Web Management
The University Marketing and Communications web team exists to support the university's strategic goals and initiatives. We strive to make the ETSU website informative, engaging, aesthetic, accessible, easy to navigate, and easily found in search results.
With this knowledge, we tell the ETSU story digitally and guide you in how to do the
same for your department's subsite.
The Stats on Websites
93% of students use
a college’s or
university’s website
to get information
58% use a search engine
to find a college or
university’s website
48% search for a
specific major or
academic program
22% report frustration over hard-to-find program information
Data from the 2023 e-Expectations Trend Report by Ruffalo Noel Levitz

These stats are so important to keep top of mind while creating an effective website. Your department website is crucial to telling your ETSU story.
Your website should serve as a marketing tool that offers visitors valuable information, piques their interest, and encourages them to take action.
Your Website Toolkit
Because ETSU's website is so large, we depend on departments to designate web editors who can update their departmental subsites. The toolkit below helps set web editors like you up for success as you tell the ETSU story through your department's site.

Web Training
Our training hub has recorded videos that walk you through how to use our content management system, Modern Campus. Find quick tips, tricks, and troubleshoot how to make a great department site.

Accessibility Training
All ETSU employees are responsible for making their digital content accessible.
The Office of University Marketing and Communications offers several recorded training sessions to assist faculty, staff, and students in creating accessible digital content.

Open Office Hours
We're here to help! Our web team offers dedicated office hours via Zoom every other Thursday from 2:30-3:30 p.m. to answer questions or help with how-to's.

Campus Events Calendar
Learn what types of events can be included on the campus calendar, how to submit an event, how to get your event included in the weekly BucWire email sent to campus, and more.
Still need a little support? The UMC web team is here to help. Learn the best ways to get in touch with our team.
The ETSU Brand
Our brand guidelines ensure the university has a unified look and feel when telling the ETSU story.
We invite you to become a brand ambassador and help us comunicate how ETSU makes an
impact in our region and beyond.