The Office of Academic Affairs is here to support academic success at Gatton from the first day of Gatton Ready to Graduation and beyond. Faculty development, student academic success inside and outside of the classroom, technology support, and assessment data management are some of the services this office provides. Please use the links to the left to visit some of our support resources, or reach out to one of us directly using our contact information below.
Faculty & Staff

David Stewart (bio)
PharmD, BCPSAssociate Dean, Assessment & Academic Affairs, Professor
- 423-439-2071
- Building 7, Room 205

Lindsey Feltman (bio)
P3 Student Success Coordinator
- 423-439-6401
- Bishop Hall (VA ), Suite 100

Kerstin Kromker (bio)
P2 Student Success Coordinator
- 423-439-6401
- Bishop Hall (VA), Suite 100

Dan VanZant (bio)
MSInstructional Design & Technology Manager
- 423-439-6883
- Building 7, Suite 201

Justin White (bio)
P1 Student Success Coordinator
- 423-439-6401
- Bishop Hall (VA), Suite 100

Michele H Williams (bio)
PhDDirector of Academic Success & Assistant Professor in the Department of Pharmacy Practice
- 423-439-6334
- Building 7, Suite 201

M. Andrew Young (bio)
MBA, BBA, ABADirector of Assessment & Institutional Excellence
- 423-439-6841
- Building 7, Suite 201