Spring 2019
ETSU Physics majors Zebedee Damrau (right) and Isaiah Cox (middle) presented posters
at the January 2019 meeting of the American Astronomical Society, held in Seattle
Washington. ETSU graduate Macon Magno (left) also presented a poster. Macon is
now a graduate student at Texas A&M Commerce. Zebedee's poster was titled `Modeling
Variability in f/i Line Ratios for X-rays from Stellar Winds'. The title of Isaiah's
poster was `EDGES: Radial Star Formation Histories in Nearby Galaxies NGC 4102 and
UGC 07608'. Macon's poster was `H-alpha Spectroscopy of Bright Stars'.
Fall 2018
Physics majors Isaiah Cox and Mark Jones decorate cookies at the Fall 2018 end of
semester lunch for majors.
Physics graduate Brianne Dunn (Class of 2018) started graduate school in Physics at
Clemson University this fall.
Physics graduate Macon Magno (Class of 2018) started graduate school in Physics at
Texas A+M Commerce this fall.
Physics graduate Zakery Simpson (Class of 2018) started graduate school in Medical
Physics at the University of Toledo this fall.
Physics graduate Dustin Gilmer (Class of 2018) started graduate school at the University
of Tennessee at the Bredesen Center for Interdisciplinary Research.
Physics/Math graduate Joshua Cassels (Class of 2018) reports that he is now working
as an Operations Analysis at Cellular Sales Inc, in Knoxville Tennessee
New Assistant Professor of Physics Dr. Robert Pattie started teaching at ETSU in Fall
2018. Dr. Pattie received his B.S. in Physics from Virginia Polytechnical Institute
and his Ph.D. in Physics from North Carolina State University. Before coming to ETSU,
he was a Post-Doctoral Researcher at Los Alamos National Laboratory. He is an expert
in low energy subatomic physics, particularly experimental work on ultracool neutrons.
Summer 2018
Physics majors Mark Jones and Peter Wagstaff are working in the Department this summer with Dr. Beverly Smith. They are working
on projects involving multi-wavelength images of interacting and merging galaxies.
Physics major Zebedee Damrau is working with Dr. Richard Ignace this summer on a research
project studying stellar winds.
Physics major Isaiah Cox is participating in a Research Experience for Undergraduate program in Astronomy at the University of Wyoming this
Long-time Department Laboratory Technician Dennis Hedrick is retiring after 41 years at ETSU. Here's a picture of him cutting the cake
at his retirement party.
Spring 2018
Seven Physics majors graduated in May 2018: Josh Cassels, Brianne Dunn, Dustin Gilmer, Charles Patrick Lewis, Macon Magno, Zak Simpson, and Kyle Stambaugh.
The Department hosted a lunch April 25, 2018 in honor of the seven Physics majors
scheduled to graduate in May 2018. From left to right: Macon Magno, Josh Cassels,
Charles Patrick Lewis, Kyle Stambaugh, Zak Simpson, Brianne Dunn, and Dustin Gilmer.
At this lunch, Macon Magno was presented with the `Outstanding Student in Physics'
prize this year, for having the highest overall GPA. Macon and Brianne were both
honored as `Distinguished Graduates'.
Physics major Macon Magno gave a seminar April 23, 2018 in the Department on his
Honors thesis, titled `Modeling Beta Lyrae's H-alpha Profile'.
Six Physics majors presented posters at the Appalachian Student Research Forum on April 5, 2018. Their names and poster titles are: Brianne Dunn: `Hot, Cold, and Warm Interstellar Gas in Galaxy Mergers', Isaiah Cox: `Multi-Wavelength Statistics of Clumpy Galaxies', Taylor Dennis: `Clumps and Clusters in Ring Galaxies', Macon Magno: `A Study of the H-alpha Emission Line Shape in Beta Lyrae', Zakery Simpson: `Adolescent Alcohol-Drinking Leads to Long-Lasting Changes in the Medial Prefrontal Cortex', Dustin Gilmer: `Factors that InfluencSuccess in Research Funding: A Quantitative Study'. In picture, from left to right: Zak, Isaiah, Macon, Brianne, Taylor, Dustin
Three Physics majors gave talks at the Boland Undergraduate Research Symposium, held
March 27, 2018 in the Millenium Centre in Johnson City Tennessee. Dustin Gilmer (left)
gave a talk titled `Factors that Influence Success in Research Funding: A Quantitative
Study'. Macon Magno's talk was titled `A Study of the H-alpha Emission Line Shape
in Beta Lyrae'. Zakery Simpson gave a talk titled `The Enduring Effects of Adolescent
Alcohol Exposure on Glutamate Levels in the Prefrontal Cortex'.
