Community Asset Mapping
(last participated in 2012)
Shawnee's 2012 ATP students worked with the Asset to Asset Program which coordinates with the Pike & Adams County Chambers of Commerce to inventory community assets and promote the rural area for economic development. Students developed necessary technical skills to develop asset mapping using software appropriate for professional presentations. Students involved in the "Asset to Asset" ATP project had the opportunity to work within their home communities, develop leadership skills, connect their research skills to place based applied learning, developed teamwork skills and refined presentation skills. An important component of the project was the development of a current data base promoting the assets of their home communities, and to provide community leaders with new technical skills where needed.
Contact Information:
Dr. Brenda Haas, Interim Dean
University College
Shawnee State University
940 Second Street
Portsmouth, OH 45662-4344
Telephone: (740) 351-3299
Previous Conference Participation: 2011