Accelerated 3-Year M.D. Program
Tri-TRAILS is a 3-year curriculum at the Quillen College of Medicine that culminates in the M.D. degree. This directed pathway allows students to complete medical school in less time with less cost. This pathway offers students the ability to be positioned to match into one of five Quillen College of Medicine Residency programs.
Participating Residency Programs:
- Internal Medicine
- Pediatrics
- Family Medicine Bristol
- Family Medicine Johnson City
- Family Medicine Kingsport
Students will complete the first three years of the TRAILS curriculum with students
in the 4-year program. They will have the addition of eight weeks of clinical experiences
between year one and year two and complete their pre-clerkship preceptor experience
with faculty in their chosen residency program. After completing the required year
three clerkships, students will take USMLE Step 2 CK, participate in the Keystone
experience and complete a required sub-internship and ICU experience. This will allow
them to satisfy all graduation requirements before the end of May of year three.
Students interested in Tri-TRAILS will complete an additional application and interview process after being accepted to the Quillen College of Medicine.
Tri-TRAILS is best suited for highly-motivated students who have pre-selected Family Medicine, Internal Medicine or Pediatrics as their chosen specialty.
Application Process
Students who are interested in Tri-TRAILS must apply and be accepted to the Quillen College of Medicine. Students selected for Tri-TRAILS become part of a directed pathway to their chosen Quillen residency program.
Students who are selected for Tri-TRAILS begin medical school at the same time as students in the 4-year program.
How many students will be accepted into the class?
A maximum of nine students will be accepted in 2023 (Class of 2026), six students planning to enter Family Medicine, two students planning to enter Internal Medicine residency, and one student planning to enter Pediatrics. -
If I am accepted, when will I graduate from medical school?
You will participate in commencement from medical school at the end of year three, although you will not complete all your coursework requirements until mid-May of year 3. You will begin residency training in July. -
If I change my mind about a career in Family Medicine, Internal Medicine, or Pediatrics, or if I decide that I do not want to accelerate my medical training, can I opt out of the program?
Yes, you may opt out of the 3-year track during your MS2 or MS3 year and return to the regular 4-year curriculum. -
What happens if I receive failing grades in any courses or clerkships?
Any student receiving failure in a course or clerkship will not be allowed to continue in the Accelerated Track. Decisions about dismissal or transfer to the Generalist Track are at the discretion of the Student Promotions Committee. -
What happens if I don’t pass USMLE Step 1?
Any student receiving failure on a USMLE Board exam will not be allowed to continue in the Accelerated Track. Decisions about dismissal or transfer to the Generalist Track are at the discretion of the Student Promotions Committee. -
Will I be expected to take USMLE Step 2?
You will be expected to take and pass the Step CK exam prior to graduation; this is a Quillen College of Medicine requirement. You will take the exam in March, April or May of your M3 year. -
Will I need to enter the National Resident Matching Program (NMRP, or “The Match”)?
Yes, you will need to register with the NRMP and enter the match. You will be highly ranked and positioned to match in your chosen residency program, but can rank any program of your choosing. -
How will my residency training be different?
Your residency training will not differ from that of other students. -
Will I be able to complete fellowship training following residency?
Yes, in fact, pursuing additional training in geriatrics, palliative care, women’s health, adolescent medicine or sports medicine may be especially appealing since you will complete your training one year earlier by completing the accelerated progress to practice pathway.
Contact Us

Amanda Stoltz, MD, FAAFP
Assistant Dean for Student Affairs

Raegan Goodson
Student Affairs Coordinator