University High School Student Spotlight - November 7, 2022

University High School Student Spotlight - November 7, 2022

High School Honoree – Emma Chandley

Emma has been a leader in Physical Education class all year long. She comes in with a smile on her face every day and brightens the mood for the entire class. Emma is always willing to engage in and have fun with the different activities that we have been learning. Her willingness to dive into the activities boost all of the students’ willingness to participate in class. During our badminton unit, she went out of her way to help students who were struggling with the skill we are working on that day. Her goal is obviously to see others be successful. This selflessness was even quickly noticed by ETSU professor Dr. O'Neil, who has been observing his college students while they work with my class. He was quick to point out how impressed he was with her positive attitude and willingness to help other students with the skills of badminton. This is an extension of her dedication and willingness to be a leader for the high school girls' basketball team. Emma is always willing to try her best no matter the situation while helping others improve as well.

Getting to know Emma:

  • What do you like to do for fun/relaxation?

“I like to hang out with my friends.  It’s fun, and helps get my mind of other things so that helps me relax.”


  • What are three things you would not want to live without?

“My family, phone, and cereal.  I love my family, I wouldn’t want to live without them.  Without my phone, I wouldn’t be able to check my grades, get messages so easily, and know what’s going on in the world. As for cereal, I love Fruit Loops, its one of my favorite snacks.”


  • What advice would you give a new student about University School?

“I would tell the new student to stay on top of their grades.  Use Power School to help.  Try not to fall behind and get to know their teachers and support staff.”


"Emma embodies the kind of physical education student that you love to have in your class,” said Mr. Johnny Bolton, Emma’s Wellness teacher. “She always has a positive attitude and always tries her best no matter the game or situation.  She consistently shows a willingness to help support her friends and others in the class.  Her leadership and positivity have definitely brightened the environment in class!”
