According to our exit survey, most DrPH graduates are working fulltime (70%) and some are in post-doctoral positions (30%). We are proud to share that our graduates have established roles in a variety of organizations including the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Meals on Wheels, RTI International, University North Carolina, US Air Force, and East Tennessee State University, among others. To update alumni information, please contact Dara Young at
Community Health
Oluwatamilayo "Tomi" Adeniji
Rachel Dean
Ronald Harding
Harrison Ihrig
Kilonzo Richard Mutua
Aimee Rowe
Nikita Cudjoe
Heather Wingate
Health Management and Policy
Kailee Havrda
Kusse Toitole
Natasha Vernekar
Rhonda Williams
Community Health
Kawther Al Ksir
Dissertation: Radon Environmental Health Literacy in Northeast Tennessee
Mary Brannock
Familial Sex Trafficking in East Tennessee
Margaret Francisco
Christen Minnick
Sonja Pearson
Hannah Warren
Rakesh Adelli
Influence of Medication Assisted Treatment Weaning on Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome and Outcomes Among Infants Born to Women with Opioid Use Disorder
Matthew Beer
Amanda Blackwelder
Cost Saving and Resource Limited Public Health Interventions in Southeast Asia
Vanessa Morman
Charles Olomofe
Exploring the Correlates and Predictors of COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy and Uptake Among People Living With HIV/AIDS in Tennessee
Joel Reagan
Amy Wahlquist
Health Management and Policy
Esther Adebayo-Abikoye
The Association between Prenatal Care and Postpartum Depression: Current State and Future Directions
Adeola Ayo
Healthcare Providers’ Screening and Counseling for Tobacco Use Among Youth in the United States: Prevalence, Practices, and Providers’ Perspectives
Opal Frye-Clark
Nicole Galler
An Assessment of the Current State of Nursing Homes in the United States, Southern Region, and Tennessee
Benjamin Schoenberg
Community Health
Jordan Chase Harless
Dissertation: Exploring Sexual and Reproductive Health Care in Central Appalachia Through the Experiences of Transgender and Gender Non-Binary People
Marissa Kluk
Phoebe Tchoua
Dissertation: Exploring the Food Parenting Practices Among Black Immigrant Mothers in Metro Atlanta, GA
Shahin "Ellie" Zare
Gabriela Guerra Abrego
COVID-19 Vaccine Uptake in the Hispanic and Latinx Communities of Northeast Tennessee
Hopelyn Mooney
Michael Prough
Jacob Schultz
Emerging Tick-Borne Diseases in Northeast Tennessee
Health Management and Policy
Johanna Cimilluca
Currently: Fiscal Director, Southeast AIDS Education Center, Vanderbilt University Medical Center.
Dissertation Title: Key Determinants of Using Telehealth Technologies among Underserved Populations from the Perspective of Patients and Providers
Chris Honeycutt
Dissertation: Profitable, Alternative Income Generation and Improved Quality of Life Among Global Beekeepers
Kristen Surles
Currently: Presidential Management Fellow, Health Specialist, National Cancer Institute (NCI), National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Community Health
Fenose Osedeme, DrPH
Currently: Research Survey Scientist, RTI International, North Carolina
Dissertation: Perceptions, Knowledge, and Attitudes about Long-Acting Reversible Contraceptives (LARCs) among Women in Appalachian Tennessee
Esther Adeniran, DrPH
Dissertation: Examining the State of Substance Use Treatment among Youth and Adults in the United States
Melissa White, DrPH
Currently: Research Associate, CARE Women's Health
Dissertation: Assessing Best Practices, Perceptions, and Barriers to Breastfeeding in the Appalachian Region
Health Management and Policy
Manul Awasthi, DrPH
Dissertation: Overview of Transition Care Clinics and Patient No-Shows
Adekunle Oke, DrPH
Currently: Pediatric Resident, BronxCare Health System, New York
Kathleen Tatro, DrPH
Currently: Postdoctoral Researcher, Kennesaw State University, Georgia
Community Health
Christopher Dumas
Leah Ferguson, DrPH
Dissertation: Active Travel for Children and Youth: Lessons from Active Routes to Schools North Carolina
Dumisa Nyarambi, DrPH
Currently: Grants Coordinator, Northeast State Community College, Tennessee
Christian Nwabueze, DrPH
Dissertation: Investigating the Association between Adolescent Polysubstance Use, Crime, and Violence in the United States
Health Management and Policy
Paezha McCartt
Glory Okwori , DrPH
Currently: CDC Adverse Childhood Experiences Surveillance Fellow
Community Health
Erin Mauck, DrPH
Currently: Assistant Professor, East Tennessee State University
Dissertation: A Qualitative Analysis of End-of-Life Healthcare in Tennessee: Politics, Principles, and Perceptions
Anthony Peluso, DrPH
Currently: Assistant Professor, Midwestern University
Dissertation: A Mixed-Methods Analysis of Abortion Attitudes and Perceptions among Women Living in Alabama and South Carolina
Environmental Health
Mercy Aula, PhD
Currently: Assistant Professor, Environmental Health Sciences, University of Alabama Birmingham
Dissertation: Occupational Health Assessment of Tomato Farmworkers in East Tennessee
Ogbebor Omoike, DrPH
Community Health
Kiriinya Mwirigi, DrPH
Currently: Child Nutrition Specialist, CN Resource
Kristy Gagnon
Community Health
Gabrielle Caldara, DrPH
Dissertation: Exploration of Rape Myths Among Former Military Professionals
Taylor Dula, DrPH
Assistant Dean of Student Services, East Tennessee State University College of Public Health
Dissertation: Correctional Career Pathways: A Reentry Program for Incarceration
Olivia Egen, DrPH
Dissertation: Positive and Negative Deviant Counties: Identification of Factors Associated with Health Outcomes
Angela Hagaman, DrPH
Operations Director, Addiction Science Center
Dissertation: Peer Recovery Support Specialists: Role Clarification and Fit Within the Recovery Ecosystems of Central Appalachia
Samuel Pettyjohn, DrPH
Currently: Center for Rural Health and Research, East Tennessee State University College of Public Health
Environmental Health
Emmanuel Odame, PhD
Currently: Assistant Professor, Environmental Health Sciences, University of Alabama Birmingham
Dissertation: Assessing Heat-Related Mortality and Morbidity Risks in Rural Populations and Sub-Populations
Candice Collins, DrPH
Currently: Allan Rosenfield HIV/AIDS Public Policy Fellow, amFAR, The Foundation for Aids Research
Dissertation: HIV-Related Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviors in Two Low Resource Settings
Ifeoma Ozodiegwu, DrPH
Currently: Assistant Professor, Health Informatics and Data Science, Loyola University
Dissertation: The Prevalence and Context of Adult Female Overweight and Obesity in Sub-Saharan Africa
Community Health
Oluwatosin Ariyo, DrPH
Currently: Health Scientist, Division of STD Prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Dissertation: Correlates of Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccine Acceptance in Appalachian Tennessee
Alexis Decosimo, DrPH
Currently: Executive Director and Art Therapist, Playing to Live!
Dissertation: The Evaluation of a Psychosocial Expressive Arts Program in Liberia During the Ebola Epidemic
Stephanie Mathis, DrPH
Currently: Research Assistant Professor, East Tennessee State University Center for Rural Health and Research
Environmental Health
Dennis Gilfillan, PhD
Currently: Business Intelligence & Data Analyst, North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics
The Ecology of Fecal Indicators-
Joseph Kusi, PhD
Currently: Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental Sciences, Southern Illinois University - Edwardsville
Dissertation: Potential Toxicity of Silver Nanoparticles to Microbial Communities and Macroinvertebrates
Abraham Alhassan, DrPH
Currently: Resident Physician, New York City Health + Hospitals
Dissertation: Assessment of Social, Dietary and Biochemical Correlates of Cardiometabolic Risk in Pre-adolescent Hispanic Children
Shaoqing Gong, DrPH
Currently: Postdoctoral Fellow, Health Administration and Policy Institute, School of Public Policy and Administration, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, Shaanxi Province, China
Dissertation: An Epidemiological Study of Obesity Among Asian Americans in California, United States
Julie Obenauer-Motley, DrPH
Currently: Section Supervisor, National Security Analysis Department
The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory-
Ruby Yadav, DrPH
Currently: Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) Surveillance Director,
Communicable and Environmental Disease and Emergency Preparedness Division, Tennessee Department of HealthDissertation: Context, Delivery, and Providers’ Perspectives of Family Life Education in TN, USA
Community Health
Carter Florence, DrPH
Currently: Director, Strategy and Impact, Meals on Wheels America
Dissertation: Rural-Urban Variations in Meals on Wheels Programs
Bethesda O'Connell, DrPH
Currently: Assistant Professor, Community and Behavioral Health, East Tennessee State University College of Public Health
Dissertation: Biosand Water Filter Evaluation: Meta-Evaluation and Pilot Study of Field Use Indicators
Yang Chen, DrPH
Currently: ORISE Fellow,
Chronic Viral Diseases Branch, Centers for Disease Control and PreventionDissertation:
An Epidemiological Study of Hepatitis C Virus Infection Among U.S. Population-
Daniel Owusu, DrPH
Epidemic Intelligence Service, Class of 2019
Currently: Senior Service Fellow, Influenza Division, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Community Health
Janice Greene, DrPH
Currently: Decommissioning Program Manager, Babcock & Wilcox
Phenomenological Study of the Lived Experiences of Appalachian Spouses of Combat Veterans with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder-
Megan Housenick-Lee, DrPH
Currently: MRI Technologist, Ballad Health
Social-Ecological Factors Affecting Patient Shield Use Among Radiologic and Computed Tomography Technologists-
Paula Masters, DrPH
Currently: Vice President of Health Programs, Ballad Health
Dissertation: Evaluating Socially Determined Health in Rural Appalachia: Use of the Social Quality Theory
Jenna Middlebrooks, DrPH
