Scholarships offered by the Department of Theatre & Dance
ETSU Theatre & Dance/Barter Theatre Intern Scholarship
The ETSU Internship with Barter Theatre in Abingdon, VA is 12 hours elective credit in Theatre for one intensive semester of work within the chosen (and approved) Barter Theatre Department (Box Office, Costumes/Wardrobe, Lighting, Props, Scenery, Sound or Stage Management available fall or spring semesters; Acting available summer semester only).
The ETSU Internship with Barter Theatre will entail approximately 10 hours of work per day, 6 days per week. It is important to note that the work arrangement with Barter Theatre will most likely extend beyond the normal ETSU semester calendar. Exact dates for the internship will be determined upon internship approval and acceptance. (Fall semester internships will run approximately late August until late December. Spring semester internships will run approximately mid January through mid May. Summer semester internships will run approximately mid May through mid August.)Criteria:
-Only ETSU students will be considered
-Internship candidate must be an ETSU Junior or Senior Theatre major
-Internship candidate must have completed the theatre core requirements prior to application.
-A 2.5 minimum overall GPA and a 3.0 minimum GPA in Theatre courses are required.
-Transfers must complete at least one semester as a full-time student in residence at ETSU prior to application.Application:
*Applicants must contact the Department Chair of Theatre and Dance for an application packet.
Acting Applicants-
- Two contrasting scenes each 1-minute in length (no props, chair permitted)
- 8 bars of a song
- Resume and headshot
- Three letters of reference speaking to the applicant's work in theatre
Technical Applicants-
- Costumes/Wardrobe, Lighting, Props, Scenery, Sound and Stage Management applicants should provide photos of work samples (if possible)
- Resume and headshot
- Three letters of reference speaking to the applicant’s work in theatre
Once ETSU Theatre and Dance/Barter Theatre have received the completed application packet, and the interview/audition has been conducted with representatives from both entities, the student will be notified as soon as possible of acceptance or rejection to the internship program.
The scholarship will be a last dollar scholarship to cover tuition and fees for 12 hours after the application of any federal or state aid (excluding loans) and ETSU or external scholarships (including the Tennessee Education Lottery Scholarship). The amount of the scholarship will vary depending on the student’s residency classification and financial aid/scholarship package. Housing and a stipend will be included as part of this scholarship.
All applicants are required to file a FAFSA to receive the maximum amount of aid possible.Scholarship deadline- October 15 for Spring and Summer Internships; March 15 for Fall Internships
For additional information please contact:
Karen Brewster, Department Chair -
Daryl & Harold "Bud" Frank Scholarship
The program focuses on recruiting exceptional theatre students, nurturing their artistic and intellectual growth through challenging curricula and hands-on experiences, and promoting their commitment to life-long, high quality artistic involvements.
High School Students-
-High School GPA 2.75 on a 4.0 scale
-Scholastic exam scores, ACT 22 (composite total without writing) or comparable SAT score.Transfer Students-
-Transfer students must bring a College GPA of 2.5 overall with a 3.0 average in Theatre.Application:
Completed Daryl and Harold “Bud” Frank Scholarship in Theatre Application.
Electronic portfolio of visual examples of previous theatre work.
5 to 15 minute electronic performance presentation OR a 5 to 15 minute presentation telling us about yourself and your work in the theatre. If possible, this should be included with the portfolio on the same media form.
Headshot and resume
Three letters of recommendation—at least one must effectively speak to applicant’s work in theatre.
Please submit all materials to Karen Brewster, Department Chair, ETSU Theatre and Dance, PO Box 70626 Johnson City, TN 37614
-Maintain a 3.0 average in Theatre and 2.5 overall average.-Enroll as a full-time student at ETSU, majoring in Theatre. The student is expected to earn a minimum of 15 credit hours per semester.
-Audition for all ETSU Theatre, faculty-directed productions each semester and accept a role in one production per semester. If not cast, scholarship students must work on a construction crew, running crew or in some other aspect (such as stage management) of at least one production every semester.
