We are pleased to share that we have received the Preparing Educators and Counselors for Exceptional Learners (PEACEFUL) grant, funded by the U.S. Office of Special Education Programs. This grant enables us to offer scholarships through a competitive application process to a minimum of 21 PEACEFUL Scholars over the next five years. The program will stress the importance of collaboration among special education teachers, school counselors, and other professionals involved in providing mental health support.
The purpose of PEACEFUL is to enhance the collaboration between school counselors and special education teachers to support the mental well-being of students living with disabilities and those with high-intensity needs. This grant will support a minimum of 21 scholars from the departments of Counseling and Human Services and Special Education. Team Members Include: Christine D. Lewis, Project Director, Dawn Rowe, Co-Director, Jon Borland, Co-Director, Pamela Mims, & Cynthia Chambers.
This partnership ensures a more tailored and inclusive approach to addressing the unique needs of students with disabilities. School counselors bring expertise in emotional and psychological development, while special education teachers have a deep understanding of educational adaptations and accommodations. This collaboration fosters a supportive learning environment, enhances students' self-awareness, social skills, and emotional regulation, and promotes a sense of belonging and acceptance. By working together, these professionals can create a holistic, integrated strategy for social-emotional learning that is sensitive to each student's individual needs, leading to improved overall well-being and academic success.
PEACEFUL will train a minimum of 21 future school counselors and special educators across project years on effective team communication, coordinating services, and sharing responsibilities for a comprehensive approach to supporting students' mental health. We are committed to introducing scholars to evidence-based practices for addressing mental health issues in students with high-intensity needs through seminars. Training will cover strategies like positive behavior supports, social-emotional learning, cognitive-behavioral interventions, and trauma-informed approaches. Scholars will also be equipped to critically evaluate research and apply best practices. Seminars will include content on cultural competence and sensitivity, addressing intersecting identities, and promoting equitable student support.
We would like to invite applicants who are interested in pursuing their Master of Art in School Counseling (MA) or Master of Education in Special Education (M.Ed.) with an emphasis in either (1) Advanced Studies in Special Education Concentration, (2) Initial Licensure in Low Incidence Disabilities or (3) High Incidence Disabilities to apply. Criteria for application to the respective programs can be found by clicking below:
- M.Ed. Special Education Advanced Studies in Special Education
- M.Ed. Initial Licensure in Low Incidence Disabilities
- M.Ed. Initial Licensure in High Incidence Disabilities
Before applying for PEACEFUL, please be sure you have read the requirements for the degree program you seek as applicants are not eligible for the award unless they have met the admission requirements for the program concentration. Ready to apply? Click here for more information!
Applications for PEACEFUL Cohort will reopen in March 2024. We encourage interested applicants to check the website for schedule updates.
The application for the PEACEFUL Scholarship is in addition to the application for the master’s degree program. For more information about the scholarship or M.A. in School Counseling please email Dr. Christine D. Lewis at lewiscd1@etsu.eduor Dr. Jon Borland at borland@etsu.edu. For more information about the M.Ed. in Special Education please contact Dr. Dawn Rowe at roweda@etsu.edu.
The selection process for stage one involves a formal review of each applicant’s materials by multiple reviewers. Identified applicants for stage two are advanced to a Zoom interview and a campus visit when appropriate. A group consensus approach is used for making final admissions decisions. All scholars initially recruited will enter with the express intention of graduating within the program performance period.
Thank you for your interest in PEACEFUL. To be eligible for this opportunity, potential scholars are required to meet the criteria defined in the FAQ found here.

Dr. Christine D. Lewis
Director of Project, Assistant ProfessorLewiscd1@etsu.edu

Dr. Jon Borland
Co-Director of Project, Assistant Professorborland@etsu.edu

Dr. Pam Mims
Professor, Associate Dean of Research and Grantsmimspj@etsu.edu

Dr. Cindy Chambers
Professor, Associate Dean of Educator Preparationchambersc@etsu.edu