional (P1) year acts as the “major” for the degree. Additional core education requirements may be necessary and can easily be completed during the P1 pharmacy year.
For example, a student spends three years and achieves 90 credits at a community college and enters the Doctor of Pharmacy program starting their fourth year. The previous three years are applied to the first year of the Doctor of Pharmacy program is the student is awarded a BS in Pharmacy Studies at the end of the P1 year. A student with a BS in Pharmacy Studies is now eligible to take graduate level elective courses or pursue one of our dual degrees (PharmD-MPH or PharmD-MBA).
Details about the degree completion program for students transferring credits to ETSU can be found at the ETSU Undergraduate Catalog.