GPS Community Resources and Heritage Mapping in the Kinzua Region: Trail Central, Heritage Communities and the City of Kane, PA
The University of Pittsburgh at Bradford (UPB) was approached by the Allegheny National Forest Visitors Bureau (ANFVB) and Kane Area Revitalization Enterprise (KARE) in the fall of 2014 regarding their desire to extend previous ATP work centered on the Trailmaker application. Trailmaker is an application for Android devices that provides a marked trail along with points of natural, historic, and commercial interest. KARE and the ANFVB were aware of the previous work in Warren, PA, and sought a partnership not only for their community, but to also complete the introduction of the work to the immediate region.
Working with KANE, ANFVB, and the Kane Area Chamber of Commerce, ATP students will implement the Trailmaker GPS mapping application in Kane. The implementation will be structured in accordance with the "Community Heritage Work Plan" developed for Kane in 2012 as part of the Pennsylvania Route 6 Alliance Heritage Communities Program, which fosters local sustainable development and heritage tourism, as well as the feasibility study for the Knox-Kane Rail Trail.
UPB Live Presentation in Washington, D.C.
Contact Information:
Dr. Stephen Robar
Associate Dean of Academic Affairs
Program Director, Environmental Studies
University of Pittsburgh at Bradford
300 Campus Drive
Bradford, PA 16701
Telephone: (814) 362-0242