-Students who are interested in design/tech may opt out of auditioning and work on a construction crew, running crew or in some other aspect (such as stage management) of at least one production every semester. A minimum involvement of ten hours per week on ETSU Theatre and Dance productions (or Director of Theatre & Dance approved activities) is required.
-Enroll in and complete a 3-hour theatre course each semester (minimum). Scholarship students must see the Department Chair for advisement prior to registration for classes every semester.
-If students fail to comply with the criteria for the scholarship, the award will not be continued for additional semesters or years on this program.Awards:
Incoming Freshman Award-
-$5,000 awarded every year for 4 years as long as enrollment is continuous and all requirements are met.Transfer Student Award
$5,000 awarded every year for 2 years as long as enrollment is continuous and all requirements are met. -
ETSU Creative Arts Scholarship
The purpose of the ETSU Creative Arts Scholarship is to generate scholarships for deserving students who are first-time out-of-state students in the arts.Criteria:
A student must apply as an entering first-time freshman with a 2.5 high school GPA
Students must be admitted to the university to apply
Complete your appilcation here!Expectations for retaining scholarship:
-Maintain a 2.5 institutional GPA.
-Audition for a role in a Main Stage, faculty-directed production each semester or work as a technical member of a Main Stage production each semester (stage manager, designer, or running crew: lights operator, sound operator, wardrobe assistant, stage hand, etc.). Involvement of a minimum of 5 hours per week is required.
-Enroll in and complete a Theatre and/or Dance course each semester.
-Enroll as a full-time student at ETSU, majoring in Theatre, minoring in Theatre, or minoring in Dance.
-Recipients who are first year freshmen must live on campus and buy a meal plan first year.
-Recipients will participate in creative arts activities or performances that have a University or community audience, as directed by their Creative Arts Scholarship Coordinator
-Students who fail to meet these criteria will lose their scholarship for all future terms.Award:
-New out-of-state students at both the undergraduate and graduate levels are eligible (including international students) to receive in state tuition rates.
-Scholarship recipients receive support in an amount equivalent to out-of-state tuition
-Recipients pay only in-state tuition rates
-Scholarship award is for 8 semesters (does not include summers) -
General Department Scholarship
Scholarships will be granted from one of the following funds. The purpose of the ETSU Department of Theatre & Dance Friends of Theatre, James Norwood, Frank, Lois Manahan, Flora & Henry Joy, and Andrea Richey Scholarships are to generate scholarships for deserving students who are active Theatre majors.Criteria:
-Incoming Freshman must graduate with a 2.5 high school GPA.
-A student transferring from another college or ETSU discipline must have a 2.5 overall GPA and a 3.0 GPA in Theatre to be considered for the scholarship.Application:
- Completed Scholarship Application
- Resume and headshot
- Two letters of recommendation
- Please submit all materials to Karen Brewster, Department Chair, ETSU Theatre and
Dance, PO Box 70626 Johnson City, TN 37614
-Maintain a 3.0 GPA in Theatre and 2.5 overall GPA.
-Audition for a role in a Main Stage, faculty-directed production each semester or work as a technical member of a Main Stage production each semester (stage manager, designer, or running crew: lights operator, sound operator, wardrobe assistant, stage hand, etc.). Involvement of a minimum of 5 hours per week is required.
-Enroll in and complete a Theatre and/or Dance course each semester.
-Enroll as a full-time student at ETSU, majoring in Theatre, minoring in Theatre, or minoring in Dance.
-Recipients who are first year freshmen must live on campus and buy a meal plan first year.
-Students who fail to meet these criteria will lose their scholarship for all future terms.Award:
-Friends of Theatre Scholarship is a book and materials fee.-Andrea Richey will give preference to minority students, out of state students, or first-generation college students (in that order).
- All scholarships will be paid in two equal installments, one at the beginning of the Fall semester and the other at the beginning of the Spring semester.-You must reapply each academic year.
Diversity in Theatre Scholarship
The purpose of the ETSU Diversity in Theatre Scholarship is to provide supporting funds for deserving students of diverse backgrounds who seek to be active theatre majors in the Department of Theatre and Dance at East Tennessee State UniversityCriteria:
-Incoming Freshman must graduate with a 2.5 high school GPA.
