Research Interest:
I am interested in the evolution of gene expression in response to changes in the environment (temperature, nutrients, xenobiotics) or genetic background (chromosomal aberrations, gene duplications). Differential gene expression is the molecular basis of phenotypic plasticity. What role do adaptation and constraints play in shaping differential gene expression? Does plastic gene expression impede adaptive evolution or provide a new target for selection? If plascticity of gene expression is lost in a constant environment, does it occur by neutral processes or by selection operating through across-environmental trade-offs? These and other questions we are trying to answer using microarray and RNAseq technology as well as bioinformatics. Study organisms include Drosophila Daphnia and Lake Baikal endemic crustaceans. Dr. Yampolsky's Laboratory Webpage
- General Genetics (BIOL 3100)
- Aquatic Biology (BIOL 4857/5857)
- Capstone (BIOL 4995)