Accidents (Employee)
What should you do if you are injured on the job?
- Call 911 for all emergencies that are life threatening.
- Notify your supervisor immediately.
If it is not a 911 situation:
- You and your supervisor must call the 24/7 Call Center, 1-866-245-8588. Select option #1 to speak to a nurse for immediate care.
- The supervisor will verify the work-related injury. The employee will give necessary information.
- The registered nurse will evaluate and determine care/treatment options over the phone.
Human Resources Forms:
Accidents (Student or Visitor)
Visitors and students other than RSWP that receive an injury/illness while on the ETSU campus must submit their claim to the Division of Claims Administration of the State Treasury Department. This form can be obtained directly from the Office of Financial Services, Box 70732, Burgin Dossett Administration Bldg., 2nd floor, Room 202, phone: 423-439-4414. It's also accessible via the Office of Financial Services website.
Reporting Accidents and Injuries
In order to assist with accurate and timely reporting of incidents/accidents, ETSU has a reporting mechanism in place to insure proper documentation and follow-up of the event. All accidents and injuries occurring on ETSU owned or leased property must be documented. Emergencies should be reported to ETSU Police (423-439-4480 or 911 from campus landlines) immediately for proper medical treatment. ETSU Police will arrive to assist with the injured and dispatch other emergency personnel if needed. The police will complete the Injury/Illness Report Form. ETSU colleges and departments are required to complete this form for incidents (i.e. minor injuries involving first aid, near miss events, etc.) involving students and guests when ETSU Police are not called. The report must then be faxed to the ETSU Police Department (423-439-5805) within 24 hours of the event.