Contact Us
Pamela Mims, Ph.D.
Associate Dean of Research and Grants, Professor of Special Education
Stephanie Fletcher
Grant Manager
Clemmer Grant Management Services
The Clemmer Grant Management team is dedicated to helping you streamline your research journey. Dr. Pamela Mims, the Associate Dean of Research and Grants, and Stephanie Fletcher, Grant Manager & Director of Fiscal Affairs, would like to highlight the services that they offer within their roles in order for you to properly utilize our range of support:
- Grant/Contract Faculty and staff Fiscal Year Salary Allocation (FYSA) forms
- Supporting grant/contract consultant pay processes
- Extra compensation form support for grants/contract faculty/staff
- Salary savings incentive pay support for faculty with grant buyouts
- Supporting Principal Investigators (PIs) with re-budget requests
- Supporting grant/contract student tuition reimbursement
- New index requests
- Communication with Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (ORSPA; e.g., Cynthia Hardin) and Grant Accounting on the status of new award indexes
- Communication with Grant Accounting to improve or clarify budgetary issues
- Annual and Final report support for PIs regarding budget analysis and data
- General budget analysis support for PIs
- Indirect cost funds (IDC) College, department, and PI allocation per the Clemmer College policy
- Serve on the Internal Research Advisory Committee to provide college IDC data, support, and information
- Faculty research start up paperwork
In addition to these services, Dr. Pamela Mims offers a specific focus to support
faculty with all research and scholarly initiatives, including grant writing, budget
development, internal routing mechanisms, etc.
We also have a grant management secretary, Mike Shoun. In this role, he aids Stephanie
Fletcher and Dr. Pamela Mims on all previously mentioned tasks. Mike also works with
a focus on external and internal funds (e.g., RDC) related to grants/contracts.
Please do not hesitate to reach out to ask for support regarding your grant/contract
management needs. We look forward to helping you with all your grant/contract needs.
Grant Accounting
For all those that have a grant or contract with external funds, those funds are assigned an index and housed with a grant accountant in Grant Accounting. This is an office housed in Burgin Dossett that is run by Ashley McBee as the Director. There are currently 4 grant accountants that are assigned grants. If you are the PI of a grant or contract, one of the following grant accountants is assigned to your grant:
Their website has some helpful forms that we can assist you with as needed: