Physics major Susan Olmsted
- is working in the Department this summer with Dr. Beverly Smith, using multi-wavelength data to compare star formation in interacting galaxies and normal spiral galaxies.
Physics major Kristen Campbell
- is also working with Dr. Beverly Smith this summer. She is working with X-ray images of interacting galaxies.
Physics major Andrew Boghozian
- is doing a summer research internship this summer at the Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute in North Carolina. He is working with Dr. Michael Castelaz on RR Lyrae stars
Physics major Joseph T. McNeil
- is participating in a summer Research Experience for Undergraduate program this summer at the University of Florida in Gainesville. He is working with Dr. Ivan Furic on a project titled 'Design and testing of the upgrades to the CMS detector'. This is one of the instruments on the Large Hadron Collider.
ETSU graduate Brett Bailey
- (Class of 2011; double major in Physics and Chemistry) visited the Department in July 2014. Brett has completed his first year in Medical School at Lincoln Memorial University, Harrogate, Tennessee.
ETSU graduate Jessie Deering (now Jamieson)
- (class of 2013, Physics Minor/Math Major) visited the Department in August. Jessie and her husband William Jamieson (2013, Physics/Math double major) are now graduate students in Math at the University of Nebraska. Jessie is shown in the picture to the left (second from the left), along with Department faculty Drs. Donald Luttermoser (far left), Mark Giroux middle), and Beverly Smith (right).
Dr. Donald Luttermoser
- Dr. Donald Luttermoser attended the Stars: Old, Young and Variable conference held at Iowa State University May 18-21, 2014. He gave a talk entitled `The Infrared Spectra of Mira Variable Stars'. This meeting was held in honor of Lee Anne Willson, upon her retirement from Iowa State.
Drs. Richard Ignace and Hilding Neilson
- Drs. Richard Ignace and Hilding Neilson attended the American Astronomical Society meeting held in Boston Massachusetts in June 2014. Dr. Ignace gave a talk entitled `Radio Emission from Macroclumps in Massive Stars Winds', while Dr. Neilson gave a talk titled `The Cepheid in the Eclipsing Binary System OGLE-LMC-CEP1812 in a Stellar Merger'.
last updated: 6/21/2024