Bursar's Office
Contact Information
email: bursar@etsu.edu & phone: 423-439-4212
Important Links & Information
Direct Deposit Authorization
The preferred method to receive your financial aid refund is direct deposit to your
checking account.
If you do not sign up for direct deposit, your refund check will be mailed to you.
You may setup student direct deposit via Goldlink.
Do you have questions about how to perform certain tasks in Goldlink?
View the demonstration videos below to get some very brief step-by-step answers.
Financial Responsibility Statement
Users logging into Goldlink may be prompted to review a document called “Financial Responsibility Statement.” This narrative outlines the financial responsibility a student will assume for courses they will be registered for. Terms in the document include but are not limited to:
- Responsibility of student to assume any collection costs related to debt recovery;
- Permission for ETSU to contact students via their cell phones;
- Obligations of students to update contact information;
- Permission for the university to send 1098-T tax forms to students via email unless
the student requests otherwise.
After reviewing the document, you will be asked to either “Accept” or “Do Not Accept” the terms of the statement. If you select “Accept,” you will proceed to the “Look Up Classes” section. Those who do not accept the terms of the document will be redirected back to the Main Menu.
Should you have any questions about this process, feel free to email the ETSU Bursar’s Office at bursar@etsu.edu.
How to Confirm Your Registration by Making A Payment or Setting Up a Payment Plan
How to Confirm your Registration with Financial Aid
Making a Payment
Setting Up an Authorized User
Making a Housing Deposit
Payment Plans
- For payment plan dates, please visit Payments
- For detailed information about the Payment Plan, please visit the Payment Plan Policy
Other Payment Options
- Pay by mail. Please use PO Box 70719. Johnson City, TN 37614.
- Pay online by logging into your Goldlink account.
- Pay with Cash or Check in Room 202 Burgin Dossett Hall.
Payment of Fees
Confirmation of Registration and/or Fee Payment Arrangements must be made to ensure you remain enrolled in your current class schedule. Please see the Tuition & Fee Payment & Refund Calendar for more important dates.
You can pay online by going to your Goldlink account or by using the ePay option in the mobile app.
All debit and credit card payments must be made using Goldlink or the ePay option in the mobile app. No debit or credit card payments will be accepted at the Bursar’s cashier window. Debit and credit card payments are accepted online only. A 2.95% ($3 minimum charge) service fee will be assessed on all domestic debit and credit card payments. A 4.25% service fee will be assessed to all international credit card/debit card payments.
On your Goldlink, you can give family members the ability to pay on your account by setting up an Authorized User.
If you are receiving Veteran's Benefits, you must provide a Veteran Deferment to the Bursar's Office before the fee payment deadline to avoid your classes being dropped. Please note: being dropped from your classes will affect your housing and meal plan status.
Related Sites
Academic Calendar | Office of Financial Aid | Office of the Registrar | Business and Finance |
The costs associated with attending ETSU can include both direct and indirect costs. Please review ETSU's Cost of Attendance for more details.