Three ETSU undergraduate Physics majors presented posters at the American Astronomical
Society meeting held in Washington D.C. in January 2018. Picture on the left: Isaiah
Cox presented a poster entitled `Multiwavelength Statistics of Clumpy Galaxy'. Brianne
Dunn had a poster entitled `Hot, Cold, and Warm Interstellar Gas in Galaxy Mergers'.
Picture on the right: Macon Magno's poster was titled `A Study of the H-alpha Emission
in Beta Lyrae'.
Undergraduate Physics major Taylor Dennis attended the Undergraduate Women in Physics Conference held at the University of Virginia in January 2018. She presented a poster entitled `Clumps and Clusters in Ring Galaxies'.
Fall 2017
The Department hosted a lunch on August 25 to welcome new Physics majors to ETSU,
and to welcome back returning majors. First picture: Sitting on the near side of the
table, left to right: Zak Simpson, Leo Krause, and two guests. Sitting on the far
side of the table, left to right: Isaiah Cox (partially hidden), Ron Kitchings, Dr.
Mark Giroux, James Owens, Mark Jones, Zebedee Damrau, Peter Wagstaff. Behind: Dr.
Mallika Dhar and Dr. Gary Henson. Second picture, front: Zak Simpson, Macon Magno
and Brianne Dunn. Back: Karen Sullivan.
Benjamin Seth Proffitt (2013) started a new job as an Educational Advisor for the
TRIO Program, in the Veteran's Upward Bound program at ETSU.
ETSU Physics graduate Amanda Moffett (Class of 2006) started a post-doctoral position
in Astronomy at Vanderbilt University this fall. She received a Ph.D. in Astronomy
from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 2014.
Physics graduate Jon Hall (Class of 2017) has started a job teaching Physics at Cherokee
High School in Rogersville Tennessee. His classroom is shown to the left.
ETSU Physics graduate Susan Olmsted (Class of 2016) started graduate school in Physics
at Vanderbilt University in Nashville Tennessee this fall.
ETSU Physics graduate Ashton Morelock (Class of 2017) started graduate school in the
Department of Physics and Astronomy at Florida State University this fall.
Physics graduate Danielle Latham (Class of 2017) started graduate school in Physics
at Clemson University this fall.
Physics graduate David Frost (Class of 2017) started graduate school in Mathematics
at Clemson University this fall.
This Fall, Physics graduate Elizabeth Williams (Class of 2015) started a job teaching
high school Physics and Chemistry at Science Hill High School, Johnson City Tennessee.
Physics graduate Fletcher Griffitts (Class of 2017) started graduate school in Engineering
at Georgia Tech this fall.
Physics graduate Devanshu Agrawal (Class of 2014) started graduate school in Data
Science at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville this Fall.
This fall, Thomas Holden Dingus (Class of 2016) started the Masters of Teaching graduate
program at ETSU.
Yuijia Wang (Class of 2016) started graduate school in Chemical Engineering at Northwestern
University in Boston Massachusetts.
Department Executive Aide Karen Sullivan came in second place in the August 2017 University
Door Decorating contest. She is shown here with some of her decorations.
Summer 2017
A picture of the August 21, 2017 partial solar eclipse, taken by ETSU Physics major Macon Magno with a 3.5 inch telescope. Some sunspots are visible.
Physics major Isaiah Cox is working in the Department this summer with Dr. Beverly Smith, doing multi-wavelength studies of clumpy galaxies.
Physics major Taylor Dennis is also working in the Department with Dr. Beverly Smith
this summer. She is working with Hubble Space Telescope images of collisional ring
Physics major Macon Magno is working in the Department this summer. He is doing research
with Dr. Richard Ignace involving modeling H-alpha lines of beta Lyrae.
Physics major Brianne Dunn is also doing research in the Dept this summer with Dr.
Beverly Smith. She is studying interstellar gas in merging pairs of galaxies.
Physics major Dustin Hensley is working in the Department on a research project with
Dr. Gary Henson.