-A student transferring from another college or ETSU discipline must have a 2.5 overall GPA and a 3.0 GPA in Theatre to be considered for the scholarship.Application:
- Completed Diversity in Theatre Application
- Resume and headshot
- Two letters of recommendation
- Please submit all materials by to Karen Brewster, Chair & Professor, ETSU Theatre and Dance, PO Box 70626 Johnson City, TN 37614
-Maintain a 3.0 GPA in Theatre and 2.5 overall GPA.
-Audition for a role in a Main Stage, faculty-directed production each semester or work as a technical member of a Main Stage production each semester (stage manager, designer, or running crew: lights operator, sound operator, wardrobe assistant, stage hand, etc.). Involvement of a minimum of 5 hours per week is required.
-Enroll in and complete a Theatre and/or Dance course each semester.
-Enroll as a full-time student at ETSU, majoring in Theatre, minoring in Theatre, or minoring in Dance.
-Recipients who are first year freshmen must live on campus and buy a meal plan first year.
-Students who fail to meet these criteria will lose their scholarship for all future terms.Award:
Incoming Freshman-
-at least a 2.5 high school GPA is awarded $3000 per academic year
-at least a 3.0 high school GPA is awarded $4000 per academic year
-at least a 3.5 high school GPA is awarded $5000 per academic year
Transfer Students-
-at least a 2.5 college GPA is awarded $3000 per academic year
-at least a 3.0 college GPA is awarded $4000 per academic year
-at least a 3.5 college GPA is awarded $5000 per academic yearGPA is evaluated yearly.
Undergraduate Research Honors Program
The Undergraduate Research Honors Program (URHP) is a program of study that requires 12 credit hours of honors enriched theatre courses and 6 hours of senior honors thesis. URHP students have access to the opportunities and benefits of the larger Honors community.
Students may apply to the Department of Theatre & Dance Undergraduate Research Honors Program as entering freshmen, as transfers, or as students already enrolled at ETSU. Forms and program details may be obtained by contacting Melissa Shafer at 423-439-5837 or emailing her at
- For entering freshman: a high school GPA of 3.2 overall (unweighted) or a minimum ACT composite score of 25 (1200 SAT Critical Reading & Math).
- Current ETSU student: must enter in their freshman or sophomore year with an overall
ETSU GPA of 3.2 or
a minimum GPA of 3.5 in courses in the discipline. - Transfer students: must enter in their freshman or sophomore year with a minimum overall GPA of 3.2.
- Must be enrolled as a full-time Theatre and Dance major
- Students must maintain the following cumulative GPAs: up to 45 hours 3.00; 46-60 hours 3.15; 60+ hours 3.25
- The student is expected to earn a minimum of 15 credit hours per semester.
- Audition for all ETSU Theatre, faculty-directed productions each semester and accept a role in one production per semester. If not cast, scholarship students must work on a construction crew, running crew or in some other aspect (such as stage management) of at least one production every semester.
- Students who are interested in design/tech may opt out of auditioning and work on a construction crew, running crew or in some other aspect (such as stage management) of at least one production every semester.
- Enroll in and complete a 3-hour theatre course each semester (minimum).
- URHP students must see program coordinator Melissa Shafer for advisement prior to registration for classes every semester.
- If students fail to comply with the criteria for the scholarship, the award will not be continued for additional semesters or years on this program.
Newly admitted students (both Tennessee residents and Out-of-State) who participate in the Undergraduate Research Honors Program will receive a scholarship of $2500 ($1250 per semester) towards tuition. This scholarship is awarded for a maximum of eight semesters of study, contingent on maintaining eligibility. The 8-semester maximum is cumulative with other ETSU tuition scholarships, such as APS.
Scholarship offers are separate from offers of acceptance into a URHP Discipline.- Scholarship offers are generally made in May and December.
- Fall scholarships do not post to student accounts until mid August.
- Students receiving scholarships must enroll in a minimum of 15 credits each semester.
Deadline for Fall 2025 is March 7, 2025.
The costs associated with attending ETSU can include both direct and indirect costs. Please review ETSU's Cost of Attendance for more details.