University School

K-12 Public School

University Middle School Student Spotlight November 18th, 2021

Student Spotlight


Middle School Honoree – Shanelle Cooper

Shanelle is a hard worker and she has been reading up a storm. She and her friend have also been finding Wordly Wise words in their novels each day!

Getting to know Shanelle Cooper:

  • Would you rather win $10,000 or let your best friend win $100,000? My best friend because I wouldn’t mange it well and would probably spend it all.”


  • What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received? “Don’t be a follower.


  • If you could have one song play every time you entered a room what would it be? I don’t really know because I listen to a lot of music.”


"Shanelle is a hard worker who has a smile for everyone,” said her Middle School teachers.  “We are so happy to see her excited about reading!”
