Funding Opportunities
Clemmer College Internal Research Advisory Committee (IRAC) Charge and Operation:
The Internal Research Advisory Committee (IRAC) strategically uses indirect funds from faculty grants to promote more research and scholarly activity among faculty, staff, and students. These funds are used to share support through initiatives such as the Summer Research Assignments (SRA), Unique Funding Requests (UFR), Publication Incentive Program (PIP), and by maintaining a strategically utilized reserve to support research development needs across the college. The allocation, distribution, and management of these funds are administered by the members of the IRAC. Voting members on this committee are representatives from each department across Clemmer College of Education and Human Development and serve on 2-year terms meeting monthly throughout the academic year.
The IRAC considers the following definition of research/scholarship within the scope
of its goals:
“The generation of new knowledge through original, inquiry-based research or systematic
investigation. Examples include:
- Published articles in peer-reviewed journals
- Publication of books, monographs, or creative works
- Presentations at professional meetings
- Creation of software offor internet applications
- Video, film, photographic, audio or other multimedia creations (e.g. podcasts).
Summer Research Assignments (SRA)
Clemmer College offers a financial incentive program for Summer Research Assignments (SRAs) to support faculty focus on research and scholarly activities during the summer months, rather than teaching. Recipients are selected through an application process managed by the Internal Research Advisory Committee. The college plans to maintain similar incentives in the future, anticipating a positive impact. The application deadline for the 2025 SRA program is February 16, 2025. Interested individuals can download the application and direct any inquiries to Dr. Pamela Mims.
Clemmer College STUDENT Unique Funding Requests (SUFR)
Clemmer College of Education and Human Development is announcing a new opportunity for students. Student Unique Funding Request. This opportunity will provide students with support for research funding that can include funding to attend a professional conference to share their research and/or to help fund their research study. Please see the attached pdf for the application process and rubric. Funds available from now (Feb. 2025) through June 30, 2025 in total is $10,700. Please submit applications to Pamela Mims, Associate Dean of Research and Faculty Success, Also, for further details, please check out our Clemmer Research Website
Clemmer College FACULTY/STAFF Unique Funding Requests (UFR)
Faculty and/or staff interested in applying should carefully consider the scoring rubric and the required information needed for the application: Funding Request to IRAC. If you have a unique request and are in need of funding (and have exhausted your dept. funds or do not have indirect funds to use from your own grants), please complete the UFR Qualtrics Application or consider submitting the Funding Request Application to IRAC by emailing it to Dr. Pamela Mims.
Publication Incentive Program (PIP)
This pilot incentive program will offer funding to full-time Clemmer College of Education and Human Development (CCEHD) faculty and staff for successful publication of each sole- or co-authored SCI- or SSCI-indexed journal article or articles published in top tier journals of a particular field.
In our efforts to increase the national and international research profile of East Tennessee State University, CCEHD research faculty and/or staff are enncouraged to intentionally conntribute to advancing the university's performance in the key research-related metrics use by major national and intnernational ranking services.
For each fiscal year cycle (July 1st - June 30th), applications will be accepted starting July 1st, and will close September 15th. Stay tuned for updates regarding the 2024 PIP application process, publication & journal eligibility, and incentive tiers.
Other Funding Opportunities
Helpful Links
- APA Format
- Budget Form
- Clemmer Internal Routing Form
- Clemmer/ORSPA Contact List
- CITI Training
- Cost Waiver/Reduction Request
- Fiscal Year Salary Allocation Form
- iGuide
- Incentive Compensation Plan
- Internal Research Advisory Committee
- IRB Information
- IRB Manager
- ORSPA Website
- ORSPA Definitions
- SPIN Funding Database
- Policy for Indirect Cost
Summer Research Assignment (SRA)
SRA Application Process | |
SRA applications are due by February 16, 2024. Please contact Dr. Pamela Mims with any questions you may have about the SRA application process. |