We are honored to announce that we were awarded the Rural Initiative for Training Administrators with Special Education Expertise Grant (RITASEE) funded through the U.S. Office of Special Education Programs. This award allows us to provide scholarships through a competitive application process to a minimum of 18 RITASEE Scholars over the next five years. This is an exciting season for our region and future Scholars. RITASEE will benefit from national experts with backgrounds in SPED administration, professional development activities, designing and implementing quality educational programs for diverse learners, and policy development.
The purpose of the RITASEE leadership project is to enhance services for all students in the rural school setting. This grant will prepare 18 Ed.D. scholars in the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis (Administrative Endorsement or School Leadership Concentration) with an emphasis in SPED administration and research. Team Members Include: Ginger Christian, Project Director, Dawn Rowe, Co-Director, Pam Mims, Cindy Chambers, Virginia Foley, Pam Scott, Jill Channing, and John Boyd.
Our goal is to admit a minimum of 18 individuals as scholars across project years.
Recruitment will emphasize the quality of the ETSU faculty, research opportunities,
advanced coursework, student support, and internships focused on leadership development.
We are fully committed to identifying, recruiting, and supporting individuals from
traditionally underrepresented groups.
There are two programs of study for applicants to consider. We would like to invite applicants who are interested in pursuing their doctorate in education (Ed.D.) to apply. Criteria for application include a minimum of 3 years of teaching experience for the Administrative Endorsement concentration or a valid administrator license for School Leadership concentration. Interested applicants for the Administrative Endorsement Concentration are eligible for in-state tuition only. Applicants for RITASEE Cohort 3 must meet the additional criteria defined in the application guidance.
Prior to application for RITASEE, applicants are required to begin the application process for Administrative Endorsement or School Leadership concentration, contact the program coordinator to ensure program requirements are met, and follow the graduate school guidance for admittance into each program. Applicants are not eligible for the award unless they have met the admission requirements for the program concentration.
Applications for RITASEE Cohort 3 are currently open and will close on August 30, 2024. Eligibility requirements include evidence of administrative licensure and an Ed.S. Applications should be submitted at the link below. Scholarship awards will be announced by October 31, 2024. If the application link in not accessible, please email Dr. Ginger Christian at christiang@etsu.edu and Shelby Lewis at lewissj2@etsu.edu with your application materials.
The application for the RITASEE Scholarship is in addition to the doctorate program. For more information about the scholarship email Dr. Ginger Christian at christiang@etsu.edu. For more information about program concentrations email Dr. Virginia Foley (Administrative Endorsement foleyv@etsu.edu) and/or Dr. Ginger Christian (School Leadership christiang@etsu.edu).
The selection process for stage one is competitive and involves a formal review of each applicant’s materials by multiple reviewers. Identified applicants for stage two are advanced to a zoom interview and a campus visit when appropriate. A group consensus approach is used for making final admissions decisions. All scholars initially recruited will enter with the express intention of graduating within the program performance period.
Selection criteria for stage two interviews are guided by the candidate's alignment to the goals for the grant and responses to the writing prompt. Applicants should refer to APA 7th Ed. to cite any work in the response section of the application.
Thank you for your interest in RITASEE. To be eligible for this opportunity, potential scholars are required to meet the criteria defined in the FAQ found here: https://pdp.ed.gov/OSEP/Home/faq2006.
Meet the RITASEE Faculty Team:

Dr. Ginger Christian
Director of Project, Assistant Professor
- christiang@etsu.edu
- 423-439-7623
- 504 Warf Pickel

Dr. Pam Mims
Professor, Associate Dean of Research and Grants
- mimspj@etsu.edu
- 423-439-7145
- 323C Warf Pickel

Dr. Jill Channing
Assistant Professor, Associate Director Of Center For Community
- channing@etsu.edu
- 423-439-7617
- 501D Warf Pickel

Dr. Cindy Chambers
Professor, Associate Dean of Educator Preparation
- chambersc@etsu.edu
- 423-439-7586
- 322 Warf Pickel

Dr. Virginia Foley
Professor, Program Coordinator for Administrative Endorsement
- foleyv@etsu.edu
- 423-439-7615
- 502 Warf Pickel

Dr. Pam Scott
Professor, Program Coordinator for School Leadership
- scottp@etsu.edu
- 423-439-4430
- 501B Warf Pickel

Dr. John Boyd
Administrative Endorsement Internship Supervisor
- boydjk@etsu.edu
- 423-915-6454
- 501 Warf Pickel
RITASEE Cohort Year One
RITASEE Faculty Team :
Dr. Ginger Christian, Dr. Dawn Rowe, Dr. Virginia Foley, and Dr. Pam Scott
RITASEE Scholars:
Ms. Takiyah McCathern - Wilkes County Schools, NC
Mr. Michael Vermillion - Scott County Schools, TN
Ms. Susan Steele - Lower Yukon Schools, AK
Ms. Emily Blevins - Washington County Schools, TN
Ms. Mollie Rutledge - Smyth County Public Schools, TN
Mr. Ben Robertson - Kingsport City Schools, TN
Ms. Tiffany Jenkins - Carter County Schools, TN
Ms. Korri-Lee Wood - Wilkes County Schools, NC
Ms. April Herron - Blount County Schools, TN
RITASEE Cohort Year Two
RITASEE Scholars:
Ms. Leia Davis - Sullivan County Schools, TN
Ms. Stephanie Gouge - Washington County Schools, TN
Ms. Kristin Stringer - Blount County Schools, TN
Ms. Mary Jane Allen - Cumberland County Schools, TN
Ms. Elaina Chattman - Duval County Schools, FL
Ms. Megan O'Dell - Knox County Schools, TN
Mr. Joshua Reese - Loudon County Schools, TN
Ms. Jennifer Shoniber - Majuro Public Schools, Republic of Marshall Islands
Ms. Teresa G. Stone - Wilkes County Schools, NC