Student and Advisor Responsibilities
Student Responsibility
- Learn the name and office of his/her advisor early in his/her first semester at ETSU.
- Consult with his/her advisor on a regular basis each semester, especially prior to registration, when in academic difficulty, prior to changing minors or concentrations, prior to making changes in an approved schedule, or withdrawing from ETSU.
- Schedule and keep appointments with his/her advisor, at appropriate times each semester and notify advisor prior to scheduled appointment if student must reschedule.
- Seek assistance with the decision to be made rather than expect the advisor to make the decisions.
- Be familiar with ETSU Policies and Procedures, major department's website and program sheets as well as the Online Undergraduate Catalog.
- Maintain copies of his/her program of study inclduing general education, proficiency intensive and graduation requirements.
- Be familiar with and utilize information available on GoldLink (registration status, holds, academic transcript, early semester progress grades and end of term grades).
- Update his/her contact information (address and phone numbers) in a timely manner using GoldLink.
- Activate and regularly check his/her campus email account (email).
- Know and observe academic deadlines as posted on the ETSU online calendar and in GoldLink.
- Follow through with appropriate action after the advising session and to verify all GoldLink transactions as related to adding or dropping classes.
- Seek reassignment to a new advisor if differences between the advisor and student should develop.
Advisor Responsibility
- Maintain adequate posted office hours and appointment times for advisement.
- Keep all scheduled appointments and to notify the student in advance if it is not possible to keep the scheduled appointment.
- Gain the necessary training to effectively advise, guide and refer students to ETSU resources applicable to the student's program of study.
- Use ETSU resources including online Undergraduate Catalog, departmental websites, general education, proficiency intensive, graduation, program requirements and licensure requirements to guide and refer students.
- Maintain a complete accurate advisement record for each student in order to monitor progress towards goals and graduation requirements.
- Regularly check and respond to student emails in a timely manner.
- Refer students to the academic deadlines as posted on the ETSU online calendar and in GoldLink.
- Assist in the advisor reassignment process when applicable.
- Understand and comply with the mandates of the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 as Amended (FERPA).