Ben Daugherty
Director of Operations
- daughertykb@etsu.edu
- (423) 439-7774
- Burgin Dossett Hall, Rm 301

Reporting Units

Lori Erickson
Assistant Vice President / HR Business PartnerHuman Resources
- ericksol@etsu.edu
- (423) 439-6124
- Burgin Dossett Hall, Rm 307

Laura Bailey
Associate Vice PresidentFacilities Management
- baileyle1@etsu.edu
- (423) 439-7900
- Bond Building, Rm 100

Mark Tipton
Chief of PoliceETSU Police Department
- tiptonlm@etsu.edu
- (423) 439-6900
- Parking Garage, Rm 207

Collaborative Units

Richard Sander
Interim Director of Intercollegiate AthleticsAthletics

Joy Fulkerson
Staff SenatePresident 2021-2023
- staffsenate@etsu.edu
- (423) 439-6633
- D.P. Culp Student Center, Rm 214F