Our Common History: A Public Humanities Series at the Tuskegee History Center
The purpose of the 2014 ATP project is to document the effectiveness of a series of public humanities programs for 1) increasing visibility of the Tuskegee History as a community asset; 2) increasing educational opportunities for lifelong learning, which will increase Tuskegee/Macon County's reputation as a vibrant, intellectually-rich place to live.
Following the 2013 ATP project, one of the students assisted the project director and local volunteers in preparing an application to the Alabama Humanities Foundation for a mini-grant in the amount of $1,500 to support the program, and matching funds are committed by the AU Center for the Arts & Humanities. The ad-hoc planning committee assisted with the choice of speakers and programs centered on the following topics: Tuskegee National Forest; the life of Dr. John Kenney; the black church in the 19th century; Tuskegee airmen; Character of Booker T. Washington; unique archival holdings at Tuskegee University on BTW. ATP students will assist with publicity, social media, local arrangements, introductions of speakers, and evaluation of the programs. Each student will be required to attend three of the six events, and each student will serve as lead publicist/organizer/ evaluator for one event. Additionally, students will document the publicity efforts and create a binder that can be used by Center volunteers for future programs. A mailing list will be compiled that can be used for future Center communications.
Contact Information:
Dr. Mark Wilson
Community and Civic Engagement Coordinator
College of Liberal Arts
Auburn University, AL 36849
Telephone: (334) 844-6198
E-Mail: mwilson@auburn.edu
Previous Conference Participation: 2013 2012 2011 2010