MigratING an Existing Account
Migrating your previous ETSU account to a new ETSU university-wide account is recommended
due to the increased features available. However, there are details you must pay attention
to in order to ensure current and past research projects are maintained and preserved.
Please read this page fully before proceeding. If you have any questions about migrating your account, please email brand administrators
Dr. Kelly N. Foster and Ms. Morgan Kidd at etsuresearch@etsu.edu.
If you already have a Qualtrics account outside of the ETSU university-wide Qualtrics system (meaning you had one with your ETSU email address prior to December 2022) and would like to migrate the account into the ETSU university-wide system, your account can be migrated as long as you are a current faculty member, staff member, or student at ETSU and have an active ETSU email address. If you have an account using a departmental email address, you must contact Steve Webb in OIT to get a department account setup for the SSO.
Qualtrics USER MOVE
Before migrating your old account via "Qualtrics User Move", you will need to activate your new account within the ETSU site-wide Qualtrics system by signing in with the Qualtrics SSO. See ETSU Qualtrics home page for activation instructions.
Before asking Qualtrics to migrate your old account, please consider the following:
User moves generally take up to 30 days to complete after being filed, but you will have access to the accounts in the meantime. More information about the user move process can be found here.
You will lose your contacts unless you export them.
Any surveys that were shared with you or that you shared will be unshared during the move. To get access, the projects will need to be re-shared after the user move is complete.
Any specialty products, such as 360, EE, CX Dashboards, and SMS distributions will not transfer to your new account.
Any API integrations you've set up will likely need to be reformatted.
Any text topics from Text iQ will not transfer to your new account. If you'd like to keep your text topics, you will need to export your topics from your old account and import them into your new account.
Survey reports do not transfer in a user move.
Workflows do not transfer in a user move.
Any surveys that are open will need to be closed before we can complete the move, since active survey links do not transfer and can lead to respondents encountering errors during the move.
You may only keep one account library (including graphics, messages, files, and surveys in your library), either from your old account on the original brand or your new account on the destination brand. Please visit this support page to learn more about what's included in your account library. If you want to do a user move, please let Qualtrics support know which account library you’d like to keep during the user move, as Qualtrics cannot file the move without this information.
Additionally, you'll need to get permission from the Brand Administrators of both your current license and destination license to authorize this move.
Manual moves are when you transfer the content from your old account to your new ETSU account yourself. Manual moves are beneficial if you need to move content quickly, or are only moving some of your content. The process for performing a manual move is here.
Before migrating your old account to your new ETSU account manually, you will need to activate your new account within the ETSU site-wide Qualtrics system by signing in with the Qualtrics SSO. See ETSU Qualtrics home page for activation instructions.
Here are the circumstances where it’s best to do a manual move:
If you have not started to collect data and the account you want to be moved just has inactive surveys.
If you have collected data in the past and do not plan on reopening the surveys, but want the surveys and data in your new account.
You only want to move a few surveys, not hundreds.
On emailed surveys, you’re okay losing distribution names, history, and the ability to send thank you and reminder emails.
- NOTE: If you do not want to import all surveys and data to your new account (but still want to have access to your data, contact lists, or distribution histories), you can download all of these individually and archive them on your ETSU one-drive.