If there is a fire on your floor, follow these recommendations:
- Exit the building and pull the closest manual fire alarm box located near the exit door (they are located within 5 feet of exit doors).
- Move quickly to your building's designated assembly area if it is safe to do so. If not, move to an open area that is away from buildings, trees, power lines, and roadways. Designated assembly areas and building evacuation routes are displayed inside of each building. Familiarize yourself with these locations. If you need assistance contact Emergency Management 423-439-4480 or Environmental Health and Safety 423-439-6028.
- Call 911 and report the location of the fire. Follow directions of emergency personnel.
- Use a fire extinguisher on small (wastebasket-size) fires; but ONLY if it is safe to do so.
- For larger fires, GET OUT; close doors as you leave to confine the fire as much as possible.
- If clothing catches fire, STOP…DROP…ROLL.
If you hear a fire alarm in your building, you should exit the building immediately.
- Always treat fire alarms as if there is a real fire and proceed to the nearest exit.
- Using the back of your hand, feel the top and bottom of the door for heat. Do not open the door if it is hot. Otherwise, open slowly. Stand behind the door and to one side; be prepared to close it quickly if fire is present. If you feel heat, proceed to an alternate exit.
- Exit the building in a calm manner using the stairs — never use elevators. Remember to close the stairwell door behind you.
- Stay low when moving through smoke; walk down to the ground floor and exit.
- After you have left the building, go to your department’s designated assembly point and remain there.
- Do not return to the area until instructed to do so by emergency personnel.
If you have questions about special assistance, contact Disability Services at 423-439-8346.
Ask building occupants to self-identify, in confidence, if they will require special assistance during an emergency. Communicate the type of emergency to the individual. Depending on the type of disability:
- Auditory: communicate with the hearing impaired by writing a note, hand gestures, or by using another method to convey the message.
- Visual: describe the nature of the situation and offer to act as a “sighted guide” by offering your elbow and escorting him or her to a safe location. Determining a “buddy” before an emergency occurs can be a good start.
- Mobility: if a person cannot safely leave the building, a “buddy” can accompany the individual
to an area of refuge without blocking the evacuation path. The individual with a disability
should call 911 to provide his or her location while the buddy notifies on site emergency
personnel of the situation.
- If the other evacuation options are not available or are unsafe (and danger is not immediate), the individual with a disability can remain in a room with an exterior window, a telephone/ cell phone. Notify 911 and on-site emergency personnel.
- You should attempt a rescue evacuation of an individual with a disability as a last resort and only if you have had rescue training.
Could you extinguish a fire?
- Fire extinguishers are located throughout all campus buildings and residence halls.
- Become familiar with fire extinguisher locations closest to your office or dorm room.
For a small fire, try to extinguish it.
Do NOT use an extinguisher if:
- You are not comfortable putting out the fire.
- Heavy smoke is filling the room or it is difficult to breathe.
- Your escape route could be blocked.
- The fire is large or spreading rapidly (larger than a trashcan).
- The fire is partially hidden behind a wall or ceiling.
- There are hazardous materials (flammable liquids) present.
If the above listed conditions exist, close any doors present and evacuate instead.
How to extinguish a fire:
Pull the pin at the top of the extinguisher.
Aim the hose at the base of the fire.
Squeeze the trigger.
Sweep the hose from side to side at the base of the fire.