Fall 2013
TN BETA Chapter, South Eastern Section
Fall 2013 Activity

President Chandler (left), faculty co-advisor Robert Beeler, Secretary Gray (back row), and former Vice President Rodriguez (right).
The Tennessee Beta Chapter met on Friday, October 4, 2013 in Gilbreath Hall, room 304. Membership fees were used to provide pizza from the Italian Pizza Pub for the attendees. The topics of business discussed included:
- Concern over bank fees charged to our chapter for the current banking account we have. President Dustin Chandler will check with Treasurer Jennifer Houser about options. It was reported that our current balance of funds is about $450.
- Comments were made by faculty co-advisor Bob Gardner about the possibility of getting TN Beta KME coffee cups or t-shirts, but concern over a lack of interest reflected by the small turn-out of members lead to the conclusion that this project will be postponed and addressed again later.
- The possibility of getting cords for graduation in recognition of membership in Kappa Mu Epsilon. The only KME regalia consists of the small pins provided to members upon their initiation to KME. Secretary Aaron Gray has sent out an e-mail to active members to gauge interest in pursuing this.
Dr. Bob again gave his presentation "Permutation Groups: Cycles, Transpositions, and Futurama." The PowerPoint presentation is available by clicking on the following picture:

The meeting was attended by both faculty co-advisors, five TN Beta members, and one guest.

Also attending, were KME member Forbes (right) and guest Blackburn (front row).
Return to the TN Beta KME Chapter website.
Last updated: October 6, 2013.