Seven ETSU Physics majors participated in a workshop on Radio Astronomy held at the
Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute in Brevard North Carolina from May 12 - 14,
2017. From left to right: Zak Simpson, Kyle Stambaugh, Macon Magno, Jeffrey Fentress,
Dustin Hensley, Josh Cassels, and Samantha Tesnear. This workshop was funded by
a grant from the PhysTEC organization. For pictures from previous workshops, click here.
Fall 2016/Spring 2017
Six Physics majors graduated in May 2017: David Frost, Christian Givens, Fletcher
Griffitts, Jon Hall, Danielle Latham, and Ashton Morelock. In picture left to right:
Danielle, David, and Ashton.
Five members of the ETSU chapter of the Society of Physics Students toured Oak Ridge National
Laboratory May 1, 2017. Left to right: David Frost, Kyle Stambaugh, Macon Magno,
Danielle Latham, and Brianne Dunn.
The annual Department Lunch to honor the graduating seniors was held Wednesday April
26, 2017. Six students will graduate in May 2017. Left to right: Ashton Morelock
(left), Fletcher Griffitts (second picture, with Dr. Luttermoser), Danielle Latham
(3rd picture), Christian Givens (fourth picture), David Frost, and Jon Hall. Ashton
Morelock was awarded the Outstanding Student in Physics prize for this year, for having
the highest overall GPA among the graduating seniors. Along with Ashton, Fletcher,
Danielle, David, and Jon were recognized as Distinguished Graduates, having overall
GPAs over 3.5.
Four ETSU Physics majors gave presentations in the Department on their Honors theses
in April 2017. These include Danielle Latham (left), whose thesis title was `Oxidative
Quenching of Photoexcited Ru(II)-Bipyridine Complexes by Oxygen'. David Frost's
thesis title (second picture from left) was `Isotropic Oscillator Quantum Dots under
a Magnetic and Spatially Varying Electric Field. Christian Givens presented his thesis,
titled `Sensitized Photo-Reduction of Aromatic di-N-oxides'. Fletcher Griffitts
gave a talk on his thesis, which was titled `Fullerenes in Solar Energy Cells'.
Three Physics majors presented posters at the Appalachian Student Research Forum, held at the Culp Center at ETSU Wednesday April 12, 2017. Brianne Dunn gave a poster titled `A Survey of Nearby Galaxies in X-Ray, UV, and Infrared Bands'. Fletcher Griffitts presented a poster titled `Density Functional Theory (DFT) Studies on Charge Carrier Transmission Through Porphyrin-Fullerene Complexes'. Ashton Morelock gave a poster titled `Finite Source Effects in the Microlensing of Radial Pulsating Stars'. Both Fletcher Griffitts and Ashton Morelock won first place prizes in the Natural Sciences Division.
Three Physics majors gave talks at the Boland Undergraduate Research Symposium, held March 28, 2017 at the Millenium Centre in Johnson City. Macon Magno gave a talk titled `Communicating with Raspberry Pis', while Danielle Latham gave a presentation entitled `Finding Quantum Yield of Ruthenium with Oxygen'. David Frost's talk was titled `Visual Representations of Operatiions on the P-adic Integers'.
Five Physics majors attended the American Physical Society meeting held in New Orleans
March 13 - 17, 2017. From left to right: Jon Hall, David Frost, Danielle Latham,
Ryan Sears, and Brianne Dunn.
Numerous Physics majors helped out at the high school/middle school Science Olympiad,
held at ETSU in February 2017. At left are two pictures of Physics major Jon Hall
setting up for an activity at the Olympiad.
ETSU Physics major Dustin Gilmer is doing an internship at Oak Ridge National Lab
during the Spring 2017 semester. His project title is `Binder Jet 3D Printing'.
His internship is part of the Science Undergrad Laboratory Internships (SULI) program
funded by the U.S. Department of Energy.
Four ETSU Physics majors attended the Undergraduate Women in Physics Conference, held
January 13 - 14, 2017 at Virginia Tech. Shown left to right are Danielle Latham,
Ashton Morelock, Brianne Dunn, and Samantha Tesnear. Ashton presented a poster on
Microlensing of Radially Pulsating Stars, and Brianne had a poster entitled `A Survey
of Nearby Merging Galaxies in X-Ray, UV, and IR'.
