Dr. Kimberly Summey

Dr. Kimberly Summey
High School Math
Alexander Hall Room 305
Click any of the following links for more information
Curriculum Vitae
Kimberly Summey
Phone (423) 439-4271, Fax (423) 439 - 5921
2020: Ed.D. Curriculum and Instruction; Linocln Memorial University
2013: Ed.S. Curriculum and Instruction; Lincoln Memorial Universit
2011: M.Ed. Educational Technology and Communication; East Tennessee State University1997: B.S. Mathematics; East Tennessee State University
1998: Tennessee Professional Educator; Mathematics 7-12; Highly Qualified, K-6, 7-8, 9-121997: North Carolina Educator; Mathematics 9-12
2008 - Present: University School; East Tennessee State University; Statewide Dual Credit Pre-Calculus, Pre-Calculus, Advanced Algebra and Trigonometry, Algebra II, Geometry, Algebra I, Foundations II
2000 - 2008: Daniel Boone High School, Gray, TN; Algebra II, Algebra I, Technical Algebra, Technical Mathematics, FOundations II
1999, 2000 Summer: Dobyns-Bennett High School, Kingsport, TN; Foundations II, Algebra II, Geometry
1998 - 2000: Cherokee High School, Rogersville, TN; Applied Math I, Applied Math II, Pre-Algebra, Geometry
1997 - 1998 Mitchell County Schools, Bakersville, NC; 7-8 Math; 4-8 Computer Skills
2011 - "Designing a Web Site to Support Students' Learning and Communication"; NCTM 2011 Regional Conference and Exposition; Atlantic City, NJ;
2001 - "Applications of Graphing using the TI-83 Plus", Northeast Tennessee Partnership Tech Prep ConsortiumORGANIZATIONS
2008 - Present National Council of Teachers of MathematicsSERIVCE
Institutional Service
Faculty Senate, East Tennessee State University, 2012-2014
Data Analysis Professional Learning Community; University School; 2011 - present
Extended Day Logistics Committee; co-chair; University School; Spring 2011Mentor for College of Education students; Fall 2011, Spring 2012, Spring 2013
College of Education Teacher Board Interviews; Fall 2010, Spring 2012
Policies and Procedures Professional Learning Community; University School; 2009 - 2011
Community Service
Doran Addition Church, Kingsport, TN; Webmaster; Sunday school instructor, age birth to five; 2003 presentRESEARCH
2013 - “Kinesthetic Movement and Its Effect on Academic Achievement”; Joint research completed with Ginger Holdren and Josh Boatman. The research was later presented at the Niswonger Foundation School Success Symposium by Ginger Holdren, 2013.
2020 - Dissertation: “Teacher-Perceived Barriers to Math Achievement and Implementation of Literature-Based Recommendations for Change in Math Instruction in Grades 4 through 8". Submitted to Lincoln Memorial University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of doctor of education. https://digitalcommons.lmunet.edu/edddissertations/25
2013 - “Increasing Parental Involvement in Education: A Meta-Analytic Review”; Joint project with Josh Boatman, Ginger Holdren, and Melissa McClain submitted to Lincoln Memorial University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Education Specialist. The project was selected for publication by the Research and Publication Committee of the Carter of Moyers School of Education at Lincoln Memorial University.
1st Period - 8:00-9:00
Room 305Planning2nd Period - 9:05-10:00Room 305
Algebra 23rd Period - 10:05-11:00Room 305
Pre-Calculus4th Period - 11:05-12:00Room 305GeometryAP 1 - 12:05-12:30
Math Lab (Tuesday & Friday) / LunchAP 2 - 12:35-1:00Math Lab (Wednesday) / Lunch6th Period - 1:05-2:00Room 305Geometry7th Period - 2:05-3:00Room 305Algebra 2