Welcome to the College Panhellenic Council at East Tennessee State University!
The College Panhellenic Council (CPH) at ETSU is the governing body of five (5) social sororities represented on campus that oversees a vibrant community of sororities an campus, fostering leadership, sisterhood, and service. This council provides women with opportunities for leadership, social networking, community service, campus involvements, and friendship while maintaining high academic standards.
The NPC member organizations at ETSU are: Alpha Delta Pi, Alpha Omicron Pi, Alpha Xi Delta, Kappa Delta, and Sigma Kappa. These five sororities create the College Panhellenic (CPH) at ETSU.
Stay connected with CPH at ETSU through their instagram @etsupanhellenic.

2024 College Panhellenic Executive Board
President | Margaret Lambert | lambertmr1@etsu.edu |
Executive Vice President | Holly Miller | millerhb@etsu.edu |
Vice President of Membership | Callie Stewart | stewartca2@etsu.edu |
Vice President of Finance | Chole Hollifield | hollifieldc@etsu.edu |
Lead Recruitment Guide (Rho Gamma) | Olivia Christian | christianof@etsu.edu |
Vice President of Chapter Unity | Haley Webster | websterh1@etsu.edu |
Vice President of Programming | Madison McAlister | mcalisterm@etsu.edu |
Vice President of Internal Communication | Sarah Grace Garland | garlandsg1@etsu.edu |
Vice President of External Communication | Elle Thomas | thomaseg@etsu.edu |
Vice President of Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion | Rocio Reynoso | reynosor@etsu.edu |
College Panhellenic Chapters at ETSU
Alpha Delta Pi | ΑΔΠ
Established nationally on May 15, 1851, Alpha Delta Pi, affectionately known as ADPi, adopts a diamond as its symbol. The Gamma Phi Chapter, inaugurated on ETSU's campus on November 13, 1954, proudly aligns with their national philanthropy, the Ronald McDonald House. Embracing the motto "We live for each other," that values friendship, sincerity, and truth within their members. Sporting azure blue and white as its distinctive colors, ADPi's mascot is a Lion. Stay connected with the Gamma Phi chapter through their Instagram @adpi_etsu.
Alpha Omicron Pi | ΑΟΠ
Established nationally on January 2,1897, Alpha Omicron Pi, affectionately known as AOII, adopts a Sheaf as its symbol. The Phi Alpha Chapter, inaugurated on ETSU's campus on November 6, 2016, proudly aligns with their national philanthropy, Arthritis Foundation. Embracing the motto "Inspire Ambition," that values character, dignity, scholarship, and college loyalty within their members. Sporting cardinal red as its distinctive colors, AOII’s mascot is a Panda. Stay connected with the Phi Alpha chapter through their Instagram @aoiietsu.
Alpha Xi Delta | ΑΞΔ
Established nationally on April 17, 1893, Alpha XI Delta, affectionately known as AXID, adopts a Quill as its symbol. The Gamma Theta Chapter, inaugurated on ETSU's campus on April 17,1893. Embracing the motto "The pen is mightier than the sword," that values sisterhood, leadership, knowledge and service to communities within their members. Sporting double blue and gold as its distinctive colors, AXID’s mascot is a Bet-XI-Bear. Stay connected with the Gamma Theta’s chapter through their Instagram @etsualphaxidelta.
Kappa Delta | ΚΔ
Established nationally on October 23,1897, Kappa Delta, affectionately known as KD, adopts a Dagger as its symbol. The Gamma Delta Chapter, inaugurated on ETSU's campus on November 13,1954, proudly aligns with their national philanthropy, Girl Scouts of U.S.A and Prevent Child Abuse America. Embracing the motto "Let us strive for that which is honorable, beautiful, and highest," that values friendship & loyalty, personal integrity, lifelong learning, and selfless service within their members. Sporting olive green and pearl white as its distinctive colors, KD’s mascot is a Teddy Bear. Stay connected with the Gamma Delta chapter through their Instagram @kappadeltaetsu.
Sigma Kappa | ΣΚ
Established nationally on November 9,1874, Sigma Kappa affectionately known as SK, adopts a heart as its symbol. The Gamma Lambda Chapter, inaugurated on ETSU's campus on March 3,1956, proudly aligns with their national philanthropy, the Sigma Kappa Foundation, Inherit the Earth, Gerontology, Maine Sea Cost Mission, and the Alzheimer's Association. Embracing the motto "One Heart, One Way" that values personal growth, friendship, service, and loyalty within their members. Sporting lavender and maroon as its distinctive colors, SK’s mascot is a dove. Stay connected with the Gamma Lambda chapter through their Instagram @etsusigmakappa.
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