Currently: Quality and Performance Improvement Manager, WithHealth
Trends in Early Childhood Caries Rates in the Nashville Area Indian Health Services Tribes-
Natalie Walker, DrPH
Factors Influencing Healthy Eating and Physical Activity Behaviors of Adolescents in Appalachia
Bill Brooks, DrPH
Currently: Assistant Professor, East Tennessee State University College of Public Health Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology
Malendie Gaines, DrPH
Currently: Clinical Research Coordinator, Emory University
The Influence of Race and Gender on HIV Risk Behaviors in High School Students in the Southern States of the United States
Community Health
Cindy Phillips, DrPH
Currently: Assistant Professor/Academic Director, Undergraduate Programs, College of Nursing, East Tennessee State University (Sevierville)
Psychological and Sociocultural Influences of Current and Historical Intimate Partner Violence in Pregnancy-
Michelle Reece, DrPH
Currently: Assistant Professor, College of Health and Human Services,
Department of Public Health - Western Kentucky University-
Colleen Scott, DrPH
Epidemic Intelligence Service, Class of 2014
Currently: Behavioral Epidemiologist, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Global Immunization Division
Evaluation of Key Components of Draft Guidelines for the National Weather Service TsunamiReadyTM Community Program-
Rachel Ward, DrPH
Currently: Adjunct Faculty, ETSU College of Public Health
Christian Williams, DrPH
Currently: Assistant Professor and Director of Public Health Program, College of Health Sciences & Nursing, Belmont University
Assessing Health Department Readiness for Public Health Accreditation through Quality Improvement
Kate Callahan-Myrick, DrPH
Currently: Chronic Disease Epidemiologist, South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control
Assessing the Social and Ecological Factors that Influence Childhood Overweight and Obesity
Community Health
Emma Apatu, DrPH
Currently: Program Director, MPH Program, Department of Health Research Methods, Evidence, and Impact, McMaster University
Human Response during the September 29, 2009, South Pacific Earthquake and Tsunami in American Samoa-
Twanda Wadlington, DrPH
Currently: Director of Grant Development, My Health My Resources of Tarrant County (Fort Worth, Texas)
David Blackley, DrPH
Epidemic Intelligence Service, Class of 2013
Currently: Research Epidemiologist, Surveillance Branch, Respiratory Health Division, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
Nicole Holt, DrPH
Currently: MPH Program Director, Virginia Tech
Community Health
Katie Baker, DrPH
Currently: Scientific Review Officer, National Institutes of Health
Preventing Skin Cancer in Adolescent Girls Through Intervention with Their Mothers-
Kasie Richards, DrPH
Currently: Senior Director, Situational Awareness & Decision Support, American Red Cross
As the Crow Flies: An Underrepresentation of Food Deserts in the Rural Appalachian Mountains-
Jodi Southerland, DrPH
Currently: Assistant Professor, ETSU College of Public Health
Health-Related Quality of Life and Future Care Planning Among Older Adults: Exploring the Role of Hope as a Moderator
Megan Quinn, DrPH
Currently: Associate Professor of Epidemiology, ETSU College of Public Health
Exploring the Unique Characteristics of Cancer in Adolescents and Young Adults in Tennessee-
Phani Veeranki, DrPH
Currently: Director, Optum
Advancing Global Tobacco Control: Exploring Worldwide Youth Attitudes and Behaviors toward Tobacco Use and Control
Community Health
Grace Tettey, DrPH
Grace Tettey, DrPH (alumna)
Currently: Adjunct Faculty, ETSU College of Public Health
Environmental Health
Lok Pokhrel, PhD
Currently: Assistant Professor and Public Health Practice and Foundations Certificate Department of Public Health, East Carolina University
Evaluation of Colloidal Stability and Ecotoxicity of Metal-based Nanoparticles in the Aquatic and Terrestrial Systems
Liang Wang, DrPH
Currently: Director of Epidemiology and Associate Professor, Baylor University
Community Health
Roger Blackwell, DrPH
Currently: Clinical Instructor, Department of Community and Behavioral Health, ETSU College of Public Health
Health Service Utilization and Stigma among HIV-Positive Men-Who-Have-Sex-With Men (MSM) in Rural Appalachia-
Melissa Neal Stein, DrPH
Currently: Senior Project Associate, Policy Research Associates, Inc.
Adjunct Lecturer, University of North Carolina at CharlotteDissertation:
Evaluating the School Performance of Elementary and Middle School Children of Incarcerated Parents.
Nash Aragam, DrPH
Currently: Statistical Research Specialist & Data Manager, Office of Policy & Data Management, Tennessee Department of Health
Genome-Wide Association Analysis of Major Depressive Disorder and Its Related Phenotypes.-
La'Shan Taylor, DrPH
Epidemic Intelligence Service, Class of 2009
Currently: Sadly, Dr. Taylor passed away in 2019.
Environmental Health
Kimberlee Hall, PhD
Currently: Associate Professor and Program Director, Environmental Health Program, Western Carolina University