Microscopy Core Facility Contact Information:

Dr. Valentin Yakubenko
MCF Director
- yakubenko@etsu.edu
- 423-439-8511
- Carl A Jones Hall (VA Bldg 1) Room B131

Rolf Fritz
Confocal MicroscopyTransmission Electron Microscopy Services
- fritzr@etsu.edu
- 423-439-8322
- Bldg 119, Room 127
Photos used on this web site courtesy of:
- Dr. Donald Hoover / Chris Brown / Gage Armstrong / Tuqa Alkhateeb
- Dr. K. Krishnan / Janet Lightner
- Dr. Krishna Singh / Suman Dalal
- Dr. James R. Hayman / Cheryl Moore
- Dr. Zachary Walls
- Rolf Fritz
Some verbiage used on this web site has been taken directly from the associated company web sites for maintaining accuracy of their product information.