
David Stewart, PharmD, BCPS
Associate Dean, Assessment & Academic Affairs, Professor
- stewardw@etsu.edu
- 423-439-2071
- Building 7, Room 205
Dr. David Stewart, originally from Roan Mountain, Tennessee, joined the faculty of the Department of Pharmacy Practice in 2007, and he now serves as Associate Dean of Assessment and Academic Affairs, as well as Professor of Pharmacy Practice. After obtaining his PharmD from Campbell University, he completed a Pharmacy Practice Residency at Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center. Prior to his appointment at GCOP he was a clinical faculty member at Auburn University Harrison School of Pharmacy. Dr. Stewart has served the college as Vice Chair for the Department of Pharmacy Practice, Residency Program Director for the college’s PGY2 Internal Medicine Pharmacy Residency Program, and Post-graduate Training Coordinator for the Department of Pharmacy Practice. Over his tenure at GCOP he has taught various courses including Pharmacotherapy, Advanced Clinical Practice Skills, Cardiovascular Integrated Series, and electives in Anticoagulation and Professional Development. His clinical interests include anticoagulation and cardiovascular pharmacotherapy. His current research focuses on anticoagulant and cardiovascular pharmacotherapy and the use of active learning in pharmacy education. Dr. Stewart is an internal medicine practitioner and maintained an active clinical practice with the ETSU Department of Family Medicine at Johnson City Medical Center prior to accepting his current administrative role.
Education, Degree, & Post Graduate Training:
Doctor of Pharmacy – Campbell University 2003Pharmacy Practice Residency – Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center 2004
Additional Certifications:
Career highlights:
After completing residency worked as a clinical pharmacist at WFUBMC until joining the faculty of Auburn University Harrison School of Pharmacy in 2005. Joined the inaugural faculty of ETSU in 2007.
Teaching specialty:
Anticoagulation and Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy
Classes taught:
Integrated Series, Advanced Clinical Practice Skills, Anticoagulation Elective
Research Interests:
Anticoagulation, Cardiovascular Medicine, and Active Learning in Pharmacy Education
Selected Publications:
Lindquist DE, Stewart DW, Brewster A, Waldroup C, Odle BL, Burchette JE, El-Bazouni H. Clin Appl Thromb Hemost. 2018 Jan 1:1076029618772337. DOI: 10.1177/1076029618772337. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29716395
Significant Regional, State, or National Service:
Member and past chair of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy Member Relations Committee, Past Member and Chair of Southeastern Residency Conference Steering Committee
Organizational Involvement/Membership:
Member of AACP, ACCP, and ASHP
Personal motto or favorite quote:
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. - Edmund Burke