Field Experience Placements
Field experience placements allow students the opportunity to complete observational or hands-on experiences within an Early Childhood facility through the Early Childhood facility. Students encounter multiple field experience opportunities working through our programs within Clemmer College of Education and Human Development. These experiences expose students to many teaching styles and pedagogies. It is critical for students to observe and apply real world practice to what is being taught in the classroom.
Placement sites are determined by the Early Care and Education Program Coordinator and the course you are enrolled in. For more information regarding placement details, please click here.
Graduate students who have been approved to complete a practicum within their place of employment may be eligible for a site agreement in lieu of a background check package. A site agreement allows a student to use the background check completed at their placement of employment instead of completing an additional background check through the Office of Educator Preparation.
Field Experience Placement Guidelines
Background Check Package (fingerprinting + 3 forms)
All students who participate in a field experience placement are required to complete a Background Check Package, which consists of fingerprinting and 3 required forms. This Background Check Package will be good for one calendar year.
If you have completed a Background Check Package within the past 12 months with the Office of Educator Preparation, you may be eligible for a Background Check Package Affirmation. This affirmation can extend the duration of the background check for the next year. Please email the Office of Educator Preparation at or call 423-439-7597 to inquire.
If you have never completed a Background Check Package or it has been over 12 months since your previous Background Check Package was completed with the Office of Educator Preparation, please follow the link below for directions to complete a Background Check Package (fingerprinting + 3 required forms):
Background Check Package Final Deadlines:
- Fall Semester: September 1
- Spring Semester: February 1