Indiana University of Pennsylvania
The IUP Marcellus Shale Week: A Community and University Symposium
To explore the implications of the changes brought on by the development of the Marcellus Shale industry, the 2010 ATP project at IUP operated on two fronts. Students and professors organized and participated in a symposium on the impact of the Marcellus Shale industry on the region and assisted in the design and logistics of the program. They also publicized the event to local and regional constituencies. The mini symposium, IUP Marcellus Shale Week: A Community and University Symposium, was held on November 3-5, 2010. A second team of students surveyed and compiled newspaper and journal articles related to the industry and provided links to them, which were posted on the IUP Center for Northern Appalachian Studies website, thereby enabling the Center to continue to fulfill its role as a clearinghouse for information on topics and issues of major concern for residents of the region. While IUP has been part of previous programs related to Marcellus Shale, this symposium explored the historical, social, environmental, legal, political, and health issues related to gas extraction.
Student Participants: Brandon Parana, Charles Gray, Michael Santiago, Amy Perkins, Rose Bruner, Amanda
Jo Smith, Becky Shope, Chris Schiano
Faculty: Jim Dougherty
Contact Information:
Dr. James Dougherty
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
112 H. McElhaney Hall
Indiana, PA 15705-1085
Telephone: 724-357-2734
Previous Conference Participation: 2009