Summer 2015 Department News
Macon Magno
Physics Major Macon Magno is working in the Department this summer with Dr. Beverly Smith on multi-wavelength observations of merging galaxy pairs.
Ashton Morelock
Physics Major Ashton Morelock is working in the Department this summer with Drs. Beverly Smith and Mark Giroux on multi-wavelength studies of star forming regions within interacting galaxies.
Phillip Wheeler
Physics Major Phillip Wheeler is working in the Department this summer with Dr. Beverly Smith with infrared data for variable stars.
William Asbury
Physics Major William Asbury is working in the Department this summer with Drs. Gary Henson and Richard Ignace using Kepler data on symbiotic variable stars.
Thomas Holden Dingus
Physics Major Thomas Holden Dingus is working in the Department this summer with Drs. Gary Henson and Richard Ignace on the eclipsing binary star Epsilon Auriga.
Danielle Latham
Physics Major Danielle Latham is working in the Department this summer with Dr. Frank Hagelberg on carbonnanostructures.
Fletcher Griffitts
- Physics Major Fletcher Griffitts is working in the Department this summer with Dr. Frank Hagelberg
Logan Norton
- Physics Major Logan Norton is working in the Department this summer with Dr. Frank Hagelberg
Susan Olmsted
Over Summer 2015, Physics Major Susan Olmsted is participating in the TUNL/Duke Research Experience for Undergraduates program in North Carolina
Andrew Boghozian
Physics Major Andrew Boghozian is doing an internship this summer at Integrity Applications Incorporated
Austin Patrick
Physics Major Austin Patrick is participating this summer in a Research Experience for Undergraduates program in Medical Physics sponsored by the American Association of Physicists in Medicine. He is working at the University of Chicago this summer with Dr. Maryellen Giger researching image analysis techniques of high spectral and spatial resolution magnetic resonance imaging data for the diagnosis of breast cancer.
Wolf Rayet Star Conference in Germany
Dr. Richard Ignace attended a conference in Potsdam, Germany June 1 - 5, 2015. The conference was titled `International Workshop on Wolf Rayet Stars'. Dr. Ignace is the first person on the left in the front row of this picture.
Omar Khan visiting the Department June 2015.
Physics graduate Omar Khan (Class of 2004) started a new job as a Pathologist at Hartford, Hospital. Omar obtained his M.D. from Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland in 2011. From 2011 - 2015, he was a resident in Pathology at East Tennessee State University Medical School. In the picture on the right, Omar is shown during a visit to the Department in June 2015 with Department faculty Dr. Mark Giroux (left), Dr. Gary Henson (3rd from left), and Dr. Donald Luttermoser (right).
Xiqiao Wang and Dr. Mark Giroux
Physics graduate Xiqiao Wang (Class of 2013) visited the Department in July 2015. He is currently a graduate student in Chemical Physics at the University of Maryland.
last updated: 6/21/2024