Two Physics majors graduated in December 2016: Hannah Greene (left) and Patrick Kennedy
Physics major Hannah Greene gave a seminar on her Honors thesis in the Department
on November 28, 2016. Her thesis title is `Clumpy Galaxies in the Early Universe
as Compared to Nearby Normal and Interacting Spiral Galaxies'.
To watch a video of Hannah talking about her experiences at ETSU, click here. To read an interview of Hannah about her ETSU experience click here.
Two ETSU Physics majors presented posters at the `McNair Poster Display' held October 7, 2016 at Tusculum College. Dustin Hensley (shown on the left) presented
a poster titled `The Luminous Blue Variable V2312 Cyg: A Photometric Analysis'.
Dustin Gilmer's poster was titled `An Assessment of Collaborative Leadership in Scientific
To read an interview of Dustin Gilmer about his experiences at ETSU, click here. To watch a video of Dustin Gilmer, click here.
Pictures from the August 19, 2016 Department `Welcome to ETSU/Welcome Back' lunch
for Physics students. Left to right: Ashton Morelock, Logan Norton, Bronson Lynn, Zachary Hayes.
Two ETSU Physics major graduates, Susan Olmsted (Class of 2016; on left) and Elizabeth
Williams (Class of 2015) obtained Masters of Arts in Teaching degrees from ETSU in
May 2017
ETSU physics graduate Brandon Little (Class of 2009) has recently started a new job
at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in Research Triangle Park, in North Carolina.
His job title is Physical Scientist, and he is working with the Office of Air Quality
Planning and Standards.
ETSU Physics graduate Ryen Lapham (Class of 2011) sent the picture on the left of
himself and his son Lawrence Michael Lapham, who was born May 23, 2016. Ryen is currently
a graduate student in Physics and Astronomy at New Mexico Tech.
ETSU Physics graduate Jack Hartsell (Class of 2013) started graduate school in Mathematics
at ETSU in Fall 2016.
ETSU Physics graduate Ben McKinney (Class of 2015) started Medical School at Quillen
Medical School at ETSU in Fall 2016.
ETSU Physics graduate Austin Patrick (Class of 2016) started graduate school in Medical
Physics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in summer 2016.
ETSU Physics graduate Susan Olmsted (Class of 2016) is enrolled in the Masters in
Teaching program at ETSU.
Summer 2016
Physics major Thomas Holden Dingus graduated in August 2016.
Five ETSU Physics majors are working in the Department this summer as research assistants.
Left to right: Macon Magno, Nicholas (Cole) Woo, Ashton Morelock, David Frost, Brianne
Physics major Brianne Dunn is working in the Department this summer with Dr. Beverly
Smith, doing research on interacting galaxies.
Physics major David Frost is working in the Department this summer with Dr. Frank
Hagelberg. He is doing research on quantum dots.
Physics major Cole Woo is working in the Department this summer with Dr. Richard Ignace.
He is doing research on stellar winds.
Physics major Macon Magno is doing research on stellar spectroscopy this summer.
He is working in the Department with Dr. Gary Henson.
Physics major Ashton Morelock is working in the Department this summer on a research
project involving micro- lensing. She is working with Dr. Richard Ignace.
Physics minor Logan Norton is working in the Department this summer on a research
project with Dr. Frank Hagelberg. He is studying the optimal geometry for carbon
Drs. Beverly Smith and Mark Giroux attended the "Mapping the Pathways of Galaxy Transformation Across Time and Space" conference, held on Catalina Island in California July 31 - August 5, 2016. Beverly
Smith presented a poster entitled "Diffuse X-Ray-Emitting Gas in Major Mergers", by
B. J. Smith, K. Campbell, C. Struck, R. Soria, D. Swartz, and M. Magno. Co-author
Kristen Campbell is a recent ETSU Physics major graduate (Class of 2015), while Macon
Magno is a current ETSU Physics major.
Fall 2015/Spring 2016 Department News
On May 9, 2016, the Department hosted a public viewing of the transit of Mercury,
in conjunction with the Bays Mountain Amateur Astronomy Club. The viewing was held
on the ETSU campus. ETSU Physics majors Macon Magno (left) and Ashton Morelock (right)
assisted at this event.
Dr. Lee Anne Willson from Iowa State University visited the Department for three weeks
in October and November 2015 as the Basler Chair of Excellence. For more information
about her background and her activities at ETSU, click here. In the picture on the right, Dr. Willson (6th from left) is shown with Society of
Physics Students Ashton Morelock, Susan Olmsted, Cole Woo, Patrick Kennedy, Thomas
Holden Dingus, Hannah Greene, David Frost, Blake Urban, Danielle Latham, and Logan
The American Institute of Physics named the ETSU Physics and Astronomy Department as a `Top Performer' among Universities and Colleges without graduate programs in Physics. For more information, click here.
Picture taken at the Observatory Open House September 19, 2015
A second picture taken at the Open House on September 19, 2015. Physics majors
Thomas Holden Dingus and Andrew Boghozian have their arms raised.
The dome of the 14 meter telescope at Powell Observatory.
Physics majors graduated in May 2016: William Asbury, Brandon Henard, Gudmundur Kristjansson,
Susan Olmsted, Austin Patrick, and Yujia Wang. Yujia Wang is shown at left.
Physics major Susan Olmsted won the "Outstanding Student in Physics" prize for 2016,
for being the graduating senior with the highest overall GPA. Here she is shown
at the April 20, 2016 Department Lunch honoring the graduating seniors. In addition, graduating seniors Austin Patrick, Gudmundur Kristjansson, and Susan
Olmsted were awarded prizes for graduating with distinction, with overall GPAs higher
than 3.5.
Two of the graduating seniors at the Spring 2016 lunch: Brandon Henard (left) and
Yujia Wang (right).
few other pictures from the Spring 2016 Dept lunch. Leftmost picture: Ashton Morelock
and Logan Norton.
On April 25, 2016, Physics major Austin Patrick presented his Honors thesis. It is
titled `Photoinduced Electron Transfer and Its Applications'.
Physics major Thomas Holden Dingus presented his Honors thesis on Monday April 18,
2016. It is titled `Flickering Analysis of CH Cygni using Kepler Data'.
Four Physics majors presented posters at the Appalachian Research Forum, held on campus Thursday April 7, 2016. Macon Magno's poster was titled `A Survey of Equal Mass Mergers in the Infrared, Ultraviolet, and X-Ray'. Ashton Morelock presented a poster titled `Emission Line Ratios and Oxygen Abundances in Interacting vs. Spiral Galaxies'. Susan Olmsted's poster was titled `Star Formation in Ring Galaxies', while Phillip Wheeler's poster was titled `An Infrared Study of Type II Cepheid Stars from the WISE Satellite'. Susan Olmsted's poster won first place in the Natural Science Division.
Four Physics majors gave talks at the Boland Undergraduate Research Symposium, held March 31 at the Millenium Centre in Johnson City Tennessee. Susan Olmsted spoke on `Star Formation in Ring Galaxies'. Austin Patrick gave a talk on `Photo-Induced Electron Transfer and its Applications'. Thomas Holden Dingus gave a presentation titled `A Flickering Analysis of Chi Cygni using Keper Data'. Dustin Gilmer gave a talk on `Focal Adhesion Kinase'.
Physics major Susan Olmsted presented her Honors thesis Monday March 21, 2016. It
was titled `Star Formation in Ring Galaxies'.
Ten ETSU Physics/Astronomy majors/minors participated in a workshop on radio astronomy
March 4 - 6, 2016, at the Pisgah Astronomical Research Center in Brevard North Carolina.
Left to right: Susan Olmsted, Patrick Kennedy, Holden Dingus, Hannah Green, Macon
Magno, Nicolas Woo, Josh Cassels, Katelyn Sobota, Christian Givens. For more pictures
and more information, click here.
Physics major Susan Olmsted participated in the `Posters at the Capitol' event February
24, 2016 in Nashville. She presented a poster entitled `Star Formation Rates in Ring
The ETSU Society of Physics Student organization was named a `Notable SPS Chapter'
by the National SPS organization, for the year 2014/2015.
Three ETSU Physics majors, Ashton Morelock, Susan Olmsted, and Brianne Dunn, attended the Undergraduate Women in Physics Conference held in Atlanta Georgia January 15 - 17, 2016. Ashton Morelock presented a research poster entitled `Emission Line Ratios and Oxygen Abundances in Interacting vs. Spiral Galaxies'. Susan Olmsted presented a poster titled `Nuclear Data Compilation for Beta Decay Isotopes.'
Two Physics majors graduated in December 2015: Andrew Boghozian and Yonghui Wang.
Andrew is shown on the left (with Physics major Susan Olmsted).; Yonghui on the right
Three Physics majors at the December 9, 2015 End-of-Semester/Holiday Party. In back:
Susan Olmsted. In front left to right: Thomas Holden Dingus and David Frost.
Physics major Susan Olmsted attended the American Physical Society Division of Nuclear Physics meeting in Santa Fe New Mexico October 28-30, 2015. She presented a poster entitled
``Nuclear Data Compilation for Beta Decay Isotopes''. She conducted this research
last summer as part of a summer research program at the Triangle Universities Nuclear
Physics major Will Asbury gave a research talk at a conference for undergraduate research held
at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville October 30, 2015. The conference was
titled the Tennessee Experiential Learning Symposium. His talk was titled `Polarized
light observations of the eclipse of Epsilon Aurigae'. Dr. Richard Ignace from the
ETSU Department of Physics and Astronomy also attended this meeting.
The Society of Physics Students painting on the ETSU Pride Walk. Left to right:
Tim Payne, Susan Olmsted, Ashton Morelock, David Frost, Hannah Greene.
Students in the Variable Stars course, posing with the 14 inch telescope at Powell
Observatory. Left to right: Marc Cloyd, Hannah Greene, Ashton Morelock, and Macon
Magno. Marc Cloyd is an Astronomy minor; the other three are Physics majors.
Students in the Variable Stars class, running the telescope. Left: Marc Cloyd. Right:
Ashton Morelock.
Another picture of students in the Variable Stars course. Left to right: Ashton Morelock,
Macon Magno, and Marc Cloyd.
Twelve Physics Majors attended a lunch for majors in the Department August 21, 2015.
Devanshu Agrawal (Physics and Math double major, class of 2014) completed a masters
in Mathematics from ETSU in May 2016.
Recent Physics graduates Elizabeth Williams and Ben McKinney (both class of 2015)
attended the Spring 2016 Dept lunch held on April 20, 2016. Elizabeth is now a graduate
student in the Masters of Teaching program at ETSU, and Ben works at Woodridge Hospital
in Johnson City.
Three Physics alumni attended the December 9, 2015 End-of-Semester/Holiday Party.
Left to right: Ben McKinney (Class of 2015), Elizabeth Williams (Class of 2015),
and Chance Brown (Class of 2013).
ETSU Physics graduate Sabrina Hurlock (Class of 2010) started a new job teaching high
school math/science/engineering at a charter school called Knowledge Academies, located
outside of Nashville Tennessee
Physics and Mathematics graduate William Jamieson (Class of 2013) was received a National
Science Foundation graduate fellowship. He is a graduate student in Math at the
University of Nebraska Lincoln.
ETSU Physics graduate Joseph T. McNeil (Class of 2015) started graduate school in
Physics at the University of Florida in Gainesville in Fall 2015.
ETSU Physics graduate Kristen Campbell (Class of 2015) started medical school at the
University of Tennessee in Memphis this fall.
ETSU Physics graduate Elizabeth Williams (Class of 2015) started graduate school in
Education at ETSU this fall.
ETSU Physics graduate Zhicheng Zhang (Class of 2015) started graduate school in Mathematics
at ETSU this fall.
ETSU Physics major graduate Sharon Gray (Class of 2009) started a job as a lecturer
in the Physics and Astronomy Department at ETSU. After graduating from ETSU, Sharon
obtained a master's degree in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Tennessee.
Dr. Richard Ignace won the College of Arts and Sciences Research Award for 2015/2016
Department faculty Dr. Beverly Smith and Dr. Mark Giroux attended a meeting of the
Physics Teacher Education Coalition (PhysTEC) in Baltimore Maryland March 4 - 6, 2016.
They presented a poster entitled `Back to the Classroom: Teaching Radio Astronomy'.
This described a program in which Physics/Astronomy majors/minors participated in
a radio astronomy workshop, then did classroom presentations on radio astronomy.
For more information and pictures of the workshop, click here.
Retired Physics Professor Harry D. Powell attended the Dec 9, 2015 End-of-Semester
As noted above, former ETSU physics major Sharon Gray started a job as a lecturer in the Department in Fall 2015.
A picture of Department faculty member Beverly Smith at the Physics major lunch, August 2015.
Last updated: 6/21/2024