Faculty in the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies have expertise in a wealth of diverse areas, including:
Ancient Greek and Roman Philosophy, Arabic Philosophy, Stoicism, Plato, Aristotle, Ancient Science - Ian Hensley- Medieval Philosophy, Early Modern Philosophy - Keith Green, Ian Hensley
- 19th and 20th Century European Philosophy including Phenomenology, Existentialism, and Post-Structuralism - Leslie MacAvoy
- Metaphysics, Epistemology - David Harker, Ian Hensley, Ryan Robinson
- Classical and Modern Political Philosophy, Marxism, Globalism and Global Justice, Populism and Nationalism - Michael Allen
- Social and Political Philosophy - Michael Allen, Leslie MacAvoy, Paul Tudico
- Moral Psychology - Allen Coates, Keith Green
- Ethical Theory, Moral Responsibility, Metaethics - Allen Coates
- Ethics - Allen Coates, Keith Green, Leslie MacAvoy
- Applied Ethics - Allen Coates, Paul Tudico
- Philosophy of Religion, Ethics of Religion - Keith Green
- Philosophy of Science - Austin Due, David Harker
- Philosophy of Biology - David Harker
- Philosophy of Medicine - Austin Due
- Symbolic Logic - David Harker, Ryan Robinson
Practical Reason - Allen Coates, Paul Tudico- Philosophy of Language - Ryan Robinson
- Philosophy of Law - Leslie MacAvoy, Paul Tudico
- Public/Population Health Ethics - Michael Allen
- Bioethics - Keith Green, Paul Tudico, Austin Due
- Philosophies of Nonviolence and Civil Disobedience - Michael Allen
- Environmental Philosophy - Keith Green
- Animal Ethics and Animal Resistance - Michael Allen
- Feminist Philosophies - Leslie MacAvoy
- Free Will - David Harker
- Philosophical Issues related to Hate - Keith Green
- Misinformation - David Harker
- Faculty News
Dr. Keith Green gave presentations in Milan, Italy, and Liverpool, England, during Spring, 2024. In Milan, Dr. Green gave a lecture on “Sentiments which in no way belong to us: Self-Hared and Moral Normativity in Spinoza and Hume”. In Liverpool he gave a presentation at the British Society for the History of Philosophy Conference on “Sophie du Grouchy and Adam Smith on Sympathy with Hatred”.
Dr. David Harker gave the Leaving Voices in Public Health lecture, in February 2023, which was co-sponsored by our department and ETSU’s College of Public Health. The lecture was titled “What to do about Misinformation”.
Dr. Ian Hensley gave a lecture “Chrysippus on Matter and Substance” at both the 46th Annual Ancient Philosophy Workshop, in University of Texas-Austin, and at the Symposium Hellenisticum, in Geneva, Switzerland.
Dr. MacAvoy gave a lecture to the International Society for Phenomenological Studies, in July 2023, entitled “Toward Discursive Intuition: Shifting the Locus of Logos from Judgment to Seeing. - Faculty Publications
Allen, Michael. "A Spectrum of Solidarities: Human Solidarity with Wild Animal Co-Predators" (with Erica van Essen) in Solidarity with Animals, eds.A. Cochrane and D-M. Cojocaru (Oxford: Oxford University Press).
Allen, Michael. "Don't Liberate the Animals; Let them Resist!" in Animal Rights: Past, Present, and Future (New York: Nova Main, 2023).
Allen, Michael. "Looking Backwards and Forwards to the Rights of All Animals: Analogical Natural Law and Total Liberation" in Animal Rights: Past, Present, and Future (New York: Nova Main, 2023).
Allen, Michael. Skill or Slaughter in ‘Fair Chase:’ What does Animal Resistance Tell us about Modern Sports Hunting?" (with Erica von Essen), Between the Species, 25: 1 (2022), 149-167.
Allen, Michael. On the Dharma of Critical Animal Studies: Animal Spirituality and Total Liberation” (with Erica von Essen), in A Critical Animal Studies Reader: Critical Theory, Dismantling Speciesism, and Total Liberation, eds. A. Nocella, K Socha, and R. White (Lexington, 2022).
Allen, Michael. “Cow Releases as Staged Liberations in Agri-Tourism” (with Erica von Essen), in Critical Animal Studies and Activism, eds. A. Nocella and A. George (Peter Lang, 2022).
Allen, Michael. “Gandhi’s Metaphysics as Encountering the ‘Unreasonable:’ Liberal Multiculturalism, Self-Suffering, and the Comedy-Satyagrahi,” Journal of Indian Philosophy and Religion, 26 (2021) 31-54.
Allen, Michael (with Emily Patterson-Kane and Jennifer Edie). Rethinking the American Animal Rights Movement. (New York: Routledge, 2021).
Coates, Allen. “Moral Worth and Accidentally Right Actions,” Analysis 81:3 (2021): 389-96.
Green, Keith. “Spinoza on Hatred and Power and the Challenge of Reconciliation,” in Paula Satne and Krissanna Scheiter, eds. Conflict and Resolution: The Ethics of Forgiveness, Revenge, and Punishment, (Springer International Publishing AG, forthcoming 2022).
Green, Keith. “Love, Hatred, and Self-preservation in Descartes’ Passions of the Soul and Spinoza’s theory of the Affects,” Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica, CXII (2020), 2, pp. 425-442.
Harker, David. 'Scientific Progress and Scientific Realism', in New Philosophical Perspectives on Scientific Progress, edited by Yafeng Shan. New York and London: Routledge.
Harker, David. "Stability, Growth, and the Problem of Thresholds" a review of Peter Vickers book Identifying Future-Proof Science (Oxford University Press).
Harker, David. Published a editorial on misinformation for the American Journal of Public Health, with Dr. Randy Wykoff, dean of ETSU's College of Public Health, and an ETSU student, Leah Loveday.
Hensley, Ian. "The Stoics' Divine Cosmology," in The Oxford Handbook of Stoicism.
Hensley, Ian. "The Stoics and Anaximenes on Basic Corporeal Change." in Stoic Presocratics - Prescocratic Stoics: Studies in the Stoic Reception of Early Greek Philosophy.
Hensley, Ian. “Elements and Matter in Diogenes Laertius 7.137.” in Classical Philology 118, no. 2 (2023): 273 - 281.
Hensley, Ian. “The Physics of Stoic Cosmogony.” Apeiron 54, no. 2 (2021): 161–187.
Hensley, Ian. “The Physics of Pneuma in Early Stoicism,” in The Concept of Pneuma after Aristotle, edited by Sean Coughlin, David Leith, and Orly Lewis (Berlin: Edition Topoi, 2020), 171–201.
Hensley, Ian. “Stoic Epistemology,” in The Routledge Handbook of Hellenistic Philosophy, edited by Kelly Arenson (New York: Routledge, 2020), 137–147.
MacAvoy, Leslie. Published a book review of Katherine Withy's book Heidegger on Being Self-Concealing (Oxford University Press) in Mind.
MacAvoy, Leslie. "Logos, Perception, and the Ontological Function of Discourse in Phenomenology: A Theme from Heidegger's Reading of Aristotle." Language and Phenomenology. Edited by Chad Engelland. Routledge, 2021. 115-131.