Learning Communities
Learning communities have become a common structure in the education of health professionals, providing the benefits such as enhancement of professional and personal growth, creating positive learning environments, and making an impact in the community. Each group was voted by students to be named after local hiking trails!
The Four Learning Communities
Here at Quillen, we like to think of learning community groups like houses, where students can have mentors in upperclassmen and their own community throughout their medical school journey. You will learn about career development, wellness, and how to improve the community in your learning communities. Your mentors will consist of students and faculty to encourage you to be involved, have fun, and be a guide in the medical school world.
Learning Communities host fun events each semester to bring all groups together as a whole. We have integrated competition between the groups in service projects such as food drives and supplies for the Ecuador Health Brigade. These activities serve as team building experiences and bond the groups together.
We will assign you to a "big" or "buddy" when you come into Quillen who will be in the same Learning Community. We want all students to have a mentor and community to lean on. Additionally, learning communities meet with their groups once a month whether it's to have dinner, play games at Tie Breakers, hiking, or some other activity!

Cloudland group’s legacy project is focused on Equity, they will create service projects in the community and leave an encouraging impact.
Faculty & Student Mentors
Rachel Walden (Faculty) | waldenrr@etsu.edu |
Russ Hayman (Faculty) | hayman@etsu.edu |
Jean Daniels (Faculty) | danielsj@etsu.edu |
Melissa Robinson (Faculty) | robinsonmd@etsu.edu |
Kirsten Dodson (M4 Student Mentor) | dodsonk@etsu.edu |
Tori Starks (M3 Student Mentor) | starksv@etsu.edu |
Grayson Blount (M2 Student Mentor) |
blountsg@etsu.edu |
Kassidy Morton (M2 Student Mentor) |
mortonkl@etsu.edu |
Ethan Jilek (M1 Student Mentor) |
JILEKE@mail.etsu.edu |
Zakaia Bell (M1 Student Mentor) | BELLZT@mail.etsu.edu |
Hartsell Hollow
Hartsell Hollow group’s legacy project is focused on Hunger, they will create service projects in the community and leave a helpful impact.
Faculty & Student Mentors
Nakia Woodward (Faculty) | woodardk2@etsu.edu |
Brian Cross (Faculty) | crossl@etsu.edu |
Dawn Tuell (Faculty) | tuell@etsu.edu |
Diana Nunley- Gorman (Faculty) | gorman@etsu.edu |
Amanda Stoltz (Faculty) | stoltz@etsu.edu |
Gracie Williams (M1 Student Mentor) |
WILLIAMSGC@mail.etsu.edu |
Janelle Bannor (M1 Student Mentor) | BANNOR@mail.etsu.edu |
Laken Bevins (M4 Student Mentor) | bevinslk@etsu.edu |
Trevor Phelps (M3 Student Mentor) | phelpstb@etsu.edu |
Leslie Matherne (M2 Student Mentor) |
matherneld@etsu.edu |
Toree Baldwin (M2 Student Mentor) |
baldwintc@etsu.edu |
Iron Mountain
Iron Mountain group’s legacy project is focused on Education, they will create service projects in the community and leave a positive impact.
Faculty & Student Mentors
Rick Wallace (Faculty) |
wallacer@etsu.edu |
Rob Schoborg (Faculty) | schoborg@etsu.edu |
Nadia Sabri (Faculty) | sabrin@etsu.edu |
Kelly Karpa (Faculty) | karpak@etsu.edu |
Beth Fox (Faculty) | foxba@etsu.edu |
Cheyenne Fugate (M1 Student Mentor) | FUGATECM@mail.etsu.edu |
Tyler Hale (M4 Student Mentor) | halejt1@etsu.edu |
Hassan Syed (M3 Student Mentor) | syedjh@etsu.edu |
Holeh Heydari (M2 Student Mentor) |
heydari@etsu.edu |
Radina Porashka (M2 Student Mentor) |
porashka@etsu.edu |
Laurel Falls
Laurel Falls group’s legacy project is focused on Housing, they will create service projects in the community and leave a great impact.
Faculty & Student Mentors
Caroline Abercrombie (Faculty) | abercrombiec@etsu.edu |
Emily Blevins (Faculty) | weyant@etsu.edu |
Ivy Click (Faculty) | click@etsu.edu |
Joshua Rogers (M1 Student Mentor) | ROGERSJN2@mail.etsu.edu |
Payton O'Quinn (M4 Student Mentor) | oquinnpc@etsu.edu |
Sara Myers (M3 Student Mentor) | myerssh@etsu.edu |
Gwendalyn Johnson (M2 Student Mentor) |
johnsongr4@etsu.edu |
Aarsh Patel (M2 Student Mentor) |
patela10@etsu.edu |

Have questions regarding learning communities at Quillen? Contact Gavin Andrews, Learning Community Coordinator at andrewsg@etsu.edu