JOHNSON CITY, Tenn. (Jan. 18, 2022) – A collaboration between the Center of Excellence for Sports Science and Coach Education (CESSCE) at East Tennessee State University and the globally acclaimed International Soccer Science and Performance Federation (ISSPF) has resulted in multiple new shared learning opportunities for students at ETSU.
The news comes as a part of an official announcement on behalf of the ISSPF.
“We are delighted to partner with ETSU. We are extremely excited to play a fundamental
part in the development of online sport and soccer science and coaching related individuals
in a region known for its love of the game, and an area with a track record of coach
and performance staff development,” said an ISSPF spokesperson. “The opportunity to
assist in the development of soccer coaching and team sport enthusiasts, practitioners,
in addition to the students and learners within ETSU, and USA in general is one ISSPF
is highly motivated to play a key role within.”
The online sessions were developed by some of the world’s finest leading sport science
and soccer practitioners, and are specifically engineered for coaches, support staff,
learners and students from all levels of academic range, ability and knowledge.
“I am delighted to formalize this link with the ISSPF,” said Clive Brewer, performance
director for the CESSCE. “The partnership fits entirely with our philosophy of enhancing
and sharing cutting-edge evidence-based practice and will enhance our engagement with
leading experts on a global level. This relationship furthers our drive for educational
opportunities that develop a community of practice based upon the access to the highest
quality educational content.”
The professional development opportunities, while not comprised of credit-bearing
coursework, will provide students with insight into the workings of team sport performance
coaching. Available online sessions created and hosted by ISSPF that are impacted
by the partnership include: Soccer Science and Performance, Soccer Coaching Leaders, Physical Training and Soccer Methodology, Youth Soccer Athletic Development, Soccer Training Load Management, Soccer Injury Prevention and Return to Play, Soccer Psychology and Mental Skills Training, and Soccer Nutrition.
“Coaches who understand the science are far better placed to deliver the art of coaching
and enhancing performance, and the ISSPF’s desire to enhance this practice aligns
with our mission to advance scientific practice in all sports, so we are excited to
be involved in this collaboration,” said Michael Stone, world-renowned sport expert
and current ETSU professor. “For example, a number of our students here work full-time
collecting soccer data. They work with coaches and players both on and off the field
every single day. Using the data collected from this drives research that informs
coaches and practitioners everywhere of the opportunities for performance enhancement.”
As a leading online soccer and soccer education organization, ISSPF is seen as the
trusted partner of the elite, the semi-professional, multi-level soccer clubs, international
federations, colleges, universities and various training institutes worldwide.
To find out more about the ISSPF online sports science learning opportunities, the prospective impact on students, or the partnership that made it possible, visit the ISSPF website at www.ISSPF.comand view the ETSU Partnership page.
The ISSPF social media accounts can be found under “ISSPFed” on Facebook, Instagram
and Twitter, and “ISSPF” on LinkedIn.
For additional information, contact Meg Stone at or call 423-439-8476.