Eve Wadzinski, MD
After being accepted into several medical schools including the one she thought was her dream school and deciding to take a chance on a small city in East Tennessee, meet Dr. Eve Wadzinski. When interviewing at Quillen, knowing the 4 years of her life would be hard and after seeing the area and meeting the down-to-earth people, she felt at home and was thankful for the decision she made. Dr. Wadzinski is a 2006 Department of Pediatrics Residency graduate. She loved residency and the attendings that taught her throughout her time. “I truly felt like the Peds attendings valued and trusted us as residents and that helped me grow in confidence and ability.” Since graduating she has served as an Active-Duty Pediatrician at Cannon Air Force Base in New Mexico, Outpatient Pediatrician at a small rural pediatric office in Tennessee; and is now currently a Hospitalist caring for newborns. Even though, the hospital can be busy and crazy, that does not stop her! She has 5 kids with full schedules and an assortment of animals encompassing her love and care, which is a true talent and hobby for Dr. Wadzinski. “I work a lot on being present for what’s in front of me and not being swept away with distraction.” Being self-driven and dedicated, she strives to go hiking with her kids once a week and take short getaways with her husband, to unwind and pull away from the overwhelming life of being a physician.
Dr. Wadzinski’s advice for Medical Students & Residents
For medical students: “Support each other and enjoy this time."
For residents: “Don’t disregard any rotations or experiences because you think you
won’t need that knowledge later. Even within gen peds, what I’ve done over the years
has changed and the breadth of things I was exposed to during residency is what gave
me the confidence to step out and do something slightly new."

Mary Kearns, MD
From palm trees to mountain tops, Mary Kearns, MD, was thrilled to match with ETSU Pediatric Residency for the start of her future becoming the General Pediatrician she is today. While in residency Dr. Kearns enjoyed the beautiful location and working alongside her amazing co-residents and faculty to serve the children and our unique population. In 2008, Dr. Kearns left the mountains to return home to the palm trees where she takes nature walks, trips to the beach, listening to music, reading, thrifting, and spending time with her friends and family to help balance her life of being a provider to little ones of Stuart, Florida.
Dr. Kearn’s advice for Medical Students & Residents
Prioritize sleep and self care! Don’t be afraid to ask for help or support